... Lin San wine has been on the copper dock for a whole night.

This morning, there is no sun.

The thick, dark clouds obscured the sky, pressing it down and falling straight into the sea. A storm in the distance has been overwhelmed by the army, and all the colors have been removed from the heavens and the earth, leaving only the thick gray, heavy blue and black scorpion. The gust of wind provoked the revolt of the waves, and the roar of the wind and waves stunned the earth.

At the container terminal, there was a sharp sound when the steel collided on the hoisting frame from time to time, as if to break into the cracks of the world. When Lin San wine stood tall between the huge containers, she felt that it seemed that there was only one person left in the world.

Of course, this is also because Zheng Aiai, who is behind her, has been very quiet—she sometimes breaks silently like this, suddenly: “How long can you stay? It’s been a night.”

Lin Sanjiu looked back at her. Zheng Ai Ai was a little uneasy, raised his tied hands and gently licked his ears.

"I mean... you have degenerated into an ordinary person after all." She lowered her eyelids. "Although... I don't know why you can use evolutionary power as an ordinary person, but your physical fitness is still Not to mention the evolutionary. What's more, my colleagues can also change jobs, add rest... and they can't afford to spend time with them. I think... if you give up now, there is still a chance."

Indeed, Lin Sanjiu is no different from an ordinary person at the moment.

Yesterday evening, when she finished the needle of adrenaline, Zheng Aiai just took out an iron-spherical restraint from the storage props because she had completely degenerated. It was obviously for dangerous elements. Specially made, after the person puts his hands in, not only does he have a little space for activities in his hand, he even has difficulty raising his hands, because each ball-shaped restraint is about 50 kilograms.

At that time, Lin Sanjiu was still sitting on the ground, letting her lock her hands into the ball-shaped restraint on the ground.

"That...sorry," Zheng Aiyi looked down at her and said, "This is the case. After you have caught you, you have to use this thing..."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the restraint, and both arms were dropped to the ground by the black ball. She tried to lift her hand - it was difficult to move.

"If it is too heavy, if you can't move, I will lift it for you." Zheng Aiai whispered.

"That doesn't have to be," Lin Sandi smiled softly. "Can you stand up first?"

Zheng Aiyi slowly stood up with doubts.

"I may not be able to walk with it," Lin Sanjiu explained. "Then I will not take it."

After a brief stunned, Zheng Ai Ai suddenly rounded her eyes - she realized that Lin Sanjiu had a backhand, but she was a little late. At this moment, the kidney formed by the black mist in Lin San wine suddenly opened, and the thick fog that was tumbling and roaring quickly rushed into her arms and hands, and finally concentrated on her palms and formed. [A sudden change in the style of the painting].

The iron ball was blown into a blast of countless shreds, promptly reminding Zheng Ai Ai; she hurried back to dodge, protect her head and face, and finally did not be smashed into pieces of smashing dance - when she put down her hands, Lin Sanjiu has stood up from the ground and also reached for a shot on his trousers.

"You...you..." Zheng Aiai couldn't think of "you", what was good, and stuttered for a long while, and asked: "What is going on?"

Lin San wine smashed his hand and felt the black fog recede from his hands like a low tide. He returned to the depths of her body and turned into a black and secluded kidney - she could make it into the ability she needed, but Can't order it to stay well, don't go back to the kidney.

"Well, this is a long story." She licked her head and took a step forward. Zheng Aiyi stepped back. "I lost a kidney in the last doomsday world. When I redeem it, I found that my original kidney was gone... I left it with only one texture like black fog. 'kidney'."

Zheng Ai’s seems to be difficult to digest this news.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve been doing it in my body, so I’m just forgetting it... until I first hit the adrenaline in this country, it’s It suddenly seemed to be provoked with madness, and it turned into fog and filled my whole body."

Lin San wine sighed softly. "At that time, because my various abilities were degraded by a third, I was not depressed to consider what was going on. Until one day, I suddenly thought of nonsense."

Zheng Ai Ai was fascinated, apparently did not expect to hear such a sentence, for a moment he forgot to go back and asked: "Waste, nonsense?"

"Yes, it is the fact that has always been in front of us, the most obvious fact," Lin Sanjiu laughed at her. "Speaking is a nonsense--because it is too obvious, it has become a black under the lamp, I have never I have thought about it. This thing, although it plays the role of the kidney, is not really a kidney."

There is no kidney in the sky to disperse into a mist, walk it down the river and then re-agglomerate into a kidney. Therefore, the answer is a very simple nonsense: the nature of the black mist itself determines the form that can be converted into a kidney and exerts the function of the kidney in the position of the kidney.

The next question will naturally become a matter of course. Since it can be turned into a kidney, can it be transformed into something else? For example... evolutionary ability?

After careful thinking and experimentation, Lin Sanjiu found that her luck can be said to be a great fortune. If she was not the kidney but the lungs, then even the hospital can use the black fog to form a lung for her, which is still meaningless to her condition at the moment: once the black fog is formed, it will not easily Changed. In other words, after becoming something, the black fog will exist in the form of that thing honestly and will not change in the middle.

"The only reason to activate the black fog is because I have used adrenaline, and it happened to be a kidney at that time." Lin Sanjiu smiled and continued: "If it is transformed into a lung, heart, liver... So no matter how much adrenaline I play, it will only cause the ability to degenerate, but it will not let the black fog react. It is so smart... I really want to thank you, suggesting that we go to play adrenaline."

Zheng Ai’s awkwardly heard this and finally sighed: “I thought I told you the news, it was a help for you... I just didn’t expect it to be helpful in this way.”

"But for a while, this discovery did not give me any substantial help."

Lin Sanji shook her head, and the kidneys again turned into a black fog, which was filled with her hands and feet. This time, the black fog was the physical power that she had lost - it was restored. It is the level of her ability when Lin San wine enters the adrenaline.

"The activated black fog has rolled over every cell and every ability of my life. Even my card library has been filled with a black fog... I and Han Pingping thought that it was probably remembered at that time. My ability form, in order to be used in the future." Lin Sanjiu said, while slowly approaching Zheng Ai's approach. "But no matter how I try, the dark fog kidney is still the kidney, and it is not willing to change into evolutionary ability for me."

Zheng Ai Ai knew that her ability to evolve was not good in front of her. She swallowed her mouth and screamed a long stick.

"Why?" She raised her long stick in her hands and resisted asking in front of her.

"It's very simple," Lin Sanjiu smiled and jumped off the ground with his feet. When she first used adrenaline, the degradation was not too serious; the level of ability of the black mist that tumbling in the blood vessels was enough to make it difficult for most of the world's evolutionists to fight – “because of my own The ability is still there, there is no space to simulate it."

When the voice started, she had turned into a black shadow, and she was above the head of Zheng Ai Ai from mid-air; the long stick hurriedly approached her, and even made a sound of gold and stone when she broke, obviously Zheng Ai Ai There is no soft hand under this.

When Lin Sanjiu is fighting, his body is like a stream of water. She turned around at an angle that the human body could hardly do. She reached for the long stick and used it to borrow and force her body in midair. She slammed her head to Zheng Ai’s head. When she fell down in a muffled sound, she also fell to the ground, and the long stick touched the throat of the young girl. The whole process was clean and it took only five seconds.

"Look, I don't want to vacate a kidney first, so that it can be turned into a kidney." She said softly, "Take your blessing... I have nothing to lose now. I think Let it be what it is, and what it can be."

Without mentioning the disparity in the level of combat power and combat capability, Zheng Ai Ai first lacked the most important point of combat: power. She originally resisted this battle. When she found out that she could not beat each other, she almost recognized the loss and was turned into a hostage by Lin Sanjiu.

However, Zheng Aiai planted this matter and was quickly discovered by other evolutionists who were being investigated.

After receiving the news, the evolutionists sent by the countries ended their patrols and searches in the copper port, changing the strategy: they surrounded the copper pier, except for the sky above the head and the sea behind them. Let Lin San wine have nowhere to go.

After the two sides tempted and clashed with each other, and finally stalemate for a night, when the morning landed in the world, the world was full of wind and rain.

On the dark sea where the waves gradually became fierce, the moored freighter had already disappeared in the night. An iron-grey behemoth, as if it had been drilled from the dark clouds and grayish white mist, was quietly covered with sea surface; the weapons and barrels on them had undoubtedly cut off the sea. It is. From time to time, armed helicopters glided across the top of the head, and the sound of propellers rang in the wind.

Zheng Ai's look is getting heavier and heavier and he talks less and less; what she thinks, why she would persuade her to give up, and Lin Sanjiu can guess some.

"You think I can't make it, it's just a hope for you." She turned to look at the sea of ​​the warships and whispered, "You are scared now, right? You are afraid that I can really keep going."

Zheng Aiyi opened his mouth.

"You are not malicious to me, I know."

Lin Sanjiu didn't look at her and said, "You are not afraid of me. Your country has sent people to deal with us evolvers because of succumbing to pressure... Then when you become a hindrance, your country will not Once you succumb to the same pressure, you will also be treated as abandoning children. After all, you and me are different, but the landing position is different."

When she looked back, Zheng Ai's face had faded from the blood.

"You can rest assured," Lin Sanji smiled softly, not to say whether it was a bitter smile or a sigh. "You have such luck, you can find a hometown from this world, I will not test your country like this. The world's personnel, can withstand too few tests, why bother to push that step."

Zheng Ai Ai.

The black mist spread from the body. She reached out and smashed the rope that tied Zheng Ai's hands and whispered, "Let's go."

Lin Sanjiu turned his head.

Far away is the wind and rain, the assembled warships and the waves waiting to swallow her.

"...the next battle is me and the world."

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