Doomsday Wonderland

: 1357 You can't run off the horizon

Panting and knocking open the door, the river did not look at the empty living room, and hurriedly walked toward the bedroom.

He was discovered by Lin San, but fortunately he realized this in time. The two have now fallen into a game of cats and mice, but the roles of cats and mice will change from time to time and from the decisions of both parties. At the end of the day, there is no fixed number.

Lin Sanjiu knows the address of his apartment. If he is chased, he should not come back here - but He Huan thought of this and he came back.

His storage props had been completely ruined not long ago, so he couldn't carry anything with him and had to hide in the bedroom. After quickly picking up a travel bag, he stepped forward and walked out. When passing through the bathroom, River Huan suddenly paused, stopped, and reached for the door.

Everything is the same as before, as if nothing has happened. The light slid down from the top of the mirror, and the stainless steel head was bright and bright; on the counter next to the white porcelain pool, a cup was placed. The clear glass shimmered with luster, and the dark brown whiskey sat quietly on the bottom of the cup.

Hehe hesitated. He should go as early as possible, lest the possibility of Lin San wine appear here come true.

After thinking about it, he put the backpack on the ground and walked into the living room. After a while, he appeared at the door of the bathroom and held a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

He dumped the old wine from the cup and put it back on the countertop. The residual wine slipped down from the transparent cup wall like amber, and Wang Cheng became a small piece at the bottom.

"I don't want to call you old-fashioned... View the sea breeze, yes." He Huan opened the bottle and poured the whiskey into the cup slowly. "This may be the last cup... I have already discovered it. Should you breathe a sigh of relief?"

He stopped and looked at the half a glass of whiskey.

"I should go too," He Huan suddenly smiled at himself, dropped the bottle and picked up the backpack. "I can only go in one direction now."

He is not a sentimental person, nor does he like the attitude of the mother-in-law. He stepped on the body of Guan Hailian and he accepted it in his heart. So he didn't hesitate when he started it. Until everything was over, when the outside director Li called someone to come in and lift the body, he only The first time I was shocked.

At that time, He Huan stood in the corridor, and one hand was still dripping down the water. Two men in suits and mask gloves, carrying a black body bag from the outside of the door, clearly that the body had not been loaded, it seems that the bag is already very weighty.

When the two passed by He Huan, he felt a clear chill on the body bag; outside the black body bag, even a layer of faint mist.

“Where?” one of the porters asked.

River Huan’s mind was blank, and he pointed his finger at the bathroom.

The porter carried the heavy body bag that was supposed to be empty; when the zipper was pulled open, River Hua looked at the door from the bathroom door.

The bottom of the black corpse was covered with a layer of ice.

He walked into the living room almost numbly, waiting for Guan Hailian to be hugged by a whole body of ice. When the two porters left, Director Li said something to him again - the content was nothing more than the same, warning, temptation, promise, praise, and the dog training dog.

These are only temporary, and he will be able to climb up later.

River Huan mouth responded to the past one by one, but felt that in the first glance, the bag was full of ice and climbed into the mind, sinking into the depths of the body.

Guan Hailian’s death will not involve autopsy and other procedures, let alone family members will go to pay respect to the remains.

... So why should you ice him up? And when people die, they get iced immediately.

He wants to come and think, there is only one possibility.

This possibility makes him want to vomit.

He can accept his own judgments and betray his companions. After all, he and Lin Sanjiu have just met and can't be called companions; he can accept murder for the future, which is, after all, the jungle law in the doomsday world; Naturally, I feel that it is no big deal to use the body of the dead to resist attacks in the doomsday world. But that is all in the doomsday world.

Here, he found that he could not accept this.

After Li’s departure, He Huan picked up his body on the sofa and tried to convince himself that this was no different from the end of the dead in the doomsday world – it was all about waste recycling. He sat for a long time, stood up and swayed, poured a glass of whiskey; stared at it for a while, did not drink, took it into the bathroom, and placed it in the place where Guan Hailian died.

Since then, as long as he returns to this apartment, he will give Guan Hailian a new drink. Now that a bottle of whisky is going to be empty, he won’t come again.

He was able to leave the apartment without stopping - he had only one place to go, but he could not rush to it immediately.

After looking for a place to hide for a day, he went to the Department of Asset Management. After reporting and explaining the intention, he was taken into a separate room after a physical examination by a female staff member.

In addition to two soft plastic chairs in this room, there is almost no furniture. The camera is mounted on the four corners of the ceiling. When someone enters, it will automatically start monitoring without any dead ends. The thickness of the iron door panel is at least five centimeters; although the river has not been inspected, he is convinced that the wall of the room is the same material. There seem to be several more such rooms.

In order to meet the evolutionists here, they have tried their best to avoid the risks. The evolutionary person must not carry weapons and special items - He Huan does not feel that there will be a fool to bring special items, play a sheep into the tiger's mouth, see if the tiger will spit out the meat again; and come in and talk People, there are always a few bodyguards. This certainly cannot completely eliminate the risk, but what is absolutely impossible in the world?

When He Huan was waiting for Director Li, his heart was anxious.

He can't tell the other party that he has been discovered by Lin Sanjiu - then, his value in the eyes of the other party, you must immediately take a fold. And the news he got from Lin Sanjiu had to maximize his benefits as much as possible... The next negotiation was difficult.

"You are really top-notch in action," Li said, smiling as he sat down on a plastic chair. "So fast and fruitful?"

The full name of the Department of Asset Management is the Department of External Resource Management. “External” refers only to one meaning, that is, from the doomsday world, regardless of whether things are within its jurisdiction. He Huan himself is one of the managed resources. He knows this very well - but the people in the world are all using each other. The more he makes himself use the value, the longer he will live and the more decent.

"I have mastered the next step of Lin San Liquor..."

Director Li seems to be absent-minded, and he has not listened to what he has to say. After he was hiding, He Huan really listened to the conversation in the communicator - he was actually not sure if Lin Sanjiu really gave up the rocket plan, so he simply put the rocket plan together with the new plan she proposed in the communicator. They all revealed some things to Director Li. He did not explain all the details, because he always had to give himself some advantages in negotiation.

"Well," Director Li nodded slowly, and two black eyebrows wrinkled together. "Maybe she wants a two-pronged approach."

He Huan nodded and wondered what to do next in his heart.

"But how can she put the signal transmitter into the rocket? You know, it's a complicated, large and sophisticated system, and more than a few eyes are staring..."

The river shook his head and said, "I don't know this. I guess she is going to use force to force internal staff to cooperate."

Han Shouping’s message, he has not yet released his plans. He only got so many messages. In addition to the inconspicuous conversations in the communicator, he can't get more news in the future; he has to plan and put it out one by one to better maintain his own. value.

Director Li snorted and smiled: "She is crazy."

He did not speak.

"As you said, the most crucial part of this plan is that Maringo Ge is right? Because he is the fastest."


The smile hangs on his cheekbones, like the loose flesh of the old man, and he will hang down at any time. If the smile falls down, there is a black hole underneath, and the river will not be surprised.

"That's great." His fingers tapped on the plastic chair. "If someone else, I still have a headache... He, we can find a standard when we find it."

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