Doomsday Wonderland

: 1365 fish caught

Originally, for a long-distance bus ticket of 150 yuan, Wu Lun spent three hundred.

After she climbed down from her balcony at home, she ran out of the community and realized that she did not take any identity documents. Without an identity document, it meant that she could not use any public transportation.

The family has to send a doctor and report the case. They may have to wait a while to find out that she is missing. She did not dare to go directly to the city's long-distance station, but had to find a truck that transported vegetables and fruits, gave the driver fifty dollars, and asked the other party to take him to his next destination, no matter where it was. Fortunately, the next destination is a small city, which is smaller and more broken than her hometown. In order to earn one hundred and five dollars, there are many ticket sellers who are willing to close one eye.

Until she got the car, she suddenly remembered that sometimes she would check the ID card on the road. She huddled in the last row, and every time the car stopped, she could make her nervous and unable to breathe; she knew that whether it was ahead or behind, the net that had to be arrested must have been laid. .

However, her luck was not bad. After a dozen hours, she returned to the city where she met Lin San, and still did not meet the sample. At least until now, Dawang has not touched Wu Lun’s small fish; as for how long she can travel forward, only the genius knows.

Maybe it’s not a bad thing to be caught... If everything is over, she can see her again.

A man’s cell phone rang next door, interrupting him to close his eyes. The phone leaked, and the other voice came from a woman. It seemed that it was not a girlfriend or a wife. "Well, it’s about two hours later... Oh, not yet, I have to stop in Hexi in the middle." He said, licking the two feet that were liberated from the shoes early, Wu Lun After being smoked for more than ten hours, I have already felt that it is stinky.

The morning sun has not been able to heat the glass; she stumbles her head on the cold glass window, and imagines the situation at home at this time. Suddenly the man raised his voice and said, "What?"

Someone in the neighboring seat turned to look at the man.

“Really?” He also replied to the nearby passengers’ eyes, suggesting that they had received news that they did not get. "There is a fear in the city (in the brackets). The horrible (not watching) elements are mixed in. Is there a notice now? Hey, that’s not far from Xiao Li’s house...”

Several rows of passengers in the vicinity responded and turned around and exchanged their eyes and glanced at him. When the man saw that they were waiting for their own phone call, the words were more: "Is anyone hurt? Ah, no..." He seemed to be a little disappointed. He said, "I am not afraid, afraid of anything, from our home. Far away, it’s exactly the opposite direction... Hey, can you still get a machine gun? The two rounds of the beat are killed, and they can’t get through.”

When he finally hangs up, the people in the half of the car are awake. The whispering voice was immediately interrupted by a question. An aunt asked: "What is it? What happened?"

"My wife said that the city has mixed fears (in brackets) of horror (not watching). Since yesterday, it has been blocked at the copper pier." The man sat up in a hurry and said: "She unit It’s just doing import and export, and today I sent an internal notice asking people not to go to the dock.”

"No dead?" asked the passenger.

"It seems that there is no," the man also found that his material was not strong enough. Seeing that everyone's attention seemed to have a loose trend, added: "She said that the urban area is not good now, and roadblocks are set on every road. ID card, it is estimated that some are blocked."

Wu Lun pressed down a few trembles and asked as smoothly as possible: "Yes... what kind of fear (in brackets) horrible (not watching) molecules?"

"Who knows, anyway, my wife heard that the boat is not allowed to go to the beach, because I am afraid that there is a bomb on the dock." The man shook his head and sighed. "I think it is because the management is not strict enough, and I have to strengthen security later."

Excited and scared, Wu Lun’s brain has become a mess. It is also the copper dock, and it is the so-called fear (in brackets) horrible (not watching) molecules... It’s too clever, will it be related to Lin Sanjiu? Will it be her own?

However, how could Lin Sanjiu be blocked by ordinary people in the copper dock, and still blocked for a day?

"What time is it?" she asked again.

"6:20," the man said, looking at the phone.

Just in front of the passengers suggested to turn on the TV to see the local news - someone came from the driver to remote control, opened the small TV screen on the bus, dialed four or five channels; local news did not see, what kindergarten milk expired The event, the journey number rocket will be launched at 10 o'clock today, a new policy for investment in a certain place... but I saw a lot.

When the bus stopped in Hexi City, Wu Lun hurriedly got out of the car. From here to her original city, there are at least sixty or seventy kilometers; she does not have an identity document, can't check the checkpoint by car, think about it, don't know what to do, just go to the gas station to buy a map, with two legs Move forward. When she didn't need to look at the map, she put the map on her head and pretended to block the sun, covering her face from the intensive camera on the roadside.

She has not been so hard in her life.

Wu Lun bypassed the road with inspection checkpoints, and specially took places such as residential areas and alleys. He naturally walked a lot of roads. After she finally got into the suburbs of the city, she was really tired. See you. In front of me, there is a footpath with few green trees and fewer pedestrians. I just sit down on the side of the road, my legs are soft and sweaty.

She didn't dare to think about her mother. When she thought of her mother, she couldn't help but cry like a child.

After a long break, Wu Lun slowly got up and felt that he was thirsty and hungry. A thousand dollars from the family, there are still six hundred and five, she has to save some flowers, if there is a small shop nearby, eating a cup of bread and drinking mineral water is enough... but how to connect here Didn't open the door shop? All the shops across the road were closed and locked.

Wu Lun turned around and waited for her gaze to fall on the signage of the building behind her, and she couldn't help but squat - "Qingshan Corning Hospital."

Anyone who has lived in this city knows that this Corning Hospital is a mental hospital.

After the iron gate was locked, the sound of the water came, and even the sound was a little comfortable and cool. Wu Lun wanted to take the foot away, but the thirst in the throat smoked, and involuntarily glanced at the place where there was water. She certainly didn’t go to the mental hospital to discuss the water. This is just a human instinct. It’s gone.

A woman in a sick suit and looking at her thirties is watering the pot next to the gate. It is normal for a mental patient who is generally self-care and stable in condition. It is normal to be arranged to do some work. Wu Lun’s gaze swept away from her and took two steps. Suddenly, she couldn’t help but look back at her. .

... watching is watering the flowers, but the female patient's drunkenness is not in the wine.

She deliberately lifted the mouth of the kettle so high that the falling water was fine, and the work that could have been done in the past ten seconds would have to take half a minute if calculated by such a flow of water. The most important thing is that on her long round face, a pair of black eyes are rising high, and they don’t live on the wall of the courtyard. Wu Lun followed her gaze and saw the wall. camera.

This look, she is so familiar. This is also the way Wu Lun on the road, sneaking to find the camera corner.

She stopped her foot and stood by a tree, watching the female patient pour water, and walked back slowly. An old man who was resting in the yard suddenly greeted him and whispered something to her. The two turned their heads toward the yard and met Wu Lun’s eyes. Wu Lun was shocked. I feel that these two mental patients are a bit scary and havetily hurried away.

She was hungry and thirsty. She still remembered to buy some food and water, and her attention was placed on the roadside store. When she walked several streets, she finally realized that it was too late.

At that time, Wu Lun was bending over, looking through a glass door to a convenience store; the store was black with lights, no one, it seems to be another store that is not open today. When she got up straight, when she turned back, she found two men in uniform standing behind me.

"What are you doing?" one of them asked.

"I... I want to buy a bottle of water..." Wu Lun stuttered.

"Buy water?" The man frowned. "You don't know if the city is martial today? The store has closed what water you bought?"

Martial law? The man in the car didn't mention it - did it start after she got off the bus? Wu Lun did not have a mobile phone and could not receive an urgent notice of martial law.

"I have the ID card." Another person ordered.

"I... I didn't bring it... I lived nearby, didn't think about it..."

The two looked at each other. This is a small matter that violates the rules. Generally speaking, it depends on whether the other party is willing to let you go. Sometimes, even if you give a verbal warning, sometimes it is really implemented according to the rules. It is not a joke.

Wu Lun swallowed a sip of water. She is wearing jeans, sneakers, and she doesn't have a bag in her hand. If she lives nearby, she may be able to mix it... But when one of her eyes hangs down and falls on her hand, she is shocked. The heart fell straight into the black belt.

"Living in the neighborhood, but taking the map out?" The man sneered, "Go, go back with us."

Just as Wu Lun bit his teeth and made up his mind to prepare to run, a team of screaming footsteps from the other side of the street stopped her movements and frozen her in place. She couldn't help but glanced at the direction of the footsteps, and then heard someone screaming - "Wu Lun?"

She was in a battle, staring at the face of He Huan, and could not say a word.

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