Doomsday Wonderland

: 1366 intercepted road

An hour before Wu Lun was discovered by the river, a military launch vehicle and an ambulance had just entered the satellite launching base thousands of miles away. The ambulance quickly turned around with the wounded in his stomach and headed for the base hospital on the outer edge of the station; the military vehicle continued to move deep into the base, ignoring the one passenger who had more of it.

Female Yue’s fingers were firmly grasped on the chassis of the car, and the toes were hung in the gaps in the bottom of the car. The lower abdomen stretched like a piece of iron. After the car stopped and the person in the car jumped down, she squatted sideways and found that the place where the military vehicle stopped seemed to be in front of a building. There were two feet standing on both sides of the gate. It should be standing guard. People.

She frowned and thought about it, and she grabbed some.

No one moved down the three dead bodies that had been covered with tarpaulins, and the car engine had not been extinguished, indicating that the car was transported elsewhere. She held her breath and waited for a while. When the military vehicle started again and went around the back of the building, she saw the timing, and her hands fell on the ground, rolling on the ground—before the running wheel was crushed on her body, she Rolled under a wall.

"Beware," Han said in his headphones. "The building behind you is the Armed Security Department."

I almost followed the old nest, and the woman smiled bitterly. She is now in black plain clothes, and there is still no clean blood in her hair and nails. It seems suspicious to be suspicious. She was kneeling in the shadow of the corner, just in the corner of the rear of a camera, frowning and said: "I have to find the headquarters to mix in..."

She had thought that the headquarters might not be easy to find, and looked up, but it was awkward.

In the vast base of the launching base, it seems to be empty. The straight road divides the earthy empty land into several squares, most of which are covered with yellowed grass; the most conspicuous in the far blue sky is undoubtedly the rocket launcher - it has not yet loaded the rocket, it is huge The towering towering is surprising, and the buildings closest to it are less than a few kilometers away.

Not far from the woman, the tallest white building in the base stands, and the red characters on the outer wall read the “Hengchang Satellite Launch Center” from top to bottom.

"How do I get in? Can't you harden it?" The woman squatted down and hid behind a cluster of rare trees, looking at the gate of the launch center in the distance - two fully armed guards were motionless Standing at the door.

She waited for Han Shuiping to answer her "I have a way" and I didn't expect it for a while. He said, "Also, it's OK... just pay attention, don't cause an alarm..."

The woman is a little more stunned: "Is it really hard?"

"The launch center is isolated from the communication signal," Han said. "I can't get in from the outside world... I can't help you. I need to rely on you to walk in before I can manage to launch their internal launch." system……"

The woman sighed silently and looked up. On the way to the launch center, there are several cameras under each streetlight. The base is full of open vision and empty terrain. Once she leaves here, there is no place to hide her body.

"...they know that I am coming, I will definitely strengthen my defense." The woman frowned and said.

From where she is, she can see a group of people in the distance who are neatly patrolling along the outer edge of the rocket launch area. By contrast, the vicinity of the Armed Security Department is more relaxed. "Assuming I just rushed into the building, they immediately found out, what should we do? Even if they can't catch me, let's put the communicator in the satellite? The monk can't run the temple."

Han Pingping was silent for a while.

"So, we may have only one way..."

After the two men whispered for a few minutes, the woman secretly counted her speed in her heart and slowly stood up.

"... OK, then do it." It was also at the last minute.

She rushed toward the launch center as quickly as possible. On that straight and empty road, it suddenly turned into a group of high-speed black shadows - the two men at the door quickly lifted the guns, but they were too late to know, when they had no time to drink "who" The female has already rushed to the gate.

She stopped the steps between the two, and the body turned lightly and skillfully. One of the guns was slammed into the man's face with the sole of the gun. The other man hurriedly turned to press. On the wall, the woman slammed toward him and raised his hand to grab his clothes. He pulled his hand off the alarm.

Even a well-trained ordinary person only took her less than a minute to solve. Although she looks light and cute, she is not the same as Lin San. She has already entered a war state that is not my enemy. Naturally, she will not have compassion for the enemy. She reaches out and explores the dead. Find a card and brush it on the door. The door lock will open with a click.

... From this moment on, speed determines everything. Before the two dead people were discovered, she would load the stuff into the satellite.

As soon as she entered the building, Han’s voice disappeared from the headphones. In this building, the communication base station signal was isolated. Her contact with Han Shouping was naturally interrupted. According to his previous instructions, the woman looked at the corners and looked for the gap, and finally under the strict supervision. The headquarters of the launch center.

Fortunately, the more women do not need to really get into the heavyweight of the command center. She found the electric well in the building, broke the lock and then slid it in; in the dark, she groped for the power connection and gently took out a small piece of smooth, cold carapace from the storage props.

... When Maru Qingge was blown into the air, she and Han Pingping had a moment, thinking that this thing was also ravaged with Maru Qingge. There is no hope for this plan - after all, Han Shouping only cuts from his own limbs. It’s just such a small piece. If it is ruined, they will not enter the internal system even if they are mixed into the launch center.

Perhaps it is really a road to nowhere, this little carapace is still intact.

After the small piece of carapace replaced the cable into the interface, the female re-drilled the electric well. She didn't know if Han Pingping had connected to the internal system and did not take it now. She only knew that she had the most crucial step.

The communicator that recorded the letter of Lin San wine was already blown into pieces. Fortunately, she still has one. She also remembers what Lin Sanjiu said at the time; after recording the message sent to Jishanqing, the female put the communicator on a cart she found and put The cart was left outside the door of the equipment debugging room where Han was in agreement with her.

She can't be disguised as a staff member like Maringo Ge. She can only use this kind of resignation. If everything goes smoothly according to the plan, when she leaves too little, someone will come back and recycle according to the instructions of the internal system. The communicator; as long as the alarm does not sound, the unsuspecting base staff will attach it to the satellite and be sent to space by the rocket in the last opportunity to check the loading.

Next, the communicator that presets the sending time will send a message from Jizhongqing to the space.

Please, please, let him receive it.

... When the woman just rushed out of the gate, the entire launch center was overwhelmed by the harsh alarm.


The river hangs up silently.

Wu Lun sat across the table. At first glance, it seemed to be calm and there was no emotion. River Huan silently observed her for a long while, looked up at the wall clock and gave a soft breath.

"...10:05," he said slowly. "The rocket has just been launched. Do you know?"

Wu Lun raised his eyes blankly.

"Lin Sanjiu originally wanted to rely on the rocket to launch and send a distress signal to space. At the very least, this is one of her plans." Hehuan feels like he is telling an old friend about the status of another old friend. The same, just considering his position, this feeling is really ironic. "But it's a pity that just now, her plan failed. And her other road... was also blocked at the copper pier."

Wu Lun’s brow jumped and still said nothing. The girl has been stirred up by a series of accidents, and after seeing He Huan again, she found the only way to protect herself from the chaos: not talking.

"Her companion actually broke into with tough means... there is no courage." He Huan said here, shaking his head. "Almost, the communicator was almost loaded into the satellite. Now, the rocket is launched, and the message of Lin Sanjiu will always remain on the planet."

Wu Lun’s eyes flashed and suddenly he leaned over.

“Why?” She finally sent out the first sentence after being taken away, and stared at the river and asked, “Why... do you sound like a real regret?”

The river is a little glimpse.

"You actually want to see her go, right?"

Wu Lun straight into his eyes, the tone is clear and affirmative.

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