Doomsday Wonderland

: 1369 Listening to the sound of the day

When the river turned around and rushed out, the first battle of the force of the collision was splashed on the pier.

Numerous tangs (not seen in brackets) gram of fire is almost at the same time, from the river Huan ringing in all directions, I do not know how many shells, all aimed at a black figure in the far midair. The smoke was darkened in the dark sky between the blinks, and it covered the cloud; the tremors of the earth stunned, as if the giant was suffocated by the mouth.

He did not look back and knew that Lin Sanjiu had started.

The evolutionist's comeback is always unique. The real storm has not come yet, and a small tornado has been set up on the dock. Small scale, that is relative to the whole nature; when he ran in the violent storm between the heavens and the earth, he was almost caught in the air several times - once the feet left the ground, even He also wants to get rid of half life.

A cannonball did not know what force to fight back far, crossed the river's vision, and fell to his left front. In the midst of the darkness of the sky and the tumbling of the smoke, there are also several shells that have also been hit back, and they are scattered everywhere in the lineup.

"Do you think she is playing like this, do she still think she is pretending?" From the side of He Huan, a man’s voice sounded: "If you want me to see, she just wants to destroy us!"

The river glanced at the speaker.

The entire management department was scattered up and down to find Han Pingping. Although he now has the power to dispatch two teams, there is no exception. Only after he handed Wu Lun to Director Li, he was arranged a "sportsman" - this time, the partner was driving a heavy-duty motorcycle and followed him tightly.

He Huan was originally prepared to say nothing; but perhaps he was in the engine roar, the shells burst, the storm whistling, as if there was a shadow, and a word also succinctly said: "Do you think she is not gentle enough to resist?"

The partiality is so coincidental. When he spoke this sentence, the shells suddenly became dumb, and the man couldn’t help but glance at him, and then he regained his gaze.

... too careless.

For the next twenty seconds, neither of them said anything. When another tornado roared and swept from afar, He Huan rushed the man and snorted: "It's coming over, speed up!"

The man was obviously slightly flustered. He twisted his right hand and turned the handle. The motorcycle screamed and rushed from the side of Hehuan. At the moment it passed by, He Huan grabbed its tail with one hand. Leaning to the man behind him; before he could still react, he hugged the man's head with both hands and twisted it.

When he jumped off the motorcycle and continued to run forward, the motorcycle fell over with his rider, swept it out, hit an armored transport vehicle, and slammed into a flame. .

The tornado in the distance went out. River Huan had already noticed that the storms from Lin San’s wines were time-sensitive; when he took a look, he knew that the tornado could not be played.

But the battlefield is ruthless, and it is possible to die.

After showing the documents, He Huan rushed through the last obstacle and finally temporarily separated from the copper pier that had become a **** on earth. This was slowly stopped on the nearby streets completely abandoned by the residents.

Although the words are well organized, he does not know where to go to find Han Pingping.

He Huan has lived in the doomsday world for so many years, and there are few times when he panics: not afraid of the kind of panic when he died, it is more like the fear of being alive. He is like a beast who can't see the road ahead in thick fog. Every step forward is from survival instinct; the deeper he goes in the thick fog, the more he is lost.

He leaned against the wall and tried to calm his breath as much as possible. The messy idea is put aside, he must now find Han Pingping - as for how to find him, wait until that step.

If I am Han Pingping, where will I hide? What is my post-attack? Is there a relationship between the two?

The guy has a flexible mind and often finds a way from an unexpected perspective; when the woman is forced to launch the base by force, the two must be connected. Then Han Shouping knew at the time that the mighty force would soon cause vigilance, and still decided to do so with the female ......

Even if the communicator is confiscated, why is it not afraid... Is it on the satellite that was supposed to be launched?

River Huan’s eyes lit up slightly and frowned.

There are no foreign objects on the satellite, and the staff at the launch site have confirmed it. After the rocket was launched, the entire internal system of the base was locked up to prevent Han’s further manipulation of it. Therefore, after the successful launch of the satellite, Han Sangping was stopped outside, and it was impossible to get through the base system.

If he pre-empts the satellite through the system and asks the satellite to send a direct aid to the space, it will create a question - where should the satellite send the signal?

Hey, the universe, no one knows where the younger brother of Lin Sanjiu is. The reason why they decided to use the communicator at first was because the signals between them could find each other... Without a "destination", the satellite signal would either be scattered into space, or it would have to be honest. ground……

Back to the ground...

River Huan was shocked, like a fog in his head suddenly blown away by the wind. He knows what Han’s backhand is - he even knows vaguely how to find out where Han’s hiding place is.


Although his eyes were dark, Han Pingping was still clear, and Lin Sanjiu started.

The roaring and tremors from the direction of the copper pier brought the whole city into the mouth. Due to the martial law in the whole city, he couldn't hear even a little bit of vocal music near his place; he stared at the only narrow sky in the darkness, felt the vibrations from time to time on the ground, endured all kinds of signals that ran rampantly around him, and waited for the breath. With.

Outside the heavens and the earth, I don’t know how much can be translated into the broken signal of the language. From his perception, it flashes past, but Han Pingping is unconscious. He felt that his whole spirit was condensed into a probe tower - as soon as the satellite sent the signal back to the ground, he could immediately capture it.

The communicator was found to be unpredictable. It would be best if he could launch it into space smoothly, but if this step does not work, he still has a way: this method is both dangerous and tortuous, and it is his last resort - if this trick does not work. That Han’s age is really poor.

It seems that no one has realized that a small part of the internal command of the base system has been falsified by him earlier: the satellite that has just landed in the orbit is about to pass the signal back to Han Pingping. Not launching a command center.

Once he received the signal from the satellite downlink, he knew the location of the satellite and was able to establish a connection with it. In this way, he could upload the special wavelength signal of the communicator to the satellite and use the satellite as a space. "Springboard", let this signal pass to where it should go.

Since the special wavelength signals between the communicators can resonate with each other, in theory, as long as the signal is sent out of space, it can find the other end that receives it. If you compare, it is like a magnet separated by a wall; Han Shuiping needs to throw a magnet onto the springboard and let it be ejected from the springboard. Then another magnet should be put It sucks.

This is the case, but he is also the first time to do so, and I don’t know the possibility of success. What's more, there is still a big risk in doing this: If someone notices his plan, when the satellite signal is returned, he can find his position along the signal.

Of course, everyone is at the last moment of biting their teeth, and worrying about their own safety is meaningless.

His right hand still retains the shape of the blue-black claws, which protrudes into the skylight from the darkness and acts as a receiving antenna. Han Nianping used the left hand to restore the original shape, explored the communicator and turned it on. The sound of Lin Sanjiu soon rang, mixed with gunfire and storm, still clear: "Han Pingping?"

"How are you?" Han Pingping hid in the darkness and lowered his voice and said, "Can you still hold on?"

Her breathing is very heavy, almost like a force at any time. Although the black fog can be transformed into various abilities, it has a fatal flaw: it can only be transformed into one thing at a time. This means that when Lin Sanjiu took the items from the card library, her body was as fragile as ordinary people; when she reverted to the physical strength of the evolutionist, she could not use the evolutionary ability.

"No problem," Lin Sanji replied with a bite. "I can stick to ten times more firepower."

"According to my estimation, the signal will come to me at any time," Han Pingping hurriedly repeated the action: "You are ready, I will upload the signal you formed in the communicator to the satellite as soon as possible." And in order to confuse their sight, I will make your voice ring everywhere -"

His words were suddenly interrupted by a stunned spirit, and the claws that protruded into the sky and the air were slightly shocked.

"The signal is coming," Han Pingping can no longer control his own volume. "I will establish a connection now!"

In the communicator, Lin Biao’s sound of cold breath was heard when it was painful – it seemed that she was hit by a distraction; however, she clearly protected the communicator very well.

... to start, the final step of this plan. Han Nianping was in a cold burst of heat, as if his entire life was to wait for this moment, and then condense at this moment. After this moment, it is the sky or the sky, and everything will be seen.

"One," he found the satellite.

"Two," he closed his eyes and said with a trembling.

"Three." Han Nianping spit out the shape of this word with a breath.

The roar of Lin Sanjiu, through the communicator, through the turbulent signal wave, through numerous receivers and players, resounded between the heavens and the earth; in most of the cities, mobile phones, radio, television... all can pass The sound signal is echoed with her voice.

"The package," she exhausted her whole body, as if she had shaken the soul and made a shout: "I am here!"

After a while, the sound of this Lin San wine jumped from the satellite and fell straight into the depths of the universe.

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