Doomsday Wonderland

: 1368 last step

At 9:59 am, there was no open space near the copper pier.

When Lin Sanjiu stood on the highest point of the pier iron frame, she couldn't help but sigh a little – for the evolutionist, this is really a big scene.

The fence outside the dock was cleaned overnight and replaced with a row of silent heavy infantry fighting vehicles. A crawler-type transporter kept moving closer to the dock and spit out countless black-pressed uniformed soldiers; I don’t know how many main battles (not seen in brackets), gram cut off the entrance and exit, countless ships carrying artillery, self-propelled black lacquered tubes The mouth is aligned with the pier. More than a dozen evolutionary figures with different attire and conspicuous appearances are standing in front of a neat military array.

Unexpectedly, there were reporters on the dock. When a helicopter ran through the air, Lin Sanjiu discovered that the original helicopter was printed with the words of a news station; several cameras came out of the helicopter's stomach and waited to capture any movement on the dock.

... It seems that the whole world is waiting for a breath, to crush this small figure into a broken powder, and then dissipate in the sea breeze.

"I don't want to hear the mob in front,"

Outside the dock, the loudspeakers mounted on several roofs slammed again, and the heavy air shook: "Now it is 9:59 am, your plan has failed!"

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the watch, and just saw the minute hand jumped to 12 and became ten o'clock. She can imagine that in the far side of this land, a rocket is being pushed high by the powerful thrust and rising straight out of the ground; the passengers on it are about to fall into endless space and fall into its orbit.

"The journey number rocket has been successfully launched. The destruction device that you and your accomplices tried to put in has been intercepted by us in time!"

Lin San wine raised his head.

Is the communicator found? Didn't be launched with the rocket? Then... As Han Sangping worried, other opportunities were annihilated one by one, and things were forced to the final step, and success or failure will be here.

Han’s position is definitely not found now.

Lin San wine looked at the time again. Several people have estimated that it takes about ten minutes for the rocket to enter space. In addition, the time when the satellite enters the orbit and returns the first signal to the ground means that she has to hold the opponent's military force for at least twenty minutes.

In these twenty minutes, they can't be distracted. Everyone who can take a gun must gather on this pier and use all his energy to annihilate Lin Sanjiu so that he won’t find a poster for his party. To do this, you have to let all People think that Lin Sanjiu is the real crisis.

She looked up and waved at the news helicopter in the far air. She gestured a few gestures and signaled that they had something to say. After a while, the helicopter finally hesitantly moved closer to the fuselage. Throw a microphone inside.

The black mist dissipated and flooded the body, and it became the physical power that she had lost. Lin Sanjiu jumped, and the seabird flicked the microphone lightly and jumped to another iron frame. When it was stable, the camera in the helicopter on the head hurriedly followed. Reversed the direction.

She patted the wireless microphone and didn't know if there was any reaction at the other end and smiled.

"I didn't want to hurt the world," Lin Sanjiu said. "So I want to leave in a peaceful way. But since you don't allow me to leave peacefully, then I have only one way to go."

"This paragraph has quickly collapsed." In the helicopter on the head, someone hurriedly ordered, "Don't broadcast!"

Lin San wine glanced up at the helicopter - the wind of the propeller stirred her hair and fluttered, and the dark sky in the field of vision was cut into countless pieces. They probably couldn't think of it, even in the whistling of the helicopter, their voice was clearly captured by her.

"It seems that you have changed your strategy," she said with a soft smile. This passage cannot be passed on. I am afraid that only one person can count the number of people who can be heard. "There is no longer concealing the existence of the evolutionary, but it is necessary to raise us to the public enemy of the people... to publicly execute the public enemy on the television, and it will be much easier to act later. Is that true?"

She naturally won't get any answers. The roof horns outside the military array are silent.

"You don't need to **** to the end, and I will smear me into a wicked person. I am here to help you, listen to my next words." Lin Sanjiu paused and said: "I am now Decided to destroy your world. I want to make life here."

If Lin Sanjiu can see and hear thousands of TV screens, people's excitement, roar, curse and other reactions, she will not blink. Her purpose is to make everyone think that she is going to start destroying the world here and now - but what Lin San wine does not know is that after her words are exported, the river has stopped vigorously.

Wu Lun almost hit his back.

"No," He Huan turned his head, his eyes swept over from a few accompanying men, and eventually fell on Wu Lun - she was not picked up, but she was surrounded by several people and could only stay with him. After the river, he walked silently. "How could she say that?" He was half asking her, half talking to himself.

Wu Lun looked at him blankly. She couldn't hear the sound of Lin San's wine passing through the microphone; He Huan adjusted his wireless headset and lowered her voice and said to her: "Lin San is going to destroy the world in order to go. At least, she said so. ""

"If you ruin it, you will be ruined." Wu Luang just finished this sentence, his eyes were red, and he shook his head subconsciously. "No, no, she won't let billions of people..."

"I have the same opinion as you."

The river saw that several other management division members were looking at themselves, and then they waved their hands and led Wu Lun to move on. His destination is the front line of the dock, where he meets with Lin Sanjiu. According to Director Li, Wu Lun may become a very useful prop when the war is tense.

"If she is the kind of person who can destroy the world, the world has long been destroyed." He Huan thought while talking to himself: "I thought her ability was empty, but she did not expect her not. Knowing what to do, keep a backhand. So... will she have a backhand in launching the newsletter?"

Wu Lun’s mouth was tight, as if she couldn’t talk, she would stop the river from continuing to think deeper. It’s just that her non-cooperation didn’t work. After all, it’s not too long, and it’s a little “ah”.

"So, what the **** is going on?" One of the management division members took two steps and asked: "What are their backhands?"

"Contact Li," River Huai frowned and said: "We are negligent at one point."

Wu Lun twisted his head and stared at him. She has already said what she can say.

"What have you neglected?" the man asked.

He Huan felt Wu Lun’s gaze, glanced at her, and suddenly bit his lip, as if he realized the dilemma he had not realized before. In the eyes of everyone, silence stayed between his lips and teeth for a while, and finally was broken by the voice, and it was translated into words: "She has three evolutionary companions... Two of them are in the satellite base, we have mastered If she has a backhand, then she will definitely land on the last person... Telling Director Li, we need to find Han Pingping now."

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