Doomsday Wonderland

: 1360 logic closed loop and long-awaited

When Lin Sanjiu did not start, Zheng Aiai did not do it. In this container terminal, there was only the rustling sound of the sea breeze when it was quiet. In the evening, the night's advance notice gradually lengthened the shadow, silently dimming the color between the heavens and the earth. The evolutionists of other countries must have kept their abilities well. When Lin Sanjiu listened to the ear, even a strange movement could not be distinguished - or because her ability to lose too much?

Zheng Ai Ai beamed his hand and put the machine gun on the ground. He couldn’t help but remind her: "You do it."

For this girl, counterattack seems to be easier than active attack.

"I don't understand." Lin Sanjiu not only did not shoot, but also raised his arm and asked: "Why are you listening to them like this?"

"You whisper," Zheng Ai Ai quickly looked back and said, "Don't be heard by my teammates."

Lin Sanjiu didn’t know what to do. She tentatively asked: "So, let me go?"

Zheng Ai immediately wakes up and stares at her and says, "That won't work."

"Why? We just want to leave the world, why should we chase us?" This question has been buried in Lin Sanjiu for a long time.

"It’s too long to say from the beginning."

Zheng Aiai looked at the ground and said softly, "In simple terms... It is well known that the reason why the world did not greet the end is because it maintains a delicate but fragile balance. After the plane, the locals opened it for us. One will... It will be said that if you successfully leave the world this time, you may destroy this balance."

The problem of Lin Sanjiu seems to have helped her to make up her mind, and her tone has gradually strengthened.

“After I have been wandering for a long time, I have finally found a place where I can take root. Indeed, some people are not friendly to the evolutionary and feel that we are different... but most people are very warm. They are very curious about my experience. I am happy to help me to integrate into society, and boys are pursuing me, giving me flowers to send cantaloupe... I even have my own retirement account. I have a day, I don’t want them to meet me once. The end of the day."

Lin Sanjiu looked at her for a few seconds. She wanted to be angry with her, but she couldn’t get up, and it turned out to be gentle. "...What do we do?"

Zheng Ai Ai tightened his hand and said: "They promised, they won't be like you... just concentrate on unified management... different countries have different methods. And, at the meeting, you said that you are killing robbers. Sin, even if I understand your logic of behavior, know that you have not come out of the doomsday survival model, but in a civilized society, you should also be punished..."

Lin Sanjiu almost smiled: "Who did I kill?"

"Are you not killing a museum security guard?" Zheng Aiyi shook his head and seemed to decide not to continue the topic. She looked at Lin Sanjiu and said, "If you don't do it, then I am sorry, I am going to start."

The girl did it, and she rushed over her feet. Lin Sanjiu hurried out to the rear and quickly wrapped a metal boxing arm in one hand. While she was ready to fight back, she saw Zheng Aiyi’s tiptoe on the ground halfway, not meeting her, and volleying. I jumped back and went back - Lin Sanjiu’s heart was in the air, almost at the same time, the back hit a grid in the air.

The little remaining consciousness rushed out, and just formed a layer of [protective field] in her body, which was continuously consumed and thinned at a crazy speed; however, she was hit by a high-voltage current for a moment. On the road, he completely lost control of the body and fell heavily on the ground.

When Lin Sanshang fell to the ground, the current was broken and the [protective field] disappeared. It’s just a blink of an eye, this grid consumes her consciousness.

Zheng Aiai did not marry the killer at this time. She stood not far away and whispered: "Sorry, my ability is to make the grid in the air in any direction... you have to be careful."

For a long while, Lin Sanjiu gasped and sat up. She wiped her mouth and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, thank you for reminding me."

" are welcome." Zheng Ai is obviously the first time to fight so politely, his expression is very blank.

Lin Sanjiu stood up and wanted to call out [Tornado Whip] and lived again. The movement caused by it is too big, and it will undoubtedly attract all the evolutionists nearby to the vicinity; the original remaining strength is not as good as others, and she has to discard some of the means first.

She thought about it and walked toward Zheng Ai Ai. The hand wrapped in metal boxing, as the pace swayed, was occasionally starved by the setting sun.

"How did the world maintain the balance, and did not greet the end?" Lin Sanjiu seemed to pull the family, and jumped into the air and waved a punch at the other side - even her fighting power At the end of the tough battle, her skill level is still first-class; this boxing angle is smashed, Zheng Ai Ai is very embarrassed to meet up and face, and after two steps of lifting the gun block, the mouth does not forget to answer: "You do not do you know?"

"I don't know if I know." Lin Sanshui grabbed the rifle in the backhand and slammed the momentum of the fall, and broke the gun body.

Zheng Ai Ai sighed angrily and raised his hand to drop the half-cut gun. He said: "In our country, this is the first week to tell the evolutionist's common sense... This world is the power of the 'logic closed loop' Department."

Before taking action, Lin Sanji first checked the air in his body—there was no electricity grid.

"What is the 'logic closed loop'?" She rushed over to Zheng Ai, and her eyes fixed on each other's movements.

"The world has been studying evolution and the end of the world for many years..." Zheng Ai Ai hurriedly pulled away again, seemingly not close to the war. She saw Lin Sanjiu chasing anxiously. After she quit, she waved her hand and waved a current from midair. She separated the two in time.

"The result of the study is that the reason why the world did not greet the end, but the evolutionary is constantly being sent, is because the factors that may lead to the end of the world, is our evolutionary."

Lin San Liquor slammed the steps.

"This is a strange circle," Zheng Ai Ai stood firm and said: "Because it is part of the Doomsday world system, there are evolutionaries; because there are evolvers, it is part of the Doomsday world system."

Perhaps it is to see Lin San wine still frowning, she added: "The evolutionary itself has the task of ending the world... If the evolutionist did not destroy the world for various reasons, then the end time is also natural It will be postponed again and again. The end of the day will not come, the evolutionary will begin to degenerate; the more degraded people, the less the end will come. The rules of the universe are so complicated that it has formed a logical closed loop in the world. After all, this world is They have only been unable to enter. They are worried that once you have the power and means to escape, it will affect this closed loop."

Lin Sanjiu knows a bit.

The grid was not maintained for a long time and soon disappeared from the air. She went two more steps forward. When she was separated from Zheng Ai's three or four meters, she saw that the other party did not move. She stopped.

", will the people of this world find ways to control every individual evolver? Because as long as the evolutionary is controlled, it can control the arrival of the end of the world."

In this sense, this balance is indeed fragile: it is clear that among the evolvers who have been sent so far, there are no means and power that the son-in-law can destroy the whole world in a short period of time - of course, thousands of thousands In the endless world, there is only one son-in-law. Otherwise, even if the puppet teacher comes, it is impossible to make a population of six billion people into a doll.

“It’s not a control,” Zheng Ai’s apparently discomfort with this statement. “Helping to maintain peace in this world is also my own choice.”

"That's your luck, it's somewhere else." Lin Sanjiu smiled at her. "The evolutionists who have settled here have no choice."

Zheng Ai Ai was silent.

"For my country, I have to..." She did not finish, changed her mouth: "I don't expect you to understand me."

Lin Sanjiu has nothing else to say. Four-fifths of the world's people and evolutionists are under the iron curtain; the other two-sixth of the world have turned their heads and turned around. If her escape would really break the balance, then she knew that her feelings would be very, very light.

"In this way, I have to go more." She smiled softly. "Do you know, I have a power, although it was released by my hand, but if I put my hands on my face, my head It will still be smashed into a rotten watermelon. I am thinking..."

When she said this, she suddenly attacked Zheng Aiyi again. Lin Sanjiu volleyed and slammed on the container and rushed from the air to the girl; Zheng Aiai was used to her shock. In a way, he hurried to the distance without hesitation, and once he opened the distance, he was separated from the figure of Lin Sanjiu by the grid again.

Outside the power grid, the figure of Lin Sanjiu suddenly disappeared into the air.

Zheng Ai Ai, a busy blink of an eye. Not waiting for her to look back, Lin San, who is standing in the other direction next to her, has already reached out and pushed her on her back and sent her into her own grid - the grid is clearly facing Lin San The wine greeted, but I don’t know how it was completely wrong.

"I think your grid is also effective for yourself."

Zheng Ai Ai made a half-sound scream, and the current flashed, and she slammed into the ground and fell straight to the ground.

Lin Sanjiu put away the "Howtorender" that can distort the light and shadow. He walked over to her, kneeling down, and a gloved hand gently pressed against Zheng Ai's throat.

"Every time the grid appears, it is no more than five meters from you. But when I suddenly bully, you dare not use it. Always pull the distance first, then discharge the net... that you are afraid of yourself. Will it be affected by the current?"

The girl is still shaking and is struggling to speak.

"Don't move," Lin Sanqu softly advised. "I don't hate you, I don't want to hurt you. I just need you to faint-"

"啪嗒", the movement of something falling, interrupted her words.

She looked down and found that Zheng Ai's fell down and slipped out of the trouser pocket into a rectangular box. Although the packaging and printing are different, even the instructions are written in foreign languages, but she glanced at it and still recognized it. This is an adrenaline pen.

This should be the adrenaline pen produced in Zheng Ai's country—that is, there is no doping that accelerates degradation.

Zheng Ai’s coughed twice and recovered two points of strength. The white face floated with a strange look: “You, are you going to fight?”

Lin San wine opened the box with one hand, poured out the adrenaline pen, looked at it carefully, and looked at Zheng Ai Ai.

"After I hit it," she asked softly. "Can you tell me the truth?"

Zheng Ai Ai did not say anything, his lips could not shake. When Lin Sanjiu put an adrenaline pen on the outside of her thigh, she slammed a cold breath.

When Lin Sanjiu twitched and fell to the ground, Zheng Aiyi regained her freedom and climbed away in a hurry; she turned around and saw Lin Sanjiu's appearance, almost crying, hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, that's not... ...that was not what I brought, it was sent to me, and the captain told me not to use..."

The ability to evolve has been evacuated from Lin Sanjiu like the ebb tide. The speed is fast and fast, as if it has been inhaled into the black hole of the universe. There will be no trace in the blink of an eye. After the effect of this admixed adrenaline retire, Lin San wine slowly opened his eyes.

Five senses are blurred, the body wins weakly and has no power. The contents of the card library are sealed in the depths of darkness as the ability disappears, and can no longer be obtained - almost, almost like she never evolved. The same.


She has never evolved, and there is still a little difference.

... Zheng Aiai does not know that he is looking forward to this moment, has been looking forward to two or three days.

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