Doomsday Wonderland

: 1358 The power of high technology

The case of Lin Sanjiu has obviously received great attention. The number of evolutionary cases in charge of the Department of Asset Management is too numerous, but she has taken up most of the human and material resources in the division... This conclusion, after the flow of the director of the company with the majority of the Department of Management, More and more clear.

The basement level is a vast space comparable to a large parking lot. The walls are painted in silver and white, with a row of lamps hanging from the top of the head; in serious, cold, inorganic lighting, the most visible is the side of the hall. Huge wall - huge screen occupies the entire wall, the screen shows a panoramic map; a small spot of light flashes, sweeping away, no more than twenty.

One long table and one piece, spelled into a number of columns, straight out toward the end of the wall, filled the entire hall. The staff in white shirts are all facing the aisle, facing the computer, and ignoring the people who walked behind them; screaming, telephone ringing, whispering... mixed together, making this underground hall It creaked.

The evolutionists were assigned to different groups for supervision, while the special group that oversaw the Lin San wine case took up one-third of the table.

"You have to become a formal backbone in the future. These are all things you need to know." Director Li is very patient with He Huan. Even the bodyguards are thrown a few steps away, and he is walking between the long tables with him. Laughing and explaining: "The frontline employees who are responsible for supervising risk control are here. Of course, we also have communication and cooperation with other departments. No matter what happens, we will be in our hands."

He Huan listened to the ear and asked: "What is the sound of the drip?" The sound is not like an alarm, not so urgent, but there is a kind of stubbornness, constantly screaming from the hall, like a group of hair Crazy bird.

"If someone's behavior triggers a level of wording in the jurisdiction, it will be recorded in the scope of attention." Director Li explained a bit vaguely, and waved his hand and said: "The level is very common, many are unintentional or happen to be Most of the masses are still good after all."

He Huan did not ask, but asked him anyway. He walked behind a woman and heard that she was giving a verbal report to the phone: "Yes, the 34th track is still in the normal mode... No, we haven't found him in contact with it, temporarily No need..."

According to the experience of He Huan’s limited “work”, if it is a single-player evolutionary person, even if the bank is still under remote surveillance, it will not cause special measures; but if there are evolutionists who want to assemble people, Even if it is just for everyone to sit down and read the newspaper together, the importance and attention will rise rapidly.

"Do you know," Director Li suddenly turned his head and praised him: "There are a lot of people I have seen, and occasionally there are a few who are willing to cooperate, but like you, return to normal society and be a good person. There is really not much effectiveness."

In fact, he does not have to say that He Huan is very clear about this. People will not do something by being threatened or tempted, or do something in a coping manner, but they will never devote all their energy to the greatest effect of this matter - only from the heart, Only have this power. For the evolutionist, it is very difficult to find inner motivation in this world.

Therefore, he will become a very few useful molecules when he compares it.

“Thank you,” River whispered. “I... I am very grateful for this opportunity.”

Director Li was very satisfied and the group came to the end of the hall. After verification by the iris and voiceprint, he took the river into the elevator and continued to travel deep underground.

"When you arrange for you to participate in the study, you will know that our talents, resources, and technology level will be compared to the international level, but we will see the boss not see the second child." He sighed, "We have come to this step." Not easy... After a while, you will see our cutting-edge research results."

The elevator didn't know how deep it was down and finally stopped. As soon as I stepped out, it was a series of inspections: identity inspection, biological inspection, carrying items inspection... After one after another steel gate, He Huan was finally led into the front of a room, a white coat. The person opened the door for him.

He thought that he would see things like high-tech weapons, and there were many scenes of science fiction movies in his mind. I didn't expect to open the door. The first one was actually a teenage girl. The girl's eyes were especially black and white, clear and crystal clear. When she swept over, she was already clearly aware of the fear she conveyed.

By her side, it was a large instrument cabin that looked like a full body X-ray in a hospital. He Huan is a little unbelievable that this thing is a cutting-edge achievement - because it is real, it looks like it is hard-pressed by plasticine of the same color; many of the parts that are obviously from different mothers, It was stitched into a Frankenstein.

"I won't go in," Secretary Li smiled at the door, pointing to the one-way glass on the wall of the room. "I will look behind that, you have to cooperate actively."

Waiting for the river to say something, several fully armed men have poured into the room, scaring the little girl to a few steps in the corner. The follow-up scientist was a middle-aged man wearing a pair of infinity glasses. He didn’t look at him when he talked with He Huan: "I will take you to familiarize yourself with Guardian 2, and then wait for her to go in, you follow the instructions. operating."

"She" undoubtedly refers to the little girl. He Huan never understood what the little girl was here. He is not sure about what he is doing now - even though he is willing to cooperate, he is himself.

The middle-aged man led him to approach the Frankenstein and pointed out: "Our many years of research on special items have finally achieved a key breakthrough... This is our Guardian 2, which is itself a platform. It can be equipped with the core mechanism for running the special items we copied."

The river spent a half second reaction and was shocked. "You mean, have you copied the special items? Can you use them through this machine?"

Doesn't that completely get rid of the degradation restrictions?

"No, it's just the core mechanism for the entry of special items, and it can't be copied at the moment. Partial copying is a great achievement." The middle-aged man said regretfully: "And the core mechanism that can be cracked is still too little. Less, even less than one in ten thousand. Most of the items are lost in vain and become waste."

... In the end, it’s still an ordinary person, not an arsenal.

He approached Guardian 2 and asked: "But, what tools do you have to copy special items...electronic chips? Biotechnology? Or quantum applications?"

"That involved is wide." The middle-aged man did not answer in detail, and the girl in the corner greeted him: "Is it Huang Qi? You come here and get in."

The girl named Huang Wei walked slowly and looked at the guard No. 2 without a snoring. The place she was going to climb in was obvious. She was in the arched body of Guardian 2; she looked at it with her eyes, wondering why the river was reminded of an perhaps inappropriate example - in some vulgar prevalence In the area, when the child-married bride is standing beside a man who is several decades older than herself, this face is such a stunned look.

... If Maringo Ge saw it, he would be angry with the child.

When He Huan just floated up, he suddenly guessed why she was here.

After the middle-aged man told him, he didn’t look at the little girl again. He pointed to a display outside the guard No. 2 and said to the river: "I have entered the time and place, and we can see the target from her memory."

This is quite similar to Maringo’s own mirror function... The river walked silently to the screen and asked, “Why should I operate?”

"The process of observing memory does not require you to come," the middle-aged man explained with impatience. "The next step is to activate another mechanism, and you will need it at that time. In another mechanism, there is a function that limits us from going around. So it must be done by someone like you."

"You are such a person", He Huan has overturned these words several times in his heart. After he is completely degraded, after he climbs up to gain respect, will he still be "you like this"?

"Oh, yes." As the middle-aged man snorted with joy, he cast his eyes on the screen.

The corridor that emerged seems to belong to a hospital. The lower half of the wall was painted green, and the shadows of the nurses were in a hurry; the voices belonging to the jaundice were transmitted from the speakers under the screen, intermittently, misty and erratic: "Jobs... always so much Seeing a doctor... There is a newly opened cake shop next to the house..."

"This is activated along with the memory, the thinking activities under the scene." It is not so much that the middle-aged man is explaining to the river, it is better to admire this part of the function. “Every time we visit a memory, we may make changes to it, making the memory a step further away from reality. So people’s memories are the least reliable.”

Then why do you want to see her memory?

He was about to ask questions, only to see the perspective in the corridor suddenly turn, his eyes on a back of a white coat. After walking a few steps with the back, the angle of view accelerated the speed, and suddenly called: "Mr. Maru!"

The young man in front of him turned around. Even though his face was still covered with a mask, He Huan still recognized the eyes of Maringo.

At a glance, Maringo’s eyes suddenly calmed down and walked a few steps toward Huang Wei. At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly paused and left Huang’s memory in her close to Maringo. That moment.

In Guardian 2, Huang Wei lay silently and silently, as if he had passed out.

"We humans still have some animal instinct," the middle-aged man said, citing He Huan to start operating the instrument. He said: "Humans can recognize the bioinformatics emitted by other people from the smell... especially those who are more important to us. The more clearly it is distinguished, the recognition of this creature is not affected by the erratic memory."

Hehuan understood a bit.

"You want to find him through his bioinformatics..."

"After the approximate scope is determined, follow the pheromone tracking, just like walking in the dark with the fire. Speaking, these technological means are also inspired by people like you." The middle-aged man smiled, Immediately urged: "Come on, press here."

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