Doomsday Wonderland

: 1327 June 11

"The soy sauce has been put too much,"

When Deng Yilan put the last dish of cucumber scrambled eggs on the table, he was a little embarrassed and a little prepared. He said: " taste it, it is too salty."

Han Jun raised the chopsticks with a blank expression and picked up an egg to eat. Then he picked up a piece of cucumber and gave her a look: "You sit down to eat."

"Is it salty?" She sat down, rubbing her hands on the apron.

"Salty." Han averaged his head and said while eating.

and then? Deng Yilan waited for a few seconds, and suddenly found out that she was waiting for Han Jun to be like her dad, complaining that "how do you even have a scrambled egg?"

She knew that this dish was a bit unintentional. She shook her hand and shook the bottle of soy sauce. It took two times to get the water. The result was that the eggs were wet and soft. If at home, after her father complained, her mother would immediately say "that you do" - she is ready, how can he react without it?

Han averaged up and looked at her again. "What are you doing?"


"You cook for me, are you still waiting for me to pick it?" After Han understands it, he suddenly bowed - the slight surprise, as if he really didn't know, there is still a husband picking his wife in the world. Doing housework is not good enough. "Some food is good," he said, his head lowered.

Deng Yilan couldn't help but grin and picked up the chopsticks.

Han is always like this. In some subtleties of life, let her think... how to say it is like he was the first to experience this society. This is not to say that he is acting innocently and without any chance. He is also very decent to the outsiders. When he goes home and relaxes, he reveals that... It seems that the wolf boy has just returned to the world, and many things are customary. He doesn't seem to understand.

It is not bad.

When the two met for the first time, Deng Yilan did not want to go. The other party leader introduced is the relative of the colleague of the mother unit. It doesn't matter if it is pushed, but when she is over thirty, her mother is like a konjac. I can't wait for a man to go to the house and say no. That face is ugly and afraid of people.

"You are getting married right now. When you have children, you are considered to be a mature mother... What do you want to end? Women are not married in this life, they don’t have children, what kind of woman is it? I don’t want to go out and sisters climb mountains now, people One question, I don’t even have a boyfriend, it’s shameful!”

Deng Yilan felt that her mother was either crazy or she was crazy. But she has been obedient since she was a child—again, at least she can let her mother close her mouth temporarily.

However, Han Jun is really...compared to the average man of this age, it is quite different.

First of all, he is not at all polite.

Head back to each other, at least you have to put on a little courtesy, he doesn't; he sat down and said, "Are you looking at me? I didn't look at me, I left, I have a meal at home. eat."

Who is this?

Deng Yilan said, "I have come here, have a meal together, I don't know."

"I still know what you are, I will see you as soon as you enter the door," Han said, looking down at the menu. The look was almost fascinating, as if the things on the menu were wonderful - instead talking to her. At the time, it feels like a piggyback: " can't lift your face."

Is it so obvious? She clearly performed very well before, and no blind date object came out.

"I don't like other people to share my food," Han said. "We have different points."

This person is definitely not good. If you go back, you will refuse.

When the two of them silently ate half, she deliberately said: "I am a cashier, the salary is not high, the family does not want to be bridesmaid and does not go out to marry, no car, just a set of old houses or my parents want to live. This year three Fourteen, I still don't want to have children."

The last one is the test of Bailing - it is not that she really does not want to be born, if she can get married, she feels that she will also have children in the future, but the man who heard this sentence will definitely retreat.

"...oh." Han average looked at her inexplicably.

"If you get married, do you care more about this?"

"I?" Han Jun said, "The child comes out of your body. If you want to be born, it is your decision. What do I mean if I don't care?"

What the **** is this person? Deng Yilan looked at him carefully - he looks like the current handsome standard is not the same, is the kind of masculine with two jaws hard and with a stubble. She didn't like men's anger before, but now it seems to be okay.

"That... economically..."

"You said that, is it that your family needs money?" Han Jun said with a natural look. "If we are married, I will get it if I have money. Of course, you have to work hard."

I just don’t understand, and the words that make money are the same as the blind. Deng Yilan sighed and ate, and decided to stop meeting him. After a few days, when the introducer said that Han was not dissatisfied with her, she went to eat with him again. The two of them rarely did anything else, that is, they ate a meal once a week, and after eating more than twenty meals, she was married in a confused way.

This kind of person can't understand what he thinks in his heart, it is not too much. Sometimes she deliberately asked him "Do you think I am good or not", Han Han is in a good mood, "Hmm", if you are in a bad mood, say "Do you think I have never seen a beautiful woman?" - even if I know that I am not too beautiful, or Give her enough gas.

The life after marriage, like the thousands of people in the world, goes to work nine to five, go home to do housework, eat and watch TV, chat on the bed. However, not long after the marriage, Deng Yilan found that he sometimes turned around in the living room alone, as if a wolf was locked in the zoo, hit the cage several times and couldn't move, so he had to circle.

"Have you ever thought about it, there is another life."

Sometimes he suddenly puts down the old materials in his hands - and he doesn't know why he likes to watch some strange things in the past - tell her: "Where do you want to go, what do you want to do, unless you have the ability to do it." I am dead, otherwise no one can tell me to bow. Everyday I meet, the people I meet are new and different. And you know that there are countless vast worlds outside, even though the danger is full of vitality..."

"Are you early in the middle-aged crisis," Deng Yilan asked him. "It’s good to think about it. Do you have that money?"

Han was obviously impatient, but he bowed his head and did not speak. He continued to read his old materials.

"What happened? Is it in the unit?" She also felt that she had said something badly and asked him softly.

"Nothing, it's still the same. The people above slap their heads, and the people below are going crazy. Today, one stipulates that one execution tomorrow will be meaningless." Han Jun is probably absent-minded, and he said casually. "I didn't know far before, but now I find it is not easy to be a good sheep."

What does it mean? Deng Yilan’s heart faintly raised a horror, but did not dare to ask deep. Since that day, she realized that, in fact, the days of Han Jun have not been too happy.

What about herself? Is she happy? Do you feel satisfied and cherished when you make it day after day?

With this sorrow, Deng Yilan began to observe his husband. Although he spoke very awkwardly, he once threatened her, "If you don't talk nonsense, I will stun you." In fact, it rarely ignites.

Only once, he helped her cousin send her children to school. The child forgot to bring the student ID. When I brushed the face recognition at the school gate, I didn’t know what went wrong, and the school security guard refused to let the children enter. It took half an hour and the children cried. Deng Yilan was not there that day. When I heard that Han was almost stumbling over the school gate, it was really scared.

Is there any way to do this kind of thing? This kind of dissatisfaction is not a common thing? But she did not persuade her husband to pour a cup of tea, and took his hand silently and sat for a while. After a few minutes, Han was subconsciously stroking her hand gently.

A person who is so alive, a different person... is now packed in a black plastic bag, and his face is swollen and deformed.

When Deng Yilan finally recovered from her memory, she found that she was crying out loud and screaming. She couldn’t help pushing her policeman around her, and I had to rush back to the little bush to see if Han Jun was What happened, why did it fall into the mud without a word? The night is dark like ink, the street lights are not lit, the flashlight is not lit, and the police lights are not lit. Everything was vague, she didn't even remember to call the police.

"Family control the mood!" A middle-aged policeman screamed, probably because of a vicious case, his face was ugly. "Have you moved the body just now? You broke the clues like this, how do we handle the case? Let us work together!"

Yes - yes - this is a murder case.

Someone killed Han.

"I, I know who killed him," Deng Yilan cried out of breath, and said a few times intermittently, "Yes, there is a woman who said that she got my husband's cell phone... Let me come This is her. She pretends to be like a man, but I heard it!"

She talked as much as possible about what happened in the afternoon, even though she was a bit overwhelmed and wept.

"I saw the back?" The policeman thought for a moment. "If you look at the surveillance, can you recognize who?"

"Yes, sure! But she wore a hat..."

"There is gait recognition, can't run." The middle-aged policeman did not explain much. He waved his hand and dragged the body out of the bush. Deng Yilan also forgot what he said. He only stood on the sidewalk and watched Han’s last appearance in front of himself and disappeared into the door of the black hole of the corpse.

The next day, her husband became a small altar.

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