Doomsday Wonderland

: 1310 Jiangyang Thief Lin Sanjiu


"What's wrong?" Wu Lun was shocked by the reaction of Lin Sanjiu. He hurriedly stepped back two steps. It was probably that the mental patient was finally going to get sick. He asked carefully: "How come you suddenly... Do you know this? local?"

Even if she knew that she had recruited passers-by to turn back frequently, Lin Sanjiu still spent a little while, and finally stabilized her emotions - her eyes still could not move.

It is indeed the [Pygmalion Collar], no matter the texture, color, shape, it is exactly the same as the bottom of her neck bandage. If there is any difference, it is that the collar on the photo seems to be a little bleak, and it can't be radiant, just like it has been worn away for a long time.

She slammed her eyebrows a little, and couldn’t figure out what it was all about.

There is only one Pygmalion collar in the protagonist photo. In addition, there is a small line in the lower right corner, which reads “International Touring Zone, Lady Catherine Kennedy Collection”.

"I'm fine... What is this?" Lin Sanjiu wiped his face hard and felt that he should be calm enough, and then he pointed to it and whispered to Wu Lun.

"Where do I know, it seems to be a piece of jewelry?" Wu Lun looked at the photo for a while. "Can we go in and see if we don't know? Hey, these days are a cultural artifact exhibition... Originally there are jewelry. It's beautiful, is not it?"

If this is also called beautiful, then Wu Lun really should look at the look of the "Pygmalion collar" during the heyday.

... Why does she use the word "heyday"?

Lin San wine was full of doubts as Wu Lun approached the museum gate, and he doubted that he had an illusion. Is it possible that the [Pygmalion Collar] was originally a beautiful piece of jewelry in the ordinary society, and it changed after the last days? Just like humans?

Thinking about it, it seems that only this explanation is the most reliable.

When she returned to God, she realized that Wu Lun had asked her the same question twice.

"You don't have money?" Ba knows the answer, still can't help but hold a trace of luck, and also showed out a 20-dollar bill to show her. "This thing, do you have it? Even one or two will do."

"There is no half a piece. What happened?"

"I want to buy tickets." Wu Lun squinted and hesitated for a while, as if he really didn't want to pick up his wallet. Perhaps with the spirit of "coming here," she sighed and turned to the ticket window: "Two adult tickets, thank you... that, can mental patients not be discounted?"

In the straight eyes of the ticket seller, he handed over the past few bills and collected the tickets. Lin San wine is wearing her eyes and licking her, she can feel her pain.

"I can take something else to you,"

The two went up the stairs and came to the gate, and the glass door opened automatically. Lin Sanjiu looked at the card library while walking, and said in the mood of the dripping water, the springs said: "I have some dry food and canned food here, a few knives, hehe, how can I still have a small blasting wave? of……"

"I beg you not to say anything more," Wu Lun quickly pulled her. "The front is security, can you not let me be taken away?"

Don't look at her living in modern society for more than 20 years, but now it is the first time Lin Sanjiu has seen such a heavily guarded security check outside the airport. The people who came to visit the museum seemed to have become accustomed to it. Naturally, they formed a queue before the security check; they put all kinds of bags on the crawler and walked in the middle of the metal detection door. Wu Lun also put his own bag up and passed through the inspection door - Lin Sanjiu just had to go with the past, and the door was "drip".

"Try again," one of the security guards said to her.

Once again, the door screamed unscrupulously, sharp enough to make people want to punch it into a dumb.

A female security guard said: "Is it a belt buckle?"

Lin Sanjiu picked up his own vest and hem, and there was no belt on the field pants. The clothes that I wear now are specially written by the gift bag, which is more suitable than the work of the senior tailor, and where the belt is used.

“Watch? Earrings?” The female security guard came over and took a test stick. She was ready to start sweeping her from bottom to top; Lin San’s wine was almost conditioned to fly her hand out – it’s true In the literal sense of flying out - it is good to endure in time. A stranger, holding a thing that doesn't know what it is, sweeping it on himself, she can endure for a few seconds at most...

As the mind hit a thought, Lin Sanji suddenly flashed backwards, avoiding the test stick that would be on the chest. The female security guard was stunned by her speed. She didn’t speak. She followed back a few steps and said, “I don’t have to check me.”

She knows what went wrong.

What the door detected was the Pygmalion collar on her neck. No one has asked her to take a bandage to look at it, but if the test stick shows her warning on her neck, she will have nine more suspicious moments when she arrives: no other thoughts, what are you doing under the bandage? ? She couldn't take a bandage when she arrived, and she couldn't take a bandage.

"What happened to you?" the female security guard asked suspiciously.

Wu Lungang took the bag and saw that it seemed to be bad. He hurriedly ran out and explained: "Sorry, sorry, my friend has no patience..."

She said that she had pulled Lin Sanjiu and took the latter to the side and whispered, "What happened to you? What did you bring with you?"

"You go ahead, I will go in and find you later." Lin Sanshui looked up at the entrance hall of the museum.

In addition to the security checkpoint, another two-thirds of the space was intercepted by a belt without deterrence. Those sheep-like urbanites were taken to the security checkpoint, one after another bent down, straight up, and walked. In the past, I bent down again... behind the security checkpoint, there is a pavilion hall with marble floors; on the side of the hall is a glass wall, which is reflected in the bright sunlight, and people are diverted and diluted in the sun. . As soon as she looked up, she found two cameras hanging from the ceiling, black-painted to the gate.

After Wu Lun was not too comfortable to go alone, Lin Sanjiu turned back to the gate with the attention of several security guards. After a few steps, he could vaguely hear the voice of the female security guard and his colleague: Look at it a bit, see if she can't come back later."

Of course she has to come back.

At the moment when Lin Sanjiu lifted his foot and took the door, her right hand was lifted up gently, as if she had to put her short hair behind her ear, and her fingers swung in the back air. The two conscious forces pinched together by the fingers, rushed out like a bullet, and split up the two cameras; the loud cracking sound suddenly knocked out the hall, everyone was shocked, involuntarily The ground turned its attention to the direction of the source of the sound.

"You know it's hard to come." Yi teacher said weakly - she had been resting until after four o'clock in the morning, and the result still sounded little improvement.

When everyone's eyes hopped on the ceiling, Lin Sanjiu had already prepared [the power of description] also started. When the camera was broken into pieces and splashed into the air, two flames spewed out from the black hole that the camera originally occupied; the screams sounded one after another, and someone hurriedly shouted: "Firefighting! !"

In the entrance hall where she was in a hurry, she was probably the most calm one. Lin Sanjiu re-entered the door on one side, and when he was unattended, he bent down slightly and pointed at the direction of the security checkpoint. The speed of her sudden rush was too fast, completely beyond the ordinary people. Eyesight and imagination. It’s like she’s been in a state of high-speed movement, just being tied up; once she has removed her bondage, her accumulated energy suddenly bursts out, and even the provoked wind seems to cut through human skin. .

At the foot of Lin Sanjiu, the body vacated as he approached the detection door, leaping high over the door frame, and the toe fell on the x-ray machine. The security checkpoint is attached to the side of the hall. If she rushes from other places, then even if several security guards can't see her figure, they will feel something flashing past – and she rushes on the security machine. When the female security guard felt that something was different, Lin Sanjiu had already entered the depths of the museum.

As they agreed, Wu Lun waited for her at the other end of the entrance hall; the two men slammed their faces and the face was white: "What are you doing?"

"What?" Lin San wine was a stupid. This girl doesn't look useless, it feels really sharp.

"That fire... what else is broken..." Wu Lun stuttered.

"How can you blame me for the bad quality of things?" Lin Sanjiu picked her up. "Go, let's go see what Mrs. Kennedy's collection is going to."

[The power of the description] The effect was quickly removed by her, but after seeing the fire just now, there was not an hour or two in the entrance hall, it was impossible to return to normal - one or two hours is enough for her to see another [ Pygmalion collar].

Wu Lun can see everything, but it is very good to talk, but every area that the two have traveled seems to be very interesting to her; she can't wait to see Lin Sanjiu, and she looks east, just one In a blink of an eye, when she turns back, she will definitely be attracted to a certain exhibit. Lin Sanjiu had to remind her a few words at first, but then she gradually became silent. She looked at the exhibition hall in an exhibition hall behind Wu Lun and finally walked over to the collection of the Pygmalion collar.

It is the highlight of this jewellery showroom, perhaps because its origins are too unusual. It is said to be worthy of the city. It is the most cherished piece of jewelry that was famous in the 1930s by the famous Lady Kennedy. It has not been taken from life. On the day she died of illness, it was finally taken down - along with Mrs. Kennedy's head.

Who did it, and there is no answer so far.

Beside the closed glass showcase, in addition to the text introduction, there are many old photos; Mrs. Kennedy at different ages and occasions wear the same collar. Of course, the photos after the head was cut down are not one.

"What special significance does it have, we don't know it now..." Wu Lun whispered. "It is far from the mainstream aesthetic of the 1930s, even with a modernist style... What are you doing for me?"

She was not too happy to look back, and Chong Lin Sanjiu just asked, and she stopped.

Before others noticed himself, Lin Sanjiu quickly covered the collar with a bandage. Even if it was only for a short while, it was enough for Wu Lun to recognize the things on her neck - just because she recognized it, the girl Ba had been screaming for a long time, except for "ah?" Nothing could be said.

“I need to take this exhibit away,” Lin Sandi said calmly. The tone is like a product manager describing the demand: “There are four or five things we just saw, I have to take them away.”

Because they are all special items.

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