Doomsday Wonderland

: 1333 small umbrella

[This chapter is still 500 words to finish writing]

What is going on, isn’t it that there are no people in the supermarket? "Masser's voice was low and tight.

"There was no such thing. Just who knows where it came from..." Luzer whispered.

At this time, the three men held a kitchen knife in their hands and started with Luzer. Lin Sanjiu and Mather warned the sides and slowly approached in the direction of the impact.

The kitchen knife was just a move from Lin Sanjiu, and it was found out from the cooked food area. Probably used to cut the lo mei taste, it is not too sharp to think about it - even if it is rubbed, there is also a faint smell of rancid and savory. But in any case, with the knife, the three are still much more emboldened.

"咚", it is a muffled sound, shaking the air.

This time, the three immediately recognized the exact direction, and walked quickly toward the right front - "here!" Mather pointed.

Not far from the dim candlelight, a "employee-only" sign hung on the door and stood quietly.

The three men looked at each other and Lin San nodded and spoke. - No matter who is inside, the voice of young women will always let the other person relax some warning: "Who is inside? Come out immediately!"

Silent in the air for a few seconds.

After waiting for a while, when Lin Sanjiu was about to ask again impatiently, suddenly there was a loud sob after the door. Immediately, a clear voice asked: "Who are you?"

The three looked at each other with amazement, slightly relieved and lowered the kitchen knife in their hands. Not only because the owner of the sound is obviously a girl, but also the voice is full of thick children's voices - it sounds like the people behind the door will never be more than fourteen years old.

"...small sister? How old are you? We are not bad people..." Lin Sanshui cautiously asked: "Are you alone behind the door?"

The little girl said with a crying voice, "Well," said: "I am eleven years old."

This time, the kitchen knives in the hands of the three people were put down. Mather even used her towel on the side shelf to cover her knife. For fear of scaring the little girl, she asked softly: "Why are you here alone? What about your parents?"

The little girl’s crying suddenly slammed a lot: “I, my... Dad is here to work, he brought me over last night... Then many people rushed in and grabbed things, my father shut me here, called I don't want to go out..."

A few people's faces flashed an unbearable look. Needless to say, the little girl’s father must have turned into a dead body – maybe one of the bodies they moved out.

"Little sister, what is your name? Or do you open the door first?" Mather knocked softly on the door.

"My name is Wang Sisi. Dad said, it is not that he is not allowed to open the door..." The little girl wept again. "But he has not returned yet..."

A few people could not help but move. Such a small child, do not know how to get through the night... Lu Ze whispered Lin San wine: "You also say something, comfort and comfort her."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly had a very difficult look. Seeing that Mather also spoke to the door and gave her an encouraging look, she had to cough and smack her head and said, "Wang Sisi, you are stronger!"

As soon as the words were exported, the other two immediately looked at her like a monster.

Lin San wine helplessly glanced at the other two people, saying that he was powerless - don't look at her as a girl, but she grew up as a boy, and she didn't have much to deal with children. What's more, this child is frightened, it is the time of fragility - let her comfort, not a psychological shadow is not bad.

Wang Sisi was stunned by her hard-spoken words and immediately groaned.

Mather gave a look at Lin Sanjiu and lowered his voice to say to the two: "This child has probably evolved the ability to adapt to high temperatures... The old one is not a thing in it." She immediately sang: "Sisi, Your father won't let you out because it's not safe outside. It's safe outside now, you come out, let's wait for Dad together?"

Wang Sisi behind the door seemed to be hesitant. He snorted twice and couldn’t make up his mind.

At this time, the mother-in-law, Mather, heard her snoring, and she almost disappeared. She went to the door and continued to say softly: " have been here since last night, you must be hungry? Auntie has a lot here. Eat, what do you like to eat?"

"Well, I am so hungry... I love the fish that my mother made..." Wang said with a sigh. "There are chocolate bars..."

There was suspicious water in the eyes of Mather, and she wiped her eyes. She said in a row: "Well, let's open the door, and Auntie takes you to eat, okay?"

Seeing that she handled the situation very well, the two idlers later bit their ears.

Luzer whispered: "Masser has always said that she had married once, but the two eventually divorced because they didn't want to go to the child..."

No wonder! Lin Sanjiu was a little dazzled: it seems that the differentiated personality does have its own complete experience...

Just when the two were chatting, Wang Sisi finally agreed to come out under the persuasion of Mather.

"Auntie, I will go out..." Wang Sisi sighed. Then, only the lock behind the door slammed and the door handle turned a bit.

However, the door did not move.

“Hey?” Mather bowed his head in amazement and asked him in the door. “Sisi, did you lock the door from the outside before your father left?”

The voice of the little girl immediately panicked: "Okay, it seems, I don't remember!"

This time, several people frowned. Because the supermarket is mainly for high-end customers, the materials used in every inch of the place are very particular, and even the doors of the staff room are very heavy. Looking at the keyhole, Mather was not willing to scream "Sisi you retreat, Auntie wants to knock", the other two are too late to stop, she has already slammed a foot -

Just listening to Mather and taking a breath of cold air, immediately sitting on the ground with his feet - the door did not shake.

"What should I do?" She looked at the two people with helplessness for the first time.

Lin San wine opened his mouth, but closed again. She may be able to close the door - if the front door is not counted. But that means that she has only one chance to change today. Now, it’s just 7:30 in the morning... Besides, is there still another chance for her today? It’s still uncertain... Lin Sanshui hesitated for a while. After all, I still didn't say anything.

After all, there are other ways to open the door, and this opportunity - if any - may be best for everyone.

"When we moved to the dead, we saw a few employees in this supermarket, and they were wearing uniforms." Luzer thought for a moment, first spoke up - let Lin San wine secretly sigh, and his heart was relieved. Quite a few - Luzer looked in the direction of the door, suggesting two people: "Maybe the person with the key is lying there..."

Yes - Wang Sisi's father locked the door, then he must have a key. His daughter is in the supermarket, and he will not run far away. He must have died in the supermarket, and he was lifted up by several people.

With such a thought, the three people came to the spirit again and discussed a few words.

Because the outside has long been bright, and the temperature is even more terrible, so Lin San, the only one of the three who had no physical strength, was left behind and kept the door of the staff room. Mather was very uneasy, and he said with a sigh: "Don't say anything that shouldn't be said, don't scare the child!"

Lin San wine nodded his face and nodded.

When the two left, the supermarket immediately fell into a quiet. Wang Sisi seems to know that the other side of the door is only the hard-core "strong sister", so there is nothing but an occasional sob.

Lin Sanqu is sitting bored on the ground and flipping over and playing with his kitchen knife.

Speaking of it, Luzer and Mather are now gone. If you want to test the last chance today, now is the best time. But she couldn't make up her mind: In addition to a hand-smelling kitchen knife, she really had nothing to collect - if I wasted the last chance, I really wanted to cry.

I don't know how long she trembled and hesitated. She only heard the footsteps from the elevator at the door. Lin Sanshui stood up and saw Luzer and Mather.

“So fast?” she asked doubtfully.

Lu Zechong revealed two rabbit teeth and smiled and said: "Let's be lucky, the first woman who turned over is the manager of this supermarket. I found a bunch of keys from her pocket..." said, Raised the string of hands and gave them a glimpse of Lin San. “Thanks to the manager’s stick on the key, it’s convenient for us.”

Lin Sanjiu stunned and his eyes turned toward the door: "Wang... her father? You are not..." She lowered her voice: "I found it on her father's body?"

"Cough, there is a key, you can't find it... who is not a bad thing." Luzer gave the key to Mather.

"Sisi, Auntie is back, this will open the door for you--" Mather said as he squatted.

Just as the key in her hand was inserted into the keyhole, Lin San’s heart suddenly jumped suddenly – before she realized what she was doing, a white light in her hand had flashed past, the kitchen knife just now Turned into a card, she was firmly pinched in her hand.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the card in his hand with amazement. He had no time to regret his impulse. He only heard the metal crash of the key unlocked at the door of the staff room. Then, Mather gently pushed the door open: "Sisi Aunt opened the door..."

At the moment of Mather's step, Lin Sanshang suddenly flew up and threw her down on the ground.

============= No. 28 back, this month does not seem to be signed. The update won't break, everyone watching it...

============= No. 28 back, this month does not seem to be signed. The update won't break, everyone watching it...

============= No. 28 back, this month does not seem to be signed. The update won't break, everyone watching it...

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