Doomsday Wonderland

: 1363 The opportunity of desperation

No matter what you think, the more optimistic women feel that they are in a desperate situation.

She stared at the map that Hansei put on her mobile phone and watched it for a while, but it was getting more and more cool: she and Maringo are now located between the satellite base and the nearest township, except for the road, which is within a hundred miles. There isn't even a building worth marking on the map, let alone the hospital.

Without a car, no identity, she can't enter the satellite base; if she wants to go back to Maru Qingge and step by step to the nearest township, then Maringo Ge will probably swallow the last breath on this long road. She didn't even have the luxury of sitting in the same place and continuing to be in a daze - the garrison of the satellite base, may come over at any time.

"Tiger Tigers," a walkie-talkie that was thrown on the ground, suddenly rang at this time: "Please report the situation."

The more a woman is excited, she knows that her time is running out. In order to save Maru Qingge, she has already put the rocket plan into it; even if there is no way to go, she must not throw Maringo here and be taken away by those people.

"Tiger team," raised the voice in the intercom: "Is it received?"

The woman turned up and sat up, didn't take care of it, and reached out to hug Maru Ge. His injury was so heavy that when she put her hand under his arm, she was a little worried about whether or not she would break his body. At this time, Han Shouping in the earphones suddenly screamed "ah. ", scared her hand, and almost fell to Maru Ge.

"I, I thought of a way!" Han Pingping was so excited that he couldn't suppress his own volume - he didn't know where he was, he didn't dare to speak loudly. "Maybe... maybe a bit unsafe, but there is no other way to go."

The woman just felt a little brighter in her vision and hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"Change clothes... Aren't they coming to come, before you come, you changed the clothes of Maru's brother."

"What?" The woman is slightly stunned.

"Take off the other people's military uniforms and put them on," Han said, as if he couldn't wait to put his thoughts in his head and said: "The more his clothes are worn by a dead person, this is not the same. Is the identity interchangeable? We don't have much time, you should change the clothes for him first, and change the side."

The more the woman understands, the heart is almost breaking through the chest.

"In fact, there is a hospital that is only a dozen kilometers away from your current location. It is in the satellite base." Han Pingping is somewhat incoherent. "The people at the base will not save the big brother, but if you see that you are still alive, Will you send him to the base hospital? Right, can you use his blood or soil to put his face on? If they are dying, they must be first aid and then wash their faces. ""

Yes, the female is forgotten. When Han Pingping told her that there were very few female employees in the base, they did say that they all went to work in the base hospitals and hotels. The base hospital was the only possibility for Maringo’s life. .

She took off the clothes that Maru Gee was soaked in blood, and quickly smashed a dead man, even the belts and socks. The voice in the intercom was called several times. After I found that there was no response, I also expected that something was wrong. "啪" interrupted the communication and never rang again - I am afraid that the next group of people have already started to rush here. coming.

"But they know that the evolutionary was injured by the explosion. The last time they communicated, they also knew that the evolutionary still had a tone." When the woman was too busy to sweat, Han said: "There is only one living person on the scene, or Suffering from an explosion, it will definitely be suspected..."

"It doesn't matter," the woman finally felt more happy after she saw the car being blown into the sky. "I have a way to do this."


"Give it to me." The woman said as she gave the last button to Maringo. After wiping his face to the mother, she couldn’t recognize it. She couldn’t even breathe, and rushed to the dead body wearing a pill-green clothes. She found a palm-filled particle from the storage props. The plastic gloves are put on.

[The home is two people, why can I only clean it]

This is a dishwashing glove that protects the skin of the housewife's hands. The palm of the hand is covered with a piece of plastic granules that can replace the dishwashing cotton and quickly clean the dirty dishes. Originally designed for the housewife, but after a period of time for the majority of women, they gradually got their grievances: the two of the Ming and Qing Dynasties must go to work, and women can only take 70% of the salary of men in the workplace. After returning home, women have to bear 70% of household chores at home. Is this reasonable?

At the time of recruitment, the interviewer who refused the unmarried women, returned to work in the workplace for exile, and postpartum depression will get up in the middle of the night to feed, go home from work and continue to clean and cook... This pair of gloves sucked with anger, perhaps because of seeing Too many such realities, so that it has changed from a female tool to a female weapon: every attack that is swiped after wearing will cause a large-scale shattering of the epidermis due to the particles on the glove. effect.

The woman turned over the dead man, pointed at his back, and took a shot.

She didn't even smash the body, and the airflow bursting in the air blasted openly in the air. Under the original broken clothes, the skin, flesh and internal organs jumped open and opened with a layer of blood red. It is like a bright red flower that blooms in the depths.

She was splashed with blood on her face and didn't even blink her eyes. The woman slaps a few more palms until the corpse looks more like an explosion than Maringo, and then she lives. Only the other three dead bodies are completely intact, and the difference is too big; in order to avoid suspicion, and she took a very happy shot, she simply took each body into a rotten flower, which was a random search. Replace the clothes and wipe your face off.

... In the whole process, Han was not even breathing in the air.

"That, that," the woman waited for a while after he stopped, and he whispered: "There are military vehicles and ambulances coming in front of you... do you hide first?"

The woman hurriedly explored the breathing of Maruyama, and saw that he still stubbornly held up the last breath, and then quickly put the dead body wearing his clothes into the car. She was in a temporary move, only stuffed her legs, and put the body into a posture that climbed out halfway. Then she rushed into the checkpoint and looked around—the only one that could accommodate her. The hiding place is only under the table.

“Hurry to hide,” Han said, “The car is approaching!”

She hurriedly rushed down, and this time she couldn't see anything except the front chair legs. She could only listen to Han Shouping to describe her.

"Come on, they are here," he said in the earphones along with the sound of the car engine that sounded outside the house. "They are all armed... Someone in the ambulance has come down and started checking the body."

The footsteps of the boots quickly spread out and occupied the entire checkpoint. Someone sipped a "squad patrol search, he must have accomplices!"; soon, the checkpoint door was knocked open, and both feet hurried in - the joke-like place under the table, definitely a glance Will be discovered.

As the woman tightened into the depths of the table, she was ready to make a surprise attack when someone bent down. A pair of legs suddenly came straight to the table, and the owner of the leg was still screaming.

"What's wrong?" another asked.

"You see, this surveillance screen is stopped," the front of the table was quickly blocked by two legs, but no one bent down and their attention was placed on the table. Female Yue just saw a few monitor screens on the table. "It should be the timeout that they pressed before the accident. This should be the accomplices?"

Another person probably looked at God, and even the guns fell down, and a dark gun barrel fell into the view of the woman. "Yes, let's report it quickly."

"It’s the picture I put," Han said, whispering in her earphones. "I can only think of this one that attracts their attention and prevents them from looking down the table..."

It is not good? He listened but was very guilty.

"Time is too late, I can only use the camera to capture the real picture of you..." The more he said the sound is smaller, "but you can rest assured! Most of the face can't see..."

This is no way, the woman sighed.

The person in charge of the squad commander stood outside and was loudly telling everyone to clean up the road. It seems that he did not intend to release the vehicle again. "It seems that he still can't kill him at the same time. It is really the same as 蟑螂. I know that I will increase the weight of explosives. It was... I sent three lives to us." When someone pushed the car, he sighed like this.

The female nail's nails are deeply stuck in the palm of her skin.

"Take these brothers away," he ordered. "This is a hero who has died with criminals."

She sat down at the table without a word. The younger the woman, the smaller the group, the more inconspicuous; she took the person in charge to see the screen, and went out to lock the door until the room calmed down, still can't believe that he was really not found. .

"Maru has been sent to the ambulance," Han said. "They really thought he was his own!"

There are a series of first-aid measures on the ambulance. A tough person like Maringo Ge will definitely be able to stay in the hospital. The woman regained a sigh of relief and her body was softened - but she was far from being able to relax.

Now that the first checkpoint is closed, no one will enter the base; let alone get the car, she will be suspicious even if she gets the car. This means that she has only one way: follow the military vehicles and ambulances and drive into the base.

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