Doomsday Wonderland

: 1309 Money is hard to earn, it is difficult to eat, this golden jade is good, and you share with t


When Wu Lun got up, what she saw in her eyes was the old newspaper that was covered with land. The coffee table sofa table TV was all gone, her cot became a boat floating in the ocean of old newspapers; Lin Sanjiu sat in the middle of the newspaper, watching her in the newspaper and saying, "Good morning."

"I, my furniture?" Ba girl jumped up. "That's the landlord, no, I have to pay for it!"

"I received the card library," Lin San's wine head did not lift, straightened his arm and turned his hand, suddenly fell out of the palm of the coffee table; she took a shot, the coffee table disappeared from the ground. "Nothing is lost, you can rest assured, I will make a place for a while."

Wu Lun stuttered for a minute, because he couldn't reasonably face this scene, and even turned it under the bed for a long time, as if he could find the coffee table under the bed that he didn't know where to go.

"You are doing a good job. The news of the geeks is from time to time, but... no news is a great event."

"Your magic has become very good." Wu Lun seems to take the initiative to block the phenomenon that he can not explain, and his mind turned to the newspaper and replied: "I said it, these are not strange."

Lin San wine looked at the newspaper in his hand again.

In a city in the next province, an unidentified person occupies a residential building. The residents of the whole community have been "promoted and brainwashed" by some so-called gods, and secretly formed an evil [] Like the organization, the person is the "head of the adults." After the operation of this [] teaching organization underground for more than half a year, the police who had been laid out for a long time in the local area broke through and successfully captured the first criminal and other suspects.

... If the first offender is really an evolutionary, it is the most embarrassing evolution of Lin Sanjiu.

Moreover, this report was published in a newspaper three months ago.

There is also a news, not a news. A charity posted a notice saying that they had recently admitted a paranoid mental patient, suspected to have just ran out of it, without any identity documents. The patient claimed that he was about to end the world, and asked everyone to listen to him and give him convenience. At the time, Lin Sanjiu thought that he finally found clues from other evolutionists; it was not until he read that "the patient was born with great strength and required three male carers to subdue him." No evolutionist - unless it is just a short-lived, poor ability - will be held down by three ordinary people in the district.

The anecdotes she can find are just the same news as these; as Wu Lun said, there are people in the society, and occasionally one or two such things are really normal.

In this way, she can rule out the possibility that "the evolutionary came to the world early in the morning"; it seems that the Anida is not an evolutionary.

The biggest possibility left now is that the evolutionists will be concentrated in the recent period, and may even have arrived. What other people will make trouble? Can't always be like her, so gentle and respectful?

Just as she appears wet on the streets, when other evolvers are transmitted, it will definitely have some impact. Perhaps these effects are too small. She has rummaged through the recent newspapers and found no similar reports. Without the Internet, there is no first-hand sighting report. People can only passively receive news from various institutions after screening.

There seems to be no other way, just to prepare for the last day, while waiting for other evolutionists to take the lead? Besides, during this time, she can just practice practicing consciousness and see what happens to the teacher.

"You are still very good in this person's heart. If I said to help you, I will definitely help you." Lin Sanjiu looked at Wu Lun. "Since you have taken a vacation, let's go to work."

"What is the right thing?"

"Food, weapons, medicines, daily necessities, you have to buy."

Wu Lun cried and asked: "You haven't forgotten this?"

"I don't really have a lot of ordinary weapons. We can add some of them, such as compound bows, long knives, baseball bats, and burning bottles. Is your gun legal? Is it illegal? It is troublesome to get it." Lin San wine climbed up and said, "There are not too many kinds of medicines. If you have food, you can buy more and you can afford it..."

Unfortunately, her supplies have been ruined a lot, or they will not worry about this.

"Don't say it!" Wu Lun's face is white. "I can hear it, I thought I was afraid of [] molecules!"

"Not afraid, there is me."

"What's the use of you!" Wu Lun quickly thought for a few seconds and found the best excuse: "I have no money, I can't buy anything."

"You are not a monthly salary -"

"My moonlight."

"Four thousand five..."

"Do you think there are a lot of four thousand five?"

Lin Sanjiu raised his suspicion. "Really not? Then you didn't ask me to take the money last night, what are you going to give me?"

Wu Lun supported me, "I was at that time... in order to save my life, I could say anything."

Lin San wine looked at her up and down several times, twisting her to see it, as if she had crawled the insects in her clothes. If she really refuses to take out the deposit, Lin Sanjiu can't grab it. Besides, comparing her salary with the local rent, she knows that she really has no money, and it is useless.

If this is the case, then see if you can get some money with this evolutionary ability. Don't say anything else, the ability of Mike Duck, who has been in her for a long time, has turned her into a business tycoon in this world. Maybe it's okay?

"Let's go," Lin Sanshui waved. "Let's make money."

Wu Lun took a look at the mental illness and swept her. "The money is hard to earn, it's hard to eat, your spirit... You don't have this statement there? What means do you intend to make money?"

……do not know.

Two days ago, she still had 110,000 who could work hard and spend her time. How could she start to make money for her money?

Lin Sanjiu sighed. "I can figure out what to do in the house, and there is no net. Go, go out and go."

Waiting for Wu Lun to follow her on the street, the two stood on the road, looking at each other for a long time, do not know where to go to make money. The street in the morning was soaked in the sun, and the appearance of the world was alive: the aunt took the grandson and walked on the road, and the students who skipped classes rode on bicycles and rushed over. In such a morning full of days, Lin Sanjiu had to ask: "Do you know where you can see someone recruiting a bodyguard? You can do it. Or, where is there a black boxing?"

"I think you may not know much about the profession of ba."

Lin San wine frowns for a moment. She read a novel of the end of the world many years ago, vaguely remembering that the protagonist did not know how to know in advance, and bought a lot of large sums of supplies... the only thing is not to mention how to make money. What is this art from life? Can a literary work that is not down to earth be a good work?

When Wu Lun approached her again, she had two bags of dumplings and two cups of soy milk. "Eat," she said with a sympathetic face. "I don't want to make money. When you have a good illness, you will be safe and stable in the future..."

"Don't you have a bully in this city? No black [] will it? Is it not rich?"

"What are you talking about?" Wu Lun took a bite of soy milk. "There are more than 10 million people in this city. Yes, I can know?"

It’s useless.

Do you have to steal? But she didn't even steal it.

"Oh, the team leader didn't agree with me to ask for a full day off." Wu Lun stood on the side of the road and ate a dumpling while looking at the phone. He said vaguely: "She only gave me half a day... afternoon four I still have to go to work. Don’t look at me like this, this is the only way to make money."

She picked up the phone and asked, "Where did you live?"

Oh, yes, she probably still remembers to find a family for herself. "On another planet," Lin Sanshui asked for truth and said with sincerity: "The place is called Biyue Huangquan. I bought a spaceship there. My friend and I live on the spaceship, the place is big, etc. After the end of the day, you can also go live."

Wu Lun’s face clearly became desperate.

"Pull it down," she put the last dumpling into her mouth and handed another bag to Lin San. "I don't think you can tell what year and month you are in. This way, anyway, I have a rare half-day vacation. You can accompany me to the city."

"You want me to accompany?" Lin San wine was surprised.

"Although your spirit... oh, as long as you don't mention the end of the world, you are still quite normal." Wu Lun gestured to the bus stop and said, "You look very good, good shape, it's a pity." If you are good, maybe we can be friends."

"Now it can be." Lin Sanshui said.

Wu Lun suddenly looked at her, said nothing, and went on to the bus stop. Lin Sanji pressed the pace and followed her for a while, but her heart gradually came to understand, whispered: "You... are you always alone?"

Otherwise, how can I let a mental illness who just met a day go out with me?

"I am used to it. I have to talk to so many customers during the day... It’s good to call my mother on weekends." Wu Lun whispered.

In such a big city, with a population of more than 10 million, she can only say a few words to others because of her work.

"Are you lonely?" Wu Lun seemed to feel her thoughts and turned and asked. "Are you alone before last night?"

"No," Lin Sanshui lowered his head and suddenly wanted to smile. "Although my friends and I are constantly being dispersed by time, I am not lonely."

"It's so good." Wu Lun sighed.

The two quietly waited for the bus. When Lin Sanjiu walked into the carriage, he almost thought that he had returned to his hometown. He just shook his eyes, and all kinds of people were different faces.

“I have been here for almost a year, and I haven’t taken the time to go downtown.” Wu Lun explained, “There is an art street over there, and a very beautiful museum... I have to take a lot of photos this time, I I want to send it to my mom."

Just now she also put a day off, Lin Sanjiu thought when approaching the museum. After all, she struggled for so long in the last days, isn’t she?

She thought of looking up here and found a huge picture of the Pygmalion collar hanging on the wall of the museum entrance.

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