Doomsday Wonderland

: 1341 柳暗花明又村

The second day after the female was successfully mixed with the cruise ship, Maringo Ge also selected a hospital he was preparing to start.

The hospital he chose was the largest in the city. Because he gathered the first-class medical resources in the surrounding areas, he attracted countless patients from nearby towns and villages to seek medical treatment. Seven days a week, no matter how early or late, the hospital is waiting for people to queue up for registration: shoulders Hit the shoulders, the toes stepped on the heels, the hot sweat rushed over, the coughing sounds back - no one wants to be decent here.

The evolutionists don't know how long the country has been silently monitoring them. What they can imagine is that their appearance and gait must have been included in the surveillance database, and wherever they go is the goal. Together with several other people, Maru Qingge learned the skills of Lin Sanjiu to change his gait. Now there are hundreds of people who cover him. He is like a drop of water into the sea and is in the crowd.

Just as an evolutionist, it is harder than to change the gait without forcing the people who are rushing to collide.

Maru Qingge wears a mask and sneaks through the crowd and goes straight to the third floor of the department. It is 8 o'clock in the morning, and the doctors in the deputy class of the internal medicine department have already prepared to go to work. The sound of water, footsteps and voices in the office has started to warm up for this day.

He waited for a while around the corner. After seeing a man in a blue shirt and carrying a bag in the door, it didn't take long for the man to come out with a thermos cup. The bag was gone and he still wore a blue shirt. Maru Qingge seized the opportunity, walked up a few steps, and flashed into the office - and then secretly called "unlucky" in his heart.

There is another middle-aged female doctor in the room. At this time, she is tying her hair to a small mirror. As soon as she looks up, she can see Maringo, who is standing at the door.

... that doesn't matter.

At the foot of Maru Qingge, there was no stagnation, and he still went to his goal steadily and quickly. The white coat on the back of the chair was directly opposite the desk of the female doctor.

When he grabbed the white coat, the female doctor noticed the movement, removed his gaze from the mirror, and looked up at him. He asked in the mouth: "I heard them say that this year, no grain and oil, it’s true. Is it?"

Maru Qingge's gesture was smooth and naturally turned around, and Bai Dawei was unfolding behind her, just stopping her sight. He whispered low from his throat and put his arm into a sleeve.

"Oh! Didn't it happen in the end of the year?" In this short moment, the female doctor only saw the white coat and a black head that opened in midair, and then bowed his head and complained to the mirror: "This day is so tired..."

When Bai Daqi was on the upper body, Maru Qingge went up and walked out. Before she said a word, the person had left the room. When the male doctor in the blue shirt returns, he will find that his nephew hanging on the chair is gone - not only the scorpion, but also a work card on the raft.

Now, Maru Qingge has become a doctor.

The drug storage room was in the side management building. Now there is a white coat, and the security guard at the door doesn't even look at him. He asks the doctor to walk in easily. Everyone has their own specialties. One of the specialties of Maru Qingge is this kind of skill: no matter what kind of group, put him inside, after two minutes, everyone thinks that he is himself in this group. .

He swayed open an office door, across the mask, and asked the person inside: "The drug room? I am looking for him."

A woman looked up, and when she was white, she didn't even want to say: "He seems to have not come to work yet."

Maru Qingge nodded: "You came very early."

The other side squinted, apparently embarrassed to ask who you are, and smiled: "There is no traffic jam in advance."

It’s good not to come to work. Maru Qingge turned and walked straight to the drug room; the door lock for him was equivalent to the absence of the same, ten seconds later issued a lock cylinder that represents the abandonment of defense. He pushed the door in, looked around, and strode to the "first aid medicine" cabinet.

Adrenaline pen is used to treat acute allergic shock. It is a life-saving medicine at a critical moment. It is impossible for a hospital to not. However, he looked up and down in a few locked cabinets, but he didn't even see the shadow.

He is a bit dumbfounded. Is it in the emergency room?

However, even 1mg can not be used by ordinary people, even if there is in the emergency room, the amount will not be large, at least not enough for four evolutionists to double...

Maru Qingge did not believe in evil, and looked at the entire storage room for a few laps until he felt that the person who came to work might be coming, and he snorted. He quickly came to the emergency room, stopped a young nurse, and screamed: "Come, give me an adrenaline pen!"

"Ah, but -"

"Come on, people are falling down at the door, and I will talk about it later!"

Obviously, from the sound, body and work cards, he was not a doctor in the emergency room; but when he called Gong Qingge, the nurse followed the urgency and hurriedly trotting to get the medicine. Maru Qingge followed her, and glanced at the room where she took the medicine. She took the adrenalin pen and left. After two minutes of walking, he turned his back and turned into the room. Opened the kit that the nurse had just moved.

... there is no second adrenaline pen.

Even if you guess that the stock in the emergency room is small, is this too small? If two people are allergic to shock at the same time, can one person only suffer from bad luck?

Maringo Ge knows that he can't stay here for a long time, holding the only spoils with a content of only 0.3mg, and quickly went up the stairs along the stairs and left the emergency department on the first floor. It’s quite easy to come to the hospital to steal some medicine. How can it become so difficult? It seems that this country also knows that adrenaline can be used to slow down the rate of degeneration... even human life has to go backwards, and it is really at all costs to guard against the evolutionist.

On the third floor, Maru Qingge slowed down in the corridor, so that he looked less conspicuous.

This country is not a big loss to eat the evolutionary, so it is so strict to guard against it? However, if something really happened, it should not be able to hold the general public... Besides, the primary goal of the evolutionary is to still live well. Switch to a person who is dying in the desert. If you suddenly see an oasis, do you go to drink water and relax, or set fire to the trees and pee in the water? By the same token, the mental illness that is transmitted will be destroyed when it is seen as normal.

"Pill teacher?"

Maru Kogo got a sigh and stopped.

"Pill teacher!" The girl who called him from behind was sure. It seemed like a duckling who saw the mother duck far away. He rushed up and raised a small face and excited his eyes. "Is it really you?"

"Hey," Maru Qingge quickly pulled the little girl aside. "I am a doctor now."

The little girl immediately enjoyed it, but she still lowered her voice and quickly squeezed herself into this conspiracy and became an accomplice. "Well, doctors... I haven't seen you for a long time, don't you say, will you come back to school to see us? Net deceit."

"What are you doing in the hospital?" Maru Qing Ge has a bit of brain pain.

"My dad is the chief physician," the little girl said of course. "My mom told me to do this when I couldn't see me."

“Don’t go to school?” Today is clearly a working day.

"The school is going to do the test room today, we are all on holiday." The little girl would be so easily transferred to the topic, and then asked: "How do you become a doctor again? How do you sneak around and lie?"

Maringo Ge squinted at her, but she only smiled and reached over with one hand on his arm. The children in his school are very fond of him, especially when the little girls see him, they will automatically reduce their age by five, even if they are blushing, stick to him. When the boys saw him, they would automatically increase their age by five, one by one, and they thought they were very mature to discuss the problem with him.

Several children know that he is not a school employee, but it seems that no one really cares about him mixing in the school to eat white - this is called Huang Wei's little girl, is one of them.

"What is called swindling and cheating," Maru Qingge turned a blank eye. "It’s not my swindling and cheating. You have already called your mother to peel it. I came to the hospital to get something, you don't care."

"I don't care what you do," Huang Wei did not listen to people, and immediately followed up at the foot. "I am familiar with the hospital. What do you want to take? It is wrong to steal things."

Maru Qingge always suspected that she and several other girls were holding a kind of mentality that “sneaked into a stray dog ​​and secretly raised it”. They were really licking one, and the teacher found it. The stick blew the dog out of the school; when several girls were sad, his old Mr. Maru passed away and made up for the lack of a dog.

"Adrenaline pen, you don't know what it is?" He didn't hold any thoughts at all, just say it.

Huang Wei suddenly jumped two steps. In the blink of an eye, he forgot that "it is wrong to steal something" - "I know, I still know where it is!"

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