Doomsday Wonderland

: 1352 hit the sky

[Not written at night, dragged to the morning... very soon. Title has nothing to do with the text]

"X fucking, why not arrange a few second-level combat power?"

Along with the angry scream of the first-level garrison, Aliba, from the highest point of a snow-white ball, he smashed out countless office supplies and slammed the owner's wrath on the ground.

"The sacs are abolished! The mutants in the palm of your hand are all uncertain! It's a shameful shame!" Aliba's snoring is still going on. The translucent ball on the wall reflects a nod of smack, just wearing a monocle. adjutant.

Several round **** at the bottom have been far away.

"Sir, really, it is the lab side, the asking price is too high..." The adjutant slammed the air and carefully said: "Considering the next few games, they must also buy a level two level of combat power. Also hire a fighter, this costs..."

The most important thing is that the tickets, sponsorship and other income of the fighting competition are to be distributed to the military and police departments as benefits.

Aliba really immediately transferred the war to the old rival.

"x! I don't want to think about it. They can't have the mutants and special items that Lao Tzu sent to them. Can they research a fart?" Aliba had suffered two blows. At this time, his face was so shocking: "Technology Help the bastard, sooner or later I will send them all into the arena!"

After a pause, he took a sigh of cold air: "Reducing this year's annual prize by a little, and having more secondary combat power, it is necessary to let the next one on the 97th!"

The adjutant was busy nodding.

In the past, the military police department was not so stretched - after all, special items are very rare things. If you send a few pieces in the past, you can exchange a batch of second-level combat power. Just this year...

Thinking of the stolen things, Aliba fell heavily on the chair and sighed: "...the two boys who stole the vault, what's the news?"

The adjutant did not dare to let the word "no" say it out of his mouth. He shook his head in horror and fear, and then waited for the chief to get angry. He made a quick remark: "But when he was dealing with the woman named Xue Yu, he suddenly thought of it. one thing……"

Aliba lifted his eyelids and motioned the adjutant to say. He just opened his head and Aliba gradually sat up straight.

Indeed, it was rare to call in the middle of the night to report the traces of female mutants. Then someone was taking advantage of the time they left and stole the vault.

There must be a connection here.

...... Xue Yu was thrown into the lifting plate, when brought to the office, all of them were bruised and swollen, and they could not see the original.

In fact, she was able to live to the present, and she really surprised herself.

Tied up with tied ropes, Xue Yu was on the floor with no eyes and no expression.

"...Where did you come from [Lu Xun Sponge]?" Aliba's anger has disappeared almost now, and he asked slowly.

This problem, Xue Yu has been tortured countless times, but she clenched her teeth, no one can always say a word from her mouth.

For such silence, Aliba is not surprised. He looked at Xue Yu's injury and reached for a few buttons on the wall's buttons. There was an extra image in the air, which seemed to be a video of the phone. It was a man with a hat, and the night covered his appearance. Only his voice was clear: "...Yes, go to the west of the Sadema Trail... Will you send someone right away?" Don't let her run."

Although the sound was deliberately depressed, but just in the ear, Xue Yu suddenly raised his head, staring at the image of the air, the whole body could not stop shaking.

Aliba saw her reaction and smiled.

Thirty minutes later, Lei Ming moved a little reluctantly and whispered to the people around him: "... Don't you watch the next one? I am worried about them... I don't know how these people will deal with them. No. 97, hehe."

"Don't watch, go." The soft voice, though with a smile, was cold. "It’s just a fluke, I will be disappointed when I look at it."

The action of the two people who got up and left in the vip auditorium did not attract anyone's attention. Because at this time the Eden has already exploded, and every entertainment news, talk show, and personal media talk about the morning race. In the past 28 years, there have been no examples of female mutants winning – in fact, if they survived, even if they won – but still have the courage to stand on the field after winning, and so clearly against the whole Eden Nothing.

"Greater than us? This is obviously a poor fantasy... Look where we are, where is it?"

"...What she didn't know was that the 50-year-old and the 50-something after the game, the severity is never the same... I waited to see the 97th at the beginning of the next game, crying and asking for the end... ”

“Drinking blood is to show us?”

On the big screen of the stadium, and in the small light curtain on everyone in the Garden of Eden, different faces and different voices are talking about the same thing.

After walking through the sounds for a while, Gongdao did not wait for the exit of the stadium, suddenly stopped his foot, bought a hot dog at a stall around him, and returned home. Lei Ming just wanted to ask, his eyes swept away at the exit, and immediately understood: There were a few more gatekeepers at the door, and every time someone asked for a look. And the light curtain on the soldier’s hand is a portrait that looks like a palace.

"Really, it was discovered so soon." Gong Dao sat back in the position, holding a hot dog in his hand, but did not know how to eat through the mask, simply plugged to Lei Ming. "It’s because of that woman."

Lei Ming glared at the hot dog and frowned. "Well, what should I do now?"

"When it comes, it's safe. Anyway, I can't go now. Let's take a look at the game. If it's disappointing, it's not for my own choice, but God's will..." I couldn't see the expression of Gong Dao, I could only hear his muttering voice.

Lei Ming feels that it is sometimes difficult to understand the logic of Gong Da Ge, but since he has already said this, he will sit still and restlessly.

" do you want to eat this?"

"If I knew, would I still give it to you?"

Lei Ming couldn't help but laugh. He just had to look around. Suddenly, a serious male voice on the big screen caught his attention. Then the face of the guard, Aliba, appeared on the screen and caused a good applause: "... committee I think that the kind of mutual help feelings of No. 97 is very interesting. In order to make everyone feel interesting, we made some minor changes to the next game..."

When I heard the word "change", Lin Sanji took a sigh of relief and thought that what he had been worried about happened.

After all, the New Year Fighting Competition was settled in the Garden of Eden. The rules are in the hands of others, and naturally it can be said to change. If they are not allowed to continue their competition, will the fate of those female players be shaken again and again?

The only thing that can be counted is that the committee is embarrassed to show up and can't pull the face to change the rules temporarily.

Lin Sanjiu could feel the anxiety from the capsules around him. She bit her lip and listened to the politician Aliba’s next statement: "... according to the statement on the 97th, It’s really moving that a group of ten female variants should be united. The committee decided that in the next round, we will place a female mutant who has no mobility in the field, hoping that the 97 and her peers will still Can agree on the issue of this female mutant..."

Not waiting for Aliba to finish, Lin Sanjiu suddenly had a soft leg and fell into the capsule. The muscles began to get sore and the vision was gradually blurred. This feeling was too familiar - she couldn't wait to call out the [Nostradamus Card] and infuse all the radiation in the body into the card.

By drinking blood, the radiation in the fallen seed was absorbed by her in large quantities.

A lightning bolt lit up next to the small battery on the card. After a while the lightning disappeared and the number displayed was "16%".

The fallen species are the creatures that have been transformed by radiation. They only sucked some blood, and the amount of radiation contained in them is far beyond the limits of ordinary human body. It’s just that, I’m afraid it’s not enough...

After the feeling of weakness gradually subsided from the body, Lin Sanjiu stood up on the wall and looked at the female evolutionary person who had just been brought up in the field.

Perhaps because of the ghost reappearance, it still touched some kind of fear in the hearts of the Eden people. The flesh and blood in the field has been cleaned, revealing a **** floor. A soldier was holding a soft woman on her shoulder and threw her on the floor, then turned and walked away.

The woman's limbs were bent at a strange angle, and it was apparent that the bones were broken. She seems to be in a coma, but because her body is swollen and bruised, she can't even fit her eyelids, so one eye is half open and her eyes are motionless.

The second game is about to begin, and the ten capsules slide into the arena, causing the woman's body to tremble slightly.

Lin Sanjiu got out of the capsule and his eyes swept around the other nine.

Compared with the previous few days, the newly added five female players are obviously much better mentally--a woman with a gentle eyebrows gratefully nodded to the three wines, and the four-year-old girl came to her. In the treacherous look, there was hope for the first time.

Nine people unwittingly surrounded a small circle, waiting for Lin Sanjiu to say something.

"I don't want to say anything extra," Lin said after the last battle experience. "It's just that you have to remember that after this game, all the players must stay to help tomorrow's players." ""

As a result, there are more and more players, and it is not expected to rely on this to fight against the Garden of Eden, but at least it can save the lives of later people, and will not end up with the same as the new ones.

Maybe I thought of myself, because of this, I had hope for life. Her voice just fell, and someone suddenly sobbed. A girl with a hair like a huge bird's nest, nodded her head and made a man. Worried that the hair is going to fall.

In a reply with a nasal voice, Lin Sanjiu was a little surprised and a little moved. No one of the nine people said that they would abandon the unknown woman on the ground—perhaps this nightmare The experience has inspired the most tenacious side of the human heart. Even Bai Xiaoke followed his idea: "I can call my face and carry her back..."

Until a weak voice interrupted her: "Don't you manage -"

Lin Sanjiu looked back and saw that the woman did not know when to open her eyes.

As she whispered and shed tears, she bit her teeth and said intermittently: "You mutate people, there is no good thing, I don't want you to!"



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