Doomsday Wonderland

: 1340 Passing by

[The computer is basically not necessary for repairing... While the code word is on the keyboard, it is a pain. It’s a bit too late today, probably because I’m too lazy to write it again. 】

The last two drivings took nearly 20 minutes, and Luzer walked almost an hour.

According to the information of the prince, the fallen species often swims around the building where he lives, looking for pedestrians who are placed on the order. However, Luzer walked several times around the distance of 500 meters from the building, and did not see the shadow of the fallen species -

"It seems that the guy is quite cautious, and refuses to go far." There was a thoughtful voice from Lin Sanjiu in the intercom. "So, you'll be closer to something! Remember, you must hide when you find it, and then you know what to do?"

Luzer said "Yeah": "Do not worry, I have experience in this area."

"Okay, keep in touch."

Pressing the call, Luzer put away the walkie-talkie and walked slowly toward the building where the partner was located. The ability of "Eagle" was maximized by him. In this range, as soon as he was not correct, he could immediately detect it.

Slowly vomiting, Luzer’s heart pounded.

Today's battle, the main event is actually on him, the pressure can be imagined.

On the road of careful approach to the building, Luzer did not forget to look for shelter to cover his whereabouts. It would be too embarrassing to be shot by the woman upstairs before the discovery of the fallen seed... But in the year of the war world, Luzer learned a lot of hidden skills, so it was easy.

The building with the sniper can be said to stand out in the vicinity - this is probably not yet started to be demolished, leaving a lot of six or seven-story residents to build their own buildings. Originally opened on the streets of many small shops, at this time it was like a dead, even the body was turned into gray.

A man's figure dragged a long black shadow, suddenly shook out from the corner without warning, and slowly dragged his foot - Lu Zexin was shocked, immediately shrunk to the side, hiding in a piece Behind the signs of the yellow sand.

Visually measuring this distance, the fallen species should not hear their voice, Luzer opened the walkie-talkie.

"I saw it." How low and low his voice is. "Small wine, are you sure that the last time he said that the sniper was 'his woman?'"

"Yes, I am 100% sure."

"Okay, then I will start!"

As soon as the voice fell, Luzer stared at the far-flung species that looked very leisurely, and muttered a "girlfriend."

Almost a moment's work, Luzer saw his shoulders hanging down a waterfall like black long hair. - No matter how many times he changed, every new image made him feel very fresh - he reached out and touched the smooth hair, touched the small, smooth face and found that his two hands also became The white is soft and the slender wrist is wearing a bracelet that looks very expensive.

"I succeeded... I said, this guy's girlfriend looks like a white beauty." Luzer whispered softly at the intercom. "The chest is big and slender, very good..."

The two women at the other end of the walkie-talkie made a "beep" at the same time. Mather seems to sneak a low word for "adolescence". The helplessness in Lin Sanshui’s voice is also very clear: "You can't be serious? Well, go out quickly... Hey, leave, leave the king, What are you doing--"

After her surprised voice, there was a murmur. It sounded like the walkie-talkie in her hand was taken away. Then she listened to the singer and shouted: "Don't go out!"

Lu Zecai’s foot, which was just wearing a red mid-heeled shoe, suddenly froze.

The anxious voice of the monarch continued to say: "I have seen the sniper look, not beautiful, it is an ordinary short-haired woman! You have become erroneous! Hello? Hey! You have heard no-"

No matter how he shouted, there was no answer - because Luzer had silently turned off the walkie-talkie.

The reminder of the prince is still a step later.

Lu Ze was just taking a step forward. It happened that he happened to have crashed into the sight of the fallen seed. Just in the effort of talking to the monarch, the fallen species has already rushed in this direction with excitement and full force - seeing this speed, in less than ten seconds, the two can come face to face.

Luzer suppressed the tension, but did not move the place, quickly put away the walkie-talkie. Then he picked up his shoulder and was very scared to scream with the voice of the woman.

Sure enough, when I rushed to my eyes, the fallen seeds suddenly stopped the steps, and even the long mouthparts could not cover the surprise on his face: "Beautiful leaves?"

Luzer looked up in horror, revealing his beautiful and delicate female face, and the white face was full of tears.

The next sentence of the fallen, immediately let Luzer confirm: Lin San wine's intelligence is correct, this **** is completely a yin and wrong - "May Ye? How are you here? Your boyfriend?"

I am x. Suddenly, Luzer only had this sentence to say.

... He has one of the biggest flaws in this ability, and Lin Sanjiu does not know. When Luzer launches his abilities, he must say that the other person's relationship talents can be transformed. In reality, however, he can only become "a person who believes that the relationship is in line with the other party" - that is, this fallen species obviously does not think that the sniper upstairs is his girlfriend, but this is called the beauty leaf. And a woman who already has a boyfriend can be called his girlfriend.

So, I hate people who mess with men and women! Luzer snarled in his heart, but the face was still terrified and pitiful: "I, I have long since lost with him... It is you, how did it become like this?"

The fallen eyeball turned and looked up and down the woman in front of him, and then laughed and said: "I have evolved a power called physical transformation. Don't look at me, although it is not very good-looking, but it is very powerful."

In order to better use his ability to transform, Luzer had a great effort in acting. Even if he heard this kind of nonsense, he still seemed to be a little scared and nodded, and looked away from his mouth. Opened, sobbing and said: "Now the world is terrible..."

"I said, what about your father? So rich people, can't you even have a back road?" The fallen seed asked casually, and suddenly asked a little eagerly: "And, have you evolved? Evolution What ability?"

It turned out to be the case. Luzer sneered in his heart.

"Our family... there is an underground refuge room, and the water is prepared a lot. During this time, I lived in the refuge room... Yes, if you need it, you can go." Said, while quietly looking at its look. Seeing the fallen species hearing the word "water", it was indifferent - he went on to say: "... As for ability, except for a ability to adapt to high temperatures, I seem to have not evolved."

This time, the face of the fallen species slowly changed.

If the disappointing look at the beginning is disappointing, probably now I want to laugh? The muscles underneath the fallen eye are gradually squeezing together, and the eyes are completely smashed up - "No evolution... How come you alone?"

I haven't waited for Luzer to think about how to answer it, but he said it himself: "I see it, you come back to me with me, I will protect you. How?"

As I said, the uncomfortable half smiles and becomes stronger.

I want to go back and take me away? Still want to recuperate and eat slowly...? Luze sneered at the bottom of his heart, but on the surface he looked like a "saved". He said with gratitude: "That would be great! Then I will go with you-"

The fallen body planted the clothes on the body, and actually made a gesture of asking for the lady to go first.

Luzer smiled ashamedly at the girl like a girl, and stepped forward in the front.

The fallen seed immediately followed.

In the middle of the night, only two people's footsteps echoed in the empty streets.

"Do you still remember, Mei Ye? When we first met..." Suddenly the fall behind him was planted.

Lu Ze’s heart jumped. The deformability didn't give him any information - so he only sighed.

"That saw you at first glance, I think that only you can be worthy of my woman." This degenerate species is probably because there is no shortage of food every day, the body is full of water, and there is still a heart to remember the past. : "How happy are we to be together? Do you remember?"

"Yes, yeah..."

"Because you like the beach, let's go to Boracay, Maldives, Tahiti... all the time. Now think about it, is it really like a dream?" Speaking, the tone of the fallen species suddenly slowed down. The earth infiltrated something else: "If it wasn't for your dad to break it up... Oh, I admit, you got a lot of money when we were together - but I really like you." ""

Luzer had no idea what to say at all - he thought about it and had to sob and faked and said, "I understand."

"Do you understand? Do you understand why you are still with the rich second generation? You are like your father, I feel that I am not enough to be the door to the house?" The fallen and fiercely raised the voice and scared Luzer. No, it suddenly laughed again. "Mei Ye, you don't know, this world has become this look, I am so happy..."

The skin on Luzer’s back suddenly felt the air tremble, and even the faint wind rushed toward him. He had already put all his attention behind his guard, and when the wind rang, his body was low.

As he staggered to the side, he saw a long black shadow, just sweeping over his head.

I didn't expect a shot to fall, and the fallen man stared at him with surprise.

Luzer smiled coldly and kicked the mid-heel shoes on his feet, posing for the battle. "Mei Ye"'s soft feet, directly stepping on the asphalt road that was baked at high temperature for a day, burned him slightly painful - but this little pain made his mind more awake.

"You... can you hide?"

"It seems that you have eaten more soft rice, and your skills are not very good." Luzer smiled.

The voice did not fall, and the mouthparts had been pumped toward him again.

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