Doomsday Wonderland

: 1334 the cost of surfing the Internet

[Don't wait, there are more than a thousand words]

... Ji Shanqing feels that the owner he is with may be a little crazy.

Although she kicked the mermaid into the sea from her foot, he felt that Lin San wine seemed faintly chaotic and full of anger; but after resting on the spacecraft for a while, Ji Shanqing thought her emotions should be Has been calmed down -

It was not until the jungle revealed a vaguely visible figure that he knew that he was wrong.

These figures are like pouring gasoline on a fire that has not yet been completely extinguished. The woman around me ignited a fierce anger that has been fierce; I haven’t waited for Ji Shanqing to react, Lin San The wine had suddenly rushed out - her figure had just disappeared into the woods, almost in the blink of an eye, and the forest flew out of a **** body.

... If anything is more terrible than a madman, it must be a precise and calm madman.

Gently leaping into the tree, Ji Shanqing was nervously squatting on the branches, and glanced at the fire in the distance.

In an occasional sharp whistle, there will be trees shivering and sinking into the jungle from time to time; people’s high screams, the rumbling of the rumbling, the blood from the air from time to time, and the sky Smoke...

At this time, Lin Sanjiu, like a crazy rhinoceros, ran rampage on the island, and every place that passed through was accompanied by countless fires and blood. Jishan Qingyan looked at it for a while, sighed, and felt in his heart. Reluctantly set the position of the master, quietly walked through the branches and leaves.

From the beginning of the call of Lin Sanjiu, it has been almost half an hour since now; after discovering that the first few people who have checked the situation have not returned, the war slave training camp has finally sent them out. The characters of the battle - several trainers who control a group of war slaves.

The people of the war slave training camp obviously want to be able to solve the invaders away from their main base; since they got into the forest, Ji Shanqing, who has been hiding in the forest, has seen several war slaves. The person who was searching for the woodland while touching the position of Lin Sanjiu.

The difference between the "trainer" of the war slave training camp and the war slaves can be clearly recognized at a glance - each of the domesticated, stable and mature war slaves is painted with black paint. At least deprived of a sensory ability. Some people have no nose in the middle, only a large hole is left; some people have one eyelid cut off, revealing dark eye sockets; and one side of the ear is stabbed, leaving a layer of dryness The crux... If anything is the same, then only they are numb and fierce, as if they completely abandoned the empty eyes of the mind.

Ji Shanqing carefully looked at each of the war slaves who had passed under his feet and looked at the direction when they came. He was slightly relieved that these people did not look like the young men and women described by Lin Sanjiu.

If the owner wants to save, he will become this virtue....Thinking of this, Ji Shanqing fought a battle, quickly speeded up and jumped over another tree not far ahead.

"啪嗒", a truncate twig fell to the ground.

Ji Shanqing held his tree in his hands, and his blood was scared cold.

Under the sound of various battles in the distance, it is reasonable to say that no one can hear this little sound... He held his breath and waited for a while in the same place, and saw that there was no half-transformation in the surrounding jungle. It seems that the war slaves have gone far away - he just vomited and reached out and opened the branches in front of him.

A pair of huge, glass-like eyes looked at him without hesitation.

The package was condensed.

"Hey," the squinted eyes twitched a little and lifted his chin. Compared with the round and big eyes of this person, his face is really disproportionate, no matter how you look it will remind people of the lemur - "I can't think of it, hiding in the tree and being lazy, can also hit an invasion. By."

Ji Shanqing did not say anything, his hands were loose, and his body fell from the branches when he arrived.

"Little hens still want to escape?" There was a sharp smile in the leaves, followed by a dark shadow from the tree, and whistling away to the package - Jishan Qing as a gift bag, weighing only human five One-sixth, so the speed of falling is also slow; even if he tries to sneak away, he is still swept away by a shadow.

At the same time that the black shadow just touched the body of Jishanqing, the lemur-like man immediately screamed sharply: "[headovertoes]!"

There was nothing around me, but Ji Shanqing suddenly became tight, as if he had been tied to his hands and feet, he couldn’t move any more, and he slammed into the ground.

The lemur-like man slipped from the tree, and a pair of huge eyes almost covered half of his face; his laughter was sharp and very ugly: " look weak, and it takes only a few days for me to work." It will become a very obedient war slave... Well, today’s harvest is not small."


Heroes, but also can not resist the softness.

If there is a word in the world, it is something that everyone can't escape, and it is always in the midst of it. It must be the word "love". Anyone who hits this skill will fall into a deep affection for the caster and will not be able to extricate himself; regardless of whether the releaser is male or female, it is good-looking or ugly, as long as he breaks into this love network, the target will think The caster is the ideal type in his heart, so the effect of this crazy obsession will take effect immediately -

Those who chase love and immerse themselves in love are as stupid as a blind eye.

Note: The generation of love takes time. Before the target gives love and complete love to the caster, the target will be forced to stay in the net and cannot act. After the caster revokes this ability, the resulting love will slowly disappear as time passes.

Ps: Although this skill can be described as a dream object of the pua people, it is limited by certain rules in the dark, but it will never appear on such people.

Ji Shanqing struggled for a few times, and quickly raised a few blue veins on his forehead; however, no matter how hard he threw himself, his limbs were still trapped by something invisible, and there was no sign of loosening. .

"Oh, useless," the lemur slowly climbed down from the tree, his legs and feet seemed to be incompetent, and limped to the side of Jishanqing. He sat down and laughed, reaching out and touching his smooth and pure skin. " just waited to fall in love with me, and then tell me the news of your companion. Although you look a little masculine, then maybe I can satisfy your desire to sleep with me. It..."

When the first time he was touched by a lemur, Ji Shanqing couldn’t help but tremble with a goose bump on his neck; however, when he touched the face of the package for the third time, Jishan The blue look has changed.

He seems to be unable to control the feelings of his own heart rolling, and he unconsciously plunged his face into the palm of his hand and closed his eyes slightly.

The lemur opened his mouth and smiled softly.

As long as he hit it, he never lost his hand.

"" he asked with a long voice. "How many people do you have? Who is the woman who just rushed over? Why are you looking for us?"

Jishan Qingyi did not move on the ground, just raised his face and looked at the lemur's eyes in full bloom.

"Which woman are you asking?" he asked softly, as if he did not want the man in front of him to see his unfair side.

"There is another!" The lemur turned his eyes, and the yellowed eye looked more like a pair of glass balls: "In the forest in that direction, she dragged us several trainers and theirs alone. War slaves... Just a little while, the war slaves who died under her hand are full of five or six... Don’t say this first, you tell me first, what is her way, what is her ability?"

Jishan Qing smiled shyly and lowered his eyes slightly. He whispered, "I told you, what do you want to do with me in a while?"

For this sudden reaction, the lemurs have long been accustomed to it.

He smiled and licked a face of Ji Shanqing: "You can do whatever you want, let's talk."

"Okay, then I will tell you everything I know." The package responded softly and immediately caught the attention of the lemur. "The woman is called Lin San, you may not have heard of her... but it doesn't matter, you listen to me."

"The other trainers and war slaves are constantly coming out of your base and fighting at the place where Lin Sanjiu is located. Only you, obviously a trainer, is not very good at making your legs and feet. There are not even one war slaves around, but instead hiding in the tree... Plus you just said that the effort of a while will kill five or six war slaves, certainly not the ones in the distance, those you can’t see... I guess, you have probably seen Lin Sanji once."

The lemur glimpsed, apparently still not responding to the current situation.

"You are lucky, but I have not been killed by her with the war slaves." Ji Shanqing smiled at him with full understanding: "The place you are hiding is also very interesting. You have not joined your companion. The front line did not bring together the war slaves nearby... Instead, I stayed here to see the situation... According to the direction of the war slaves I have just seen, combined with your position, the main battle slave training camp is estimated. The base is not far from here. You are planning to go back and rescue the rescue immediately if the situation is not right? Now thanks to you, I have already figured out the direction of the main base."

The face of the lemur was completely white at this time, and stood up, but the right leg was bent obediently, as if the head of the skull had been folded, and no force could be eaten.

"What kind of skills do you listen to, it is quite powerful," Ji Shanqing's smile is more gentle and amiable. "Just you are wrong... Love is only a lubricant covered by reproductive instinct, but I don't have sex. There is no so-called reproductive instinct - love, for me, there is no difference with a brick."

The lemur couldn’t say a word in a moment, and stepped back subconsciously. Suddenly, the other side was unable to move. He shouted and waved a few black shadows from behind. Once, the strength of several black shadows falling from the air was ten times more than the same; even the air was wiped out by the fire, the power of this attack was so great that even the lemur’s face flashed a touch. Surprising.

"It turned out that my ability is this." Ji Shanqing seems to have nothing to do with his actions, just bowed his head and sighed.

When the black shadow is about to hit his body, it seems like a sudden sudden use of energy, the power just disappeared all the time - no matter how the lemurs attack, these few furry whip are still soft. He slammed down and pulled it on the ground without any fuss.

"This is my ability," Ji Shanqing turned his neck, moved his shoulders, and then climbed up from the ground. "...telling you is no problem, lest you be reluctant to try other tricks, both of which are troublesome."

【Economic bubble】

This ability is a new ability generated by the randomization of the three capabilities of [Metro], [Xing Xin Rong Rong] and [Greed Heart]. This ability will not change until the gift pack kills the next person.

After the rapid development of a series of frenetic and high-speed economic development, this artificially blown bubble is getting bigger and bigger, gradually surpassing the scope of market self-regulation... When it finally broke, it caused a ubiquitous piece. Depression and panic.

This ability can also use the same principle to blow the target object's attack into a "bubble"; in its heyday, the target object can emit attacks that are far more terrible than the maximum power, but once the bubble is broken, all The attack suddenly becomes weak and weak. Of course, the bubble always chooses to break before the attack touches the ability owner, and no one can do anything about it.

Ps: The economic bubble is not to say that there is a problem. It is normal for the bubble to burst in a period of time. However, if you want to use the economic bubble continuously, it will not conform to the economic law. Please be sure to master the scale of use.

The face of the lemur has just changed. When he is about to reach out and carry out something, Ji Shanqing has already had a foot on his foot. He fits up and slams up - only once he holds the other's arm and has a fight against himself. Ji Shanshan, who is very clear in cognition, struggled to press the lemur, and yelled at the scorpion and shouted: "Sister! Sister! Come over! I found the training camp base!"

Even if he was injured, his ability and weapons were weak, the lemur's physical strength far exceeded that of Ji Shanqing; he gritted his teeth and, after struggling for a few times, finally slammed the bag with a slap in the arm, then immediately Suddenly, I took out a spike-like thing from my arms and slid it down high.

It was only when I started, the lemur’s wrist was held.

A pair of amber eyes came out from his ear.

"Great, let's go." Lin Sanjiu said with a hoarse voice. "Do you want this person to lead the way?"

Ji Shanqing never imagined that Lin Sanjiu could really come so fast; he snorted and gasped, and the gift bag that had just escaped could not help but turn his eyes.

The raging fire in the distant jungle, like the bright red long tongue, keeps screaming in the sky; from the place where Lin Sanjiu’s feet are standing, a trace of blood that is almost black and dark, mixed with human body Block, all the way into the depths of the forest. From the thick smoke, Ji Shanqing faintly saw the stench from the burnt body when the fat was burned.

With such a short time of entanglement with the lemur, all the voices from the enemy disappeared. He raised his ears and listened. In addition to the sound of the flames, the sound of the wind, the sound of the waves, the world did not know when to quiet. It makes people feel flustered.

...He began to believe that his master is really crazy.

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