Doomsday Wonderland

: 1359 Do you think that the foreign moon is round?

"I can't replace Maringo Ge to the Rocket Base, and I can't manipulate the signal like you." Lin Sanji smiled softly, even though Han Shuangping, who was sitting opposite, couldn't see it. "What I can do is take my own risk."

She paused and added: "I know that you are worried about my safety... But people, life and death. After my home has ushered in high temperatures, I have earned it in the past ten years."

Han Nian Ping did not say anything. She guessed that her cheap apprentice was probably silently sad - and sure enough, when Han Shuangping spoke again, the voice was a little hoarse: "So, you must be careful."

"Do not worry," Lin Sanshui followed the feeling, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Have you forgotten? I am not new to discover a secret weapon."

Han Nianping "hmm", the worry in the voice has not been reduced, obviously not much to buy.

He is still in the "dividend period" of the time of evolution, and his ability has risen very quickly and has not really been affected by the degradation. At the time of his rapid advancement, Lin Sanshui’s ability is fading; the strength of the two has even begun to reverse the trend – after she found that she is now unable to cope with the physical energy consumption of training than Han Pingping, Lin Two days before the three wines stopped training for him.

Her ability has dropped so sharply that in addition to the world influence, adrenaline, there is another reason - the kidney formed by the black fog.

"Moreover, I still have a lot of special items." Lin Sanjiu comforted another sentence and said: "The time is almost up, I am leaving. You must be careful."

Maringo and the female have already set off, she should also go to smoke bombs, create illusions, and divert attention.

After the two said goodbye, she quietly left the place where Han Pingping was hiding. Even if Han Shou-ping’s ability information was leaked, even if they started to hunt for Han Pingping, they probably couldn’t think of it. He actually hid it in that place...

Lin San wine fell on the roof of a small building, his knees were soft, and he quickly bent down to stabilize his footsteps. The building was only 20 meters away from the previous building. She almost didn't skip it. When she landed, her legs were still heavily rubbed on the concrete wall.

. . . Before the world is improved, it always deteriorates first.

She gasped and stood up straight. The distant sea level line is burning and shining in the sunset, and countless light red gold awns are broken between the waves, as if it were a spark of gold and red sky. The ship anchored in the port, silent standing in the sunset light, forming a black silhouette with a brightened side.

How is it so calm?

Lin Sanji looked at the ship in the distance, and he secretly gave birth to hesitation for the first time.

"If you calculate according to your rate of degraded acceleration," Han’s voice once again rang in her mind. "So, from 9:00 to 10:00, the day after tomorrow, you will become an ordinary person."

That was the day before yesterday. She evaluated her rate of degradation and gave a numerical ratio; Han Sangping wrote a simple calculation software that gave the final time limit.

It’s 5:40 in the afternoon, and it’s four to five hours away from her ability.

Time is enough, just to grab the boat, she has already "promoted" in the communicator beforehand - if the dock enters a state of martial law and is guarded by a large number of armed forces, then she will not be surprised; just now Look, she found that the copper pier is as peaceful as a painting.

Didn't He Huan turn over the communicator? Are they not attracted to attention by her fake plan?

Lin Sanjiu took a sigh of relief and decided to try it out for the time being. Although the rocket plan is the main escape route for their group, it is good if they can get a ship in case of any event.

She continued to move forward from the top of the building. When there was no building, she jumped on the flyover road between the pier and the city. There were countless shipping containers, giant machinery that could not be named, and spread far below the road. Go, like a giant factory.

Passing through the cargo terminal, there are several fishing boats in the harbor that have long been remembered in the harbor.

The voice of the girl was introduced into her ear when she was halfway through.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go any further."

Lin San Liquor slammed his foot and stared at the front. Several forty feet of containers were tied together and felt like a tall building; from behind the bottom container, a figure emerged slowly.

She has never seen this girl before, but the other person is the momentum of the evolutionary, but immediately into the mind of Lin Sanjiu.

The girl seemed to want to smile at her, but she did not succeed. Her eyes were soft, her lips were sharp, and she was a pretty face; she wore a standard combat suit and a black vest with a gun in her hand.

Her ability should also be corroded by the world. In the past, Lin Sanjiu would not put this level in her eyes. But now, the place where the girl stood is like a sudden rise of a mountain. She looks at it and knows how hard it is.

"What kind of person are you?" Lin Sanjiu asked.

The girl lowered her eyelids. Compared with the calm Lin San wine, her face is even more ugly, as if the person who was intercepted halfway is her - "I... my name is Zheng Ai Ai."

This name does not make any sense to Lin Sanjiu.

"You don't know me," the girl was more and more embarrassed despite her imposing manner. "My other name... is a screen name. I don't know if you have heard of it... 'I am not the same as the melon.'"

Lin Sanjiu felt that he was being tied.

“Hami melon?” She took a breath and asked, “How come you are in this country?”

At that moment, her mind turned to the worst possibility, and even ignored the logic: Cantalou is not a foreign evolutionary, there is no foreign country at all, she is a trap, she sent Han Pingping is a trap, Han Pingping It’s a trap...

Lin Sanjiu broke his own thoughts. There are too few and too few women in this world to trust, but Han is supposed to be one of them.

"You heard about me, then the person who communicated with me, found you, right?" Zheng Ai Ai said with a sigh of relief. "Is he still safe?"

Lin Sanjiu rarely met this person who forgot that he was still holding a gun and started chatting with her.

"Why are you here?" She asked the cold hole and asked again.

Zheng Aiai seems to have been reminded of this, and the look of a little embarrassment has once again floated up.

"The patrols and ambushes in this dock are more than me, and all the detectives in our bureau...that is, the evolutionary. We are waiting for you." She smiled a bit and said, " As for why I am in this country, the answer is simple... We, as well as the evolutionary agents from the other seven countries, are the planes that were yesterday."

Lin Sanji looked at her and did not move.

"This country has put forward a request to help the coffers. We are... to provide international support."

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