Doomsday Wonderland

: 1328 TV commercial

In the first few days, she was stunned.

On the first day after putting the little white porcelain on the cupboard, she still went to work. The unit asked her if she had a cold yesterday. She nodded and said yes. When I got off work, Deng Yilan still had no feeling at all. The idea of ​​"Han is dead" actually floated up in my mind several times, but it didn't seem to call her.

When she got home, she took out the key and opened the door. When she bent over and changed shoes, she shouted and shouted: "Husband, I am back-"

Deng Yilan remembered it. She was silent for a while, put on the slippers, went into the dimly lit living room and turned on the lights, and looked around. There aren't too many cockroaches. A stack of tracing notices that haven't been finished is piled up next to the TV. The dried orange peel that was not lost in time a few days is still on the coffee table... The house is empty.

It’s about the same as when he was late for work. She came home and found no one at home. Deng Yilan slowly sat down on the sofa and looked up at the wall clock. By 5 or 6 in the morning, she could generally hear the sound of Han Jun's key opening the door. She used to hate the average value of the evening shift. She was not afraid of a person falling asleep, but it was not too late to come back when he came back.

The next morning, when she opened her eyes from the sofa, she washed her face and went to work without changing her clothes. There is a big sister in the colleague. She has a good relationship with her. When she had lunch, she also asked, "When are you ready to give birth?" She also answered "I don't know yet."

The third day was more uncomfortable, because the parents finally knew, and the police went to ask questions. The second old man went straight to the door, and the room sighed and sighed. He told the father to smoke a few times to go to the balcony. She could still find the ashes on the ground. She still went to work, and her mother read and said, "This is a scary thing, why are you not afraid?"

On the fourth day, Deng Yilan made an account in the unit and did it for a while. She found that colleagues in the office were staring at her. She wiped her face and realized that she was crying. This thing can't help, the unit gave her five days off, even if she asked the leader not to give her a fake, she did not want to go home, we still think she needs to go back.

When I left, the older sister who asked her when she was going to come up, looked pale.

"I really don't know..." When she accompanied Deng Yilan to wait for the elevator, she sighed and said, "When is the cremation? My child is going to have a final exam, and I may not be able to go to the farewell ceremony. I will give you a small gift... ”

"No," said Deng Yilan. "The next day I found him, they informed me that the cremation was over. There was no farewell ceremony."

That big sister is a glimpse. "The next day? But you are not saying that he - he is -"

Those who have been killed, these words are always not good to speak directly in front of the survivors. Deng Yilan felt that something in the body began to stir up, and stirred up that night, as if to tear her away from the inside - steady, she heard her answer: "Yes."

"So fast, don't you autopsy?" The big sister said that he had to export, and suddenly he consciously said that he should not say it. He added a sentence: "Oh, it must have been an autopsy."

Autopsy. She never thought about this problem - it is better to say that when she couldn't help but think of Han Jun's last look, her first reaction was to press it down immediately. In the past few days, she didn't even ask how the progress was going, and even assisted in the investigation, which was the first time in the early morning of the 11th. Not to say that she wants to identify the woman wearing the hat?

Deng Yilan was a little uncomfortable, or gave a call to the [] bureau. The policewoman who answered the phone had a very good attitude and told her that the monitoring was being adjusted. She was following the procedure; the autopsy report had not come out yet, let her wait for the notice.

After returning home, my parents were still there, saying that they would stay with her for a few days. Deng Yilan was a little grateful to his parents. When he opened the door and saw someone in the room, it was more comforting than anything.

"Either you go home and live, I take care of you," Mom said to her. "The house is rented out, and there is more subsidy."

"Not renting," she looked down at the peanuts, peeled them out and didn't eat them, squatting. "This is the house of Han."

"Then he is dead, now is yours! Oh, I don't feel bad about you..." Her mother seemed to think that this is not good now, sit down and look at her, sighing and saying: "This child Still sad, that is, everything is in my heart. Sad, don't be sad, people have this day."

"do not talk."

Her mother came to the air and said to her dad: "Look at her, pick and choose three to thirty, and pick a short-lived! After the second marriage is even harder to find, although the concept of people is now more open. I am not afraid of divorce, but you said that you are dead..."

Deng Yilan stood up and rushed back to the bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.

"What are you talking about!" She heard her dad vaguely say in the living room. Her mother is rare, she doesn't have a reply, and she doesn't say anything after two sentences.

After a while, her father came over and told her to open the door. Deng Yilan climbed out of the quilt and glanced through the closet mirror and found that she was not like a personal one; when she opened the door, her dad looked at her as well. Her dad is not good at telling the words of comfort, and it is hard to say, and explained two sentences for her mother. Finally, she should be good, don't think about it.

"I have nothing to think about," Deng Yilan said in tears. "He didn't know how to die. I don't wait for me to figure this out. I have nothing to think about."

Her dad opened his mouth, wanted to say something, and closed his mouth. After going out for a few steps, he turned back and solemnly warned her: "Deng Yilan, you will be at home with peace of mind, and cooperate with the investigation and other results. You don't have to go out and do it yourself."

What does “noisy” mean? Her dad seems to be persuading her not to do something, and she dare not say it directly. It may be that she is afraid to ask her to make an idea.

Deng Yilan thought about what Han Jun had told her over and over again. She opened the "city traffic information book" in the mobile phone. She entered the "Copper Dock" and the search results came out - she searched it on June 6th, and later posted a tracing notice, but she couldn't remember the bus number.

When she closed the information, she saw that there was no more software in the phone, called M Master. She certainly has not installed this software. If I install mobile phone software, I have to go to the software store to pick it up, pay, and connect to the computer on the spot... How can she have this mood recently?

When the M master opens, it will flash back, and the deletion will not be deleted. She thought for a while and called the [] bureau.

"...because my mobile phone only left that night,"

She had not explained it, and the policewoman interrupted her.

"We installed it," the other said. "If criminals contact you, we can detect the other party's message. You should not move it."

Technology is really developed, and this can be detected. Deng Yilan hung up the phone and looked at the icon of Master M for a while, secretly hoping that the woman wearing the hat would call her now, just in the hands of Master M, being caught and shot - she was alone Can't do this case, there must be accomplices, and they are all shot together!

She suddenly turned and thought, this is the place where she and Han are different. If someone puts a piece of software into Han’s mobile phone, even if it is good for him, he must be unhappy. This person is like this, it’s very strange...

When she walked into the living room, she found that her parents were watching TV commercials.

"It’s amazing, it’s a newspaper and a TV. How much does it cost to advertise together in so many places?” Her mother was whispering, “And this advertisement doesn’t look good.”

"It may be another activity for young people," her dad looked up at her and greeted her. "Let's come over and see, you know what's going on, just to give you a distraction."

Although not in the mood, Deng Yilan still took a look. This is an advertisement in the middle of the TV series. There is only one paragraph on the screen that floats and does not move. In the lower right corner, there is a small line of "small whistle action, which will be played after 1 minute 53 seconds". The time is constantly counting down, but the advertisement is always the same. In the past, washing powder, sanitary napkins, and cars were gone.

She read the paragraph.

"I came on June 2nd, and my body is still stable. I want to return to the 12th world. According to our speculation, the degradation we encountered here is likely to recover after going back. I have a way to find a visa, and No need to cause damage, but I still need help. If you are the same person as me, you want to go back, no matter how long you come, please contact me and tell your paper crane to go to Lin San, or in other ways. Respond to me."

"What is this," Deng Yilan’s thoughts were slightly separated. "I don't understand."

After that, she took another look at the words "Twelve Worlds" and felt a little familiar.

"Oh, it’s over," her dad said. "Come, you sit down and watch for a while."

In the constant sound of the guns, Deng Yilan's eyes stared at the flashing faces on the screen, the **** battles, but all the words I just saw. Why do you feel familiar? She must have heard the word before... the twelve worlds...

"I will go and sleep now."

She didn't want to look at it, stood up, and walked across the screen with the heroine's tearful, resolute face. The heroine just knew that the old lover of the actor was brutally killed by the enemy. She was encouraging him to turn hatred into power and destroy the enemy together. Deng Yilan felt that both of them played like a brain.

Closing the bedroom door, she lay on the bed, put her hand on the pillow of Han Jun, and gently rubbed the cloth with her fingers. Not long ago, his hair, skin and breath were pressed against this layer of fabric.

"Actually, I sometimes think about it, such a day is also very good."

On the day of the rest, they will take a bed in the morning. Once Han Han just woke up from his sleep, the voice was a little dumb, didn't know what he had dreamed of, looked at the ceiling, and whispered to her: "Where I used to think of a wife, I can still have a house... ..."

"It's as if you used to be a tramp." Deng Yilan answered the phone while he was at the time. He didn't go to the heart.

"When I was in the 12th world, I was really flowing..." Han Jun suddenly said nothing.

Deng Yilan climbed up and stunned his heart.

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