It’s getting better, I’m sleepy. Now there’s no 100 chapters in this world. It’s about 35 chapters to be finished.

"You don't know, a place like the supermarket is rich in materials, and it is often the most common."

Luzer and Lin San wine carefully walked through the dark shelves, and they kept a gaze at the back of each other. They can't hold a red wine bottle in one hand. There is a bit of lethality in the supermarket door. Nothing else can be used. Of course, it is not very reliable to use red wine to deal with fallen seeds, but you can still run it when you go out.

Mather was deliberately laid flat, placed between the two bodies at the door, and looked like the dead at first glance. But she will not be upset when she wakes up, it is Luzer’s business.

"Let's go to the cooked food area," Luzer whispered. He just wanted to say that he started eating from the cooked food area for a while, and his nose smelled a thick stench. Unwilling to pick up a box of vegetable and potato salad, I threw it at the beginning: "All are broken! They are all turned into water!"

"Isn't this the case?" Lin Sanjiu asked with a grin.

It took a full 20 minutes to get the supermarket to go from start to finish. Everything else is normal except for a few bodies lying deep in the supermarket. There is no need to continue to be vigilant, and the two put down the red wine bottle and kept walking and walking back and forth.

"Although there is no direct sunlight, but the underground supermarket has no light, it is too dark. Do you know where there is a flashlight?" Luzer was a little annoyed. "Since this extremely warm hell, I have been staying in the dark. ”

"Let's find it later, I don't know if it is sold. After all, it is a high-end imported supermarket." Lin Sanjiu talked, the two have already arrived in the food area, each grabbed a few packets of food that can't see what it is. , hugged in my arms. "However, I remember that they have to sell scented candles as long as they have light."

While whispering to speak with Lin Sanjiu, Luzer groped and opened the bag.

"Hey, this is a potato chip." He just gave a surprise, just listening to the quiet supermarket suddenly echoed: "Luzer, you give me out!"

It was the voice of Mather.

"Masser? Mather, you woke up!" Luzer heard, and took the Lin San wine and ran, and returned to the door in a few steps. By looking at the light cast outside, Mather was standing in the middle of the two bodies in disgust, and the red hair and the black face seemed to be particularly contrasting.

Luzer was busy and haha ​​explained a few words, and took the potato chips in his hand to please Maser for a long time, she snorted from the nose, it was revealed that it was revealed. Immediately, she set her eyes on Lin Sanjiu, and seemed to hesitate to stop.

Lin Sanjiu was a little nervous when he didn't know how to put it down. He put down his food and looked at Mather. "I have a problem with my data?"

"It’s not a problem. Maybe it’s too few samples before me,” Mather smiled at her and said, “Your data is not the same as what I measured before.”

"How do you say?" Lin Sanjiu asked a question.

"If you can't say it, don't you understand it, or look at it yourself!" The voice of Mather fell, and the nail on the index finger immediately stretched out. Unlike this, this time her fingertips had a faint golden glow. .

Mather looked around and found a dark place, indicating that the two were coming up. Then, she used the index finger to write words in the air, and each of the written words showed a faint golden color, floating in the air.

Lin Sanjiu wants to suppress the expression of surprise, but unfortunately not very successful.

"There is your value on the left." Mather wrote while explaining: "I will write down Luzer and give you a comparison."

Lin San wine's basic ability

High temperature adaptation: Effectively resists up to 125 high temperature environments.

Keen intuition: the time is not working, but the spirit is more.

The third basic capability is being generated.

Lin San wine body value

Height: 168

Weight: 56 kg

Average speed of 100 meters: 116 seconds

Neural response speed: faster

Vision: 50

Fat content: 185

Muscle content: 457

Potential value: high

After Mather brushed it, Luzer first gave a surprised "呃?", and made Lin Sanjiu feel it. Mather gave him a blank look and then said to her: "Your value is more than that. I picked out the important items. After a while, I will write them down one by one."

Lin Sanji nodded to her and quickly read all of her data.

She is very good at playing small body and is very agile. In the physical education classes where girls have headaches, she has always been like a duck. When I was in the college entrance examination, I also added a lot of points to sports. Of course, from small to large, she has not been ridiculed by the boys for "developed limbs". In general, except for a potential value, other data are normal to her.

When Lin Sanshen was fascinated, Luzer’s data also appeared in the air.

Luzer’s basic ability

Extreme weather adaptation: Ability to survive extreme heat and cold temperatures.

Strong body: improved physical fitness.

Speed ​​optimization: more agile than before.

Hawkeye: greatly increases the visual range, and the object will be relatively clear in the dark.

Climb Jump: As a cat is agile.

The sixth basic capability is being generated.

Luzer's body value

Height: 174

Weight: 70 kg

Speed: 120

Strength: 89

Maximum impact: 101

Potential value: 192

Only a few items were written, and Lin Sanjiu had already understood that Mather had seen it and stopped his nails. "You see it now? Luzer's value is derived from my ability to be highly conceptualized, just like um, like a game character."

Lin Sanjiu nodded, his eyes lingering several times on the "potential value" line.

"But I don't know why, your value can't be conceptualized or not, but it's not necessary. Every one of your data is a real measurement, which is the conclusion that can be drawn from the physical test." The most important thing is the potential value,” Mather explained calmly.

"Everyone, at least, everyone I meet, the potential value is a specific number. Unless there is a rare chance, this number will not change and you are the first exception."

Luzer’s "192" still shines in the air.

Lin San wine frowned. At the same time, Mather’s voice continued: “In the evolution of human beings, Luzer’s potential is relatively high, that is, you should at least be at the same level as him.”


Lin Sanshui raised his head violently: "Ren Nan! Ren Nan's potential value is 204. I applied his ability to his body, so many of his materials have been written. My value is really not. Big!"

Luzer seemed to be screamed in a punch: "How is the potential of the guy actually higher than me? Impossible, I am the potential king."

"You are a stupid little king. It's almost the same." Mather sighed faintly and turned to Lin Sanjiu: "Yes, you understand now? Your information is too unusual. I can't do it for you now." Any reasonable explanation."

"Nothing" Lin Sanji smiled. She was not very clear about the values, abilities, or abilities. Now I know that my information is different. I think it will be put down for a while. She just wanted to say that Mather also sat down to eat. Suddenly Luzer stunned and asked: "You said that Ren Nan’s body still remains?"

"Yes." Lin Sanjiu said, while touching the pocket. I didn't want to touch it, she just reacted and changed her clothes before she left. She wanted to come to Ren Nan's card and she stayed in the pocket of the previous pants. "It’s upstairs, what happened?"

Luzer took a big thigh: "That's great! Now the sun is coming out, let's take a rest, go up at night, search for his body."

Thinking of Ren Nan’s strange death, Lin Sanjiu couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. "What about searching his body?"

Under the golden light of the text, her pair of amber cat eyes are lighter and brighter.

Luzer’s face is proud: “Of course, let’s see what he has left. If he has experienced several worlds, he will bring something of value to his body, and maybe it will come in handy.”

"People are you removed, and things are naturally yours." Mather seemed afraid that she misunderstood and added a sentence in time.

Lin Sanjiu didn't care about this. She smiled and said: "Well, let's go up at night. Now?" She said, while handing a packet of digestive cake in her hand to Mather.

Mather took out two pieces and ate it. He said, "I see this place very well. I have food and drink and no sunshine. Let's find something that can be illuminated. Clean up the supermarket first," she said as she leaned toward it. The body not far away lifted the chin.

This is because although the air is very dry, but the temperature is so high, no one can guarantee that the body will not rot.

The three were thirsty and hungry. When the wind and the clouds were ruined, they washed a small pile of food and drank some water. Luzer jumped up first: "Go, let's go find those scented candles!"

I already know that there is no danger in the supermarket. This time, the speed of several people is much faster. After a while, the soft candle glows in the supermarket. With the candlelight, a soft aroma fills the supermarket.

"We have also experienced two worlds, and this is still the first romantic atmosphere." Luzer said while laughing and talking to Lin Sanjiu, the shoulders of the dead in his hand were upside down.

"You can still feel romantic when you move the body?" Lin Sanjiu carried the feet of the body, and some laughed and laughed. "Heaven, you hurry!"

The two carried the body and moved the elevator step by step. Mather looked around the elevator for a while and turned back to make a safe gesture. This is the military gesture she and Luzer learned in the war world. The two quickly took a few steps and went to the first floor, throwing the dead on another pile of bodies.

These people, who used to be living people, couldn’t bear it. Lin sighed and asked: "How many?"

"Not much, there are two or three of the skin care products left." Lu Ze wiped a sweat, the white skin of the bunny was red.

As I said, the three people went down the elevator and walked toward the skin care area.

Suddenly, the sound of a "clam" echoed clearly in the supermarket.

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