Doomsday Wonderland

: 1361 I wish you all the best.

The closer to the target, the more embarrassing the scene outside the window.

The launching base covers a vast area and the location must be remote enough, so it can only be chosen in areas with underdeveloped economy. As the female driver drove all the way, the bustling city had already disappeared; she was galloping from the township and the countryside, and she was still wearing clothes outside the dilapidated dwarf house. The black wastewater in the road was filled with plastic bags, and the old man sat on the road. While doing manual work while yelling at the young children who are not wearing the pants, the skin on the face is as dry as if there is no trace of flesh and blood underneath.

There is always a faint mist of fog between the heavens and the earth. I don’t know whether it is pollution or despair. In the evening, she felt more comfortable: most of the outlines were hidden. In the dark night, only the distant mountains and the scattered stars looked at the world silently.

On the screen of a mobile phone in the car, the back of Maringo's running is still so smooth; only in the night, it can be seen that the clothes on his back are all soaked.

In the distant place, Han Nianping immediately sent the location and image of Maringo to the mobile phone stolen by the woman through the map satellite. As a result, she would not be lost because of the speed and accident.

The two have been rushing for 40 hours without eating, sleeping, and resting. Today, there are more than 350 kilometers from the satellite launching base. The rocket carrying the satellite will be launched at 10:00 in the morning, but now it is four in the morning. .

After deducting the hour of mixing into the base and installing the communicator, it means that they have five hours to finish the 350 kilometers. In theory, it is enough, and even take a little time to catch their breath.

"Let's stop for a while," said the woman, in the earphones. "You run down again, and when you get to the base, you have to become a waste person. What use is there?"

"I agree." Han Pingping's voice was inserted into it.

This is the fourth time that the female doctor advised Maru Ge to rest, and the first three times were rejected. But this time, the back of the screen slowly slowed down until it stopped completely and slammed into the ground. .

"So a little bit... In the past, nothing at all." In the headphones, his voice hoarse almost cracked quickly: "Is there water?"

"Yes, wait a minute." The woman stepped on the gas pedal and speeded up.

The communication between the three of them was all done by Han Nianping's communication base station signal; they did not close their eyes for forty hours, and he also monitored and coordinated forty hours in the distance. Han Nianping occasionally puts his own image signal on the screen of the mobile phone, and can't see where he is now, always dark; the face that the desk lamp illuminates from the bottom up, always scares the woman. One jump.

When she approached, the pale-looking Maru Qingge was sitting on the side of the road at night, behind which a row of cypress trees rustled in the wind; behind the cypress trees, there were dark fields that could not see the head. He had taken off his shirt, took off the windshield, and the runner was slender and muscular, and was soaked in sweat under the moonlight.

The female handed him two bottles of mineral water and sighed and said, "Let's take a break, you are all sweaty."

Maru Kog raised his face and poured a large bottle of water; the water wet his hair, fell on his shoulders, and fell into his mouth. Han Pingping’s voice came out from the mobile phone: “I feel that I can rest for twenty minutes... After all, I still have to rely on you after I get to the base. If you look too bad, people are easy to be suspicious.”

When I think of this, the woman is uncomfortable. She asked Han Shouping if she could also mix in the base to help, but she got an answer that made her not so happy: from the employee's information, there are not many female employees in the base, and most of them are still in the living supporting units. Work in the hospital, such as hospitals and hotels; it is difficult for her to enter the core department.

"Girls can't do it in science and technology," Han Pingping also comforted her at the time. "So few people."

"I will remind you in advance," said the female. "If you go to the 12th world, you will say this, and you will be taught by female evolutionists."

This sentence shocked him at the time, and then did not dare to scream for dozens of minutes.


The voice of Maru Qingge called her heart back. "I can just wash it a little. It may be that my body sweats too stinky. I always feel that there are small bugs flying next to me."

He said as he waved his hand around him—perhaps there were more mosquitoes in the countryside, and the more the woman remembered that when he slowed down the mountain yesterday, he seemed to say something similar.

When he came back with an empty water bottle and changed his dry clothes, he only slept for ten minutes and was called again by the female. Maru Qingge’s mind was still faint, and after a few seconds, he reacted to where he was and what he was doing; he did not say a word, and once again put on the windshield on the road.

"Come on," the woman said to him in the earphones. "At 10:01 in the morning, we can embark on the way back. You can sleep in the car and sleep for a few hours." ”

In fact, she was too tired to be faint, but she still can't rest on the return journey. She only had a period of time to rest for a while - after Maringo entered the base and came out.

Fortunately, the next round went smoothly, and they gradually approached the satellite launch base according to the original time. The villages covered with fog have long been thrown away, and the flat roads have been cut into the canyons. The roadside signs, warning signs, and the surrounding facilities of the Space City have gradually begun to appear. Slow down, said from the earphone: "Female, the first checkpoint is in front. From the road sign, there is still one kilometer away from me."

The woman calculated the distance between her and her, and replied: "Well, you wait for me for a while, I will arrive soon."

From the first level, she will hand over the car to Maringo, let him enter the base alone. Han Nianping has already deposited his fake information and license plate number into the employee system of the satellite base. It is enough to deal with the external inspection and whistle.

When Maru Qing Ge arrives, he will falsely claim that his wallet has been lost, and the documents have disappeared. However, personal data and facial recognition data are already in the system, which proves that he is a base employee. Even if necessary, Maringo will ask the checkpoint to call the base to confirm his identity - Han Nianping can intercept the communication signal, and the person who calls will hear his voice.

"Well, I saw you," the woman slowed down the speed, and the figure on the far side of the road waved at her. She approached the car and suddenly felt that the car was too quiet, and she could not help but scream: "Han Pingping?"

A long, steady breathing sound answered her.

"Korean is flat!" The woman increased her voice.

Han Nianping took a sip of cold, "Ah?" and the voice returned to the headphones: "What? Who... Hey, hey. I just fell asleep?"

"You don't sleep when you are so critical. We all go to the first level," the woman is anxious. "You go to wash your face!"

"I don't have water here..." Han said with a sigh of relief, and his sleepiness was still trapped in the scorpion. "You wait... I just accidentally let go of the satellite signal when I was asleep, let me find you..."

When he spoke, the woman had stopped at the car next to Maru Qingge. In the early morning, there wasn't even a car on the road going in this direction. It was not afraid of sneak peeks; she grabbed her mobile phone, backpack, and got out of the car and gave him the driver's seat. Maru Qingge closed the door, waved her hand and drove out on the road ahead.

"Hey, I found it. It was in front of the first checkpoint. I saw his car." Han Pingping couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, like a guarantee: "I am ready, as long as they call I can stop the signal at any time."

In just one minute, Maringo can get to the level.

Although the speed of the female Yue is not as good as that of Maru Ge, one kilometer is only a few minutes away for her. She soon saw the silver car far away. Maringo stopped the car outside the checkpoint. At this time, the man got out of the car and was talking to a soldier-like person. In addition, there were several fully armed people who opened the trunk and the door. The bottom has not been let go, is being carefully examined.

In the headset, he is explaining to the person checking the level that he is a base employee. For what reason he lost his wallet, he must now rush back to the base cloud... Obviously, everything is going according to plan.

"You can call the base to confirm my identity..."

"No need." Everything went unexpectedly smoothly. After the soldier swept the face of Maruyama, with a machine, he pointed at the screen a few times and then nodded to him and said, "Well, you are In the system. Second-level researcher? But if you go back, you must quickly re-issue a document, which is not an example."

He yelled at a few colleagues: "Is the car checked?"

"The car is ok," and several others have come back. "You can pass."

The woman who sneaked in the grass on the side of the road, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The silver car was restarted, passed through the checkpoint and continued on the road ahead. She can no longer move forward, and the protective net in front of it will cut off the road high. The camera and searchlight will not let anyone who dares to approach it. The only entrance is that Maringo Ge has just passed. That road.

She was kneeling in the grass, listening to a few conversations between Maringo and Han, and looking at the silver car gradually getting smaller and disappearing from sight.

"I wish you all the best," Maru Qingge said with a soft smile.

In the next second, a loud noise from the explosion suddenly sounded on the distant road. A broken silver car was thrown up like a matchbox, and the blazing fire rushed into the sky.

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