Doomsday Wonderland

: 1370 sea wide sky

The road after the signal left the satellite was not something that anyone on the surface of the planet could control.

It disappears into the universe, just like a dream goes to the night. Whether the morning light will come or not, how long is this waiting, no one knows, no one can wait.

When the message just jumped out, Han Sang-ping only noticed that he was looking up; before he could look up, the darkness was smashed from the head-to-toe. He narrowed his eyes subconsciously and got up in a hurry. He asked, "Who?"

Hehuan held the well plate with one hand and the other hand in his trouser pocket. He stood in the dark blue skylight pouring down and looked at him.

Han Nianping slowly got up and looked around in a circle. For the first time, he discovered that today's dark clouds have pushed down the sky, as if there is a storm coming.

After he got up straight, the upper body was exposed to the outside of the hand. In the past few days, Han Shouping has been huddled in the underground hand well, which is only one meter deep. He couldn’t see a trace of light in the dark. Until this moment, he realized that he was sore and painful.

“Is the signal sent out?” River Huan asked as if they were still partners in the same team.

Just a few minutes ago, Han Nianping could not help but breathe and nodded.

The river took a sigh of relief, turned his head and looked around. "Really sent out..." He closed his eyes and smiled, his voice a little dumb, so light that people could not hear what he was. "Sorry, I judged it wrong."

Han Pingping did not answer a word - He Huan is sorry, he intuitively realized that he did not say it to himself.

He is rehearsing in his mind how he should rush out of the underground hand well; but He Huan’s combat experience is obviously much richer than him, and the other side has occupied the most favorable position and concealed the breakthrough he could think of. .

He Huan seems to be aware of this too.

"Hey, I am used to being natural." He pushed open the handwell cover and let it fall to the rear. He stepped back a few steps and gave way to Han. "Come out."

Although he was hesitant with a bit of caution, Han Pingping climbed out. This is the compound that he and Lin Sanji have visited when they are looking for underground fiber-optic exchange stations in a late night. The location of the hand-well is behind the office building. People come and go during office hours in the past few days, but no one has ever thought of it. To open the manhole cover and have a look.

"Hidden in the backyard of their own home," He Huan smiled and said: "No wonder these days, no matter how they search, they can't find you."

"But it was still found by you." Han Nian Ping wanted to press the heart of the fiercely leaping, and said as calmly as possible: "The aid signal has already been sent out. Even if you arrest me now, you will not be able to change what will happen in the future. Moreover, I won't be shackled -"

He swayed his hand and interrupted him, as if he had just woken up and listened.

"I didn't intend to catch you." He said this, and stopped for a while.

Han Nianping tightened his lips and waited for a while. When he saw the river, he looked at the distance and said nothing, "What do you want?"

River Huan has only returned to God. "Oh," he shook his head. "I don't want to be... you go."

Probably seeing that Han Pingping was still on the alert and motionless, he could not help but smile again. "You don't leave, then I will leave."

He Huan put his hands into his trouser pockets, his backs were bright in front of Han’s eyes, and the pace was loosely going far away. It seemed that he did not realize that he was at risk of being attacked from behind. Han looked at him calmly, he never looked back, step by step and disappeared into the field of vision.


... Now it’s not the regret of the wrong note.

River Huan slowly walked forward, and he couldn’t remember the last time he was so slack. What time was it? The fog that has been caged in front of you has already dispersed, and what should he do next, there is only one clear option left - know that Han Pingping is not the only one who will stay behind.

After talking about the move, he also has.

At the end of the front corridor, the light flashed on the wall; when the river walked over, I saw that there was a full-length mirror, which was probably convenient for the staff to organize the appearance when they went to work. He paused in front of the full-length mirror and looked at himself.

His skin is smooth and clean, his eyebrows are stretched, his eyes, nose and lips are always filled with peaches, and no matter who is jealous, he will feel that he is a man with a delicate face like a woman. However, when the river stares at himself for a long time, and his face, body shape and skin are gradually beginning to change, others will find that his other gender identity is just the opposite - this time in the mirror The image that emerged became a female with a starry eyebrow and a heroic look.

In addition to the change of clothes on the body, River Huan has become another person in a matter of seconds.

In this world, no one knows that he can become another identity and become a woman called the shore.

He completely cut the two identities, and even after he came to the world, he only changed his life to the shore--that is, Lin Sanjiu rushed out of the factory to find Hehuan, and he knew that he couldn’t get away from it. That day, he had just changed his identity and added a coat, which happened to be hitting Lin Sanjiu; fortunately, the latter did not doubt, and it seems that he has not linked him to the shore.

He had long thought that when He Huan entered this road, he could still live as a shore--or, he could still leave the world as a shore. After all, with his understanding of Lin Sanjiu, she may not refuse the help of a stranger in the moment of escape.

Therefore, regret can not be talked about because he has regrets.

But... River Huan stretched his hand to the wall, as if he was a little breathless.

It’s not regrets that it’s floating on my heart, but it’s a faint, indescribable feeling. If he doesn't kill the sea breeze, if he fights like Maringo, if he stands with Lin Sanjiu on the dock... then he will be full of hope at the moment; he knows that he has a companion behind him and knows himself. This meager life, because it is connected with people's breathing and fate, has a real weight.

However, what kind of feeling it is, I will not know it in my life.

After a smooth breath, He Huan recovered his male identity. He changed his clothes first, and his shirt was replaced by a T-shirt. The pants were replaced with loose high-rise jeans. As long as the T-shirt is put into the waistband of the pants, it is a dress that is bitterly worn by the shore; the clothes are hanging down, and it is a man's dress of He Huan.

When he returned to the copper pier, there was silence between heaven and earth.

The gunfire went out, and the armored car and the squad (not seen in the brackets) re-listed the battle. Even light armored vehicles have dozens of tons of self-weight, even if the winds of Lin San wine rolls can not destroy their lineup; but other facilities, buildings and people on the docks have become a ruin at the moment. . The raging fire, the **** suffocation everywhere, the smoke that thickened the sky, the transporter carrying the wounded and retreating... It was all in the air and indifferent.

Those who were carried on the stretcher, those who were put into the body bag, were called off, and they were all dumb. More firepower was driven to the battlefield, and the voice that can make a sound is always the only one who is indifferent.

“Why stop attacking?” asked He Huan as he walked to the frontline management department.

"It is said that a signal sent to space has been detected. I don't know if it has been intercepted." The person is very high in the management department. It is clear to many situations. Usually, this is not explained in detail. However, he is now at this moment. His face was slightly white and seemed to panic. Rather than saying that he is answering He Huan, it is better to say that he is talking to himself: "No... I think there may be no interception... Director Li has gone, he said that the situation is urgent..."

It turned out that they learned the news so soon.

"What about the evolutionist?" The river thought about the situation inside the dock, but the iron frame and the container box that had collapsed in front of it were blocked. He could not see where Lin Sanjiu was.

"She probably wants to have a chance to rest, we have a ceasefire here, and there is also a stop there." The man wiped his face as if he was forcing himself to calm down. "I think the situation is not that bad, right? If she can find a way to pick someone up, who knows how long it will take... even if a new kind of person comes, then they will be knocked out, not finished. What's more, we still have that girl..."

What he said is probably Wu Lun, who is being watched by several people.

He suddenly felt a little thirsty in his mouth. When he thought about it, he asked, "Do you have whiskey?"

The man looked at him like a mental illness.

"No? I don't think so." The river sighed. "That is probably what the high-ranking commander will have. You see, you and I are mixed to this point, with the natural dignity to change the treatment given by others. The exchange of benefits is just the same thing."

The man frowned, and looked around in a circle, as if suddenly realized the identity of He Huan, to ensure that someone around him protected him. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, it’s just a moment to feel it." River shook his head and sighed and said, "You said, how long does it take her to wait to pick up her companion?"

"Who knows," the man slid loosely on his shoulder. "But during the time she waited, we could destroy her."

Hehuan did not answer, looking at the distant sea and sky, looking at the places where Lin Sanjiu might exist.


Lin Sanjiu was shaking all the time.

She sat on an iron frame that was interrupted by gunfire, her elbows licking her knees and couldn't tell if she was blood or sweat. The black fog returned to its original position and became a kidney. It left an ordinary person's weak body. In the smoke and the war, it could not stand because of the pain, exhaustion and disengagement.

At her feet, the communicator was splashed with blood, and even the green light in the connection was smeared. Han Nianping also felt her state, and asked in a hurry: "... Can you escape? Can you support your brother to pick you up?"

To be honest, Lin Sanjiu does not know. Even if Ji Shanqing has received a request for help, how long will he have to arrive? One hour, one day, or one month?

She knew that she could not escape the dock, and it didn't make sense for her to escape. The woman was caught, and Maru Qingge was still seriously injured; Han’s hiding place was discovered, but Wu Lun did not know where it was. The only reason the companions have not been hurt is because she is still standing here and still fighting, they need an advantage that can balance her.

Most importantly, she didn't want to escape. If she is destined to usher in the end of everything today, she hopes that she can stand in the flames of war and confront the world to the last moment.

"Han Pingping," she gasped for a while, and suddenly whispered. "Can you help me with music?"

"Let's play music?" Han Pingping is obviously a glimpse.

Lin Sanjiu erased the blood that stuck to the corner of his eyes, and felt that new bloodshots were slowly spreading. Her mind was moving, the black fog was spreading, and she had a ticket-type special item [Ultramusicfestival] in her hand.

"In the sound of the music it released, my battle can get an auxiliary bonus... With it, maybe I can hold it longer." She said to the communicator, "but my ears have been blown up. I lost half of my hearing. To be honest, it’s a bit hard to listen to you now. When I wait for the fire to come back, I’m afraid I won’t hear anything.”

Han was flattened, and it seemed to be something that swallowed his throat.

"Do you have trouble hearing it," his voice trembled a little. "I know, I can do it. They have a lot of loudspeakers... No, I will do my best to get all the facilities back. Sound your music."

Lin Sanjiu smiled and whispered: "Thank you."

What song is it? At this moment, she gave birth to a childlike interest and wondered what kind of songs [Ultramusicfestival] would sing for her at this time.

The soft piano sounded softly, like a cold drop of water falling into the dim sky. The light and light piano sound gradually became clearer and gradually wider. It echoed under the thick black clouds and was pushed up by the waves, pushing the world in a wave. When a familiar male voice sang from heaven and earth, Lin Sanjiu stunned and couldn't help but smile.

It turns out that this song is also an old friend from the past.

...... Today, I watched the snow drifting in the cold night, and drifted away with the cooled heart.

She slowly stood up. When she looked up and looked at the dark storm that gradually gathered in the sky, there was a riot on the pier at the distance. It seems that no one can understand where the song came from, why suddenly wrapped the world. The black mist re-scattered in the blood vessels, and with the singing of the constant resonance, it became her new power.

Someone in the distance shouted "Prepare! She moved!" - This alarm was immediately flushed by the song.

... chasing in the wind and rain, the fog can not tell the traces, the sky is wide and you and me can change.

Countless gunfire shattered the air again, wrapped in the momentum to penetrate everything, reflecting the deep and dark clouds; the earth trembled, the waves roared, and the warships turned all over the barrel. Compared with the world that is leaning against her, Lin San wine seems so small.

Forgive me for indulging my love for freedom in this life -

Her right hand clung to the 'Tornado Whip', which was stained with blood by her own blood. The tip of her toes gently beat the song. When rushing through the sound layer, a cannonball was stopped by the high-sounding male voice, as if suddenly hesitating, I don’t know where he is. Lin Biao’s feet are squatting, welcoming the sky, raising his hand. With a whip, it flew far away and disappeared into the dark world.

I am afraid that I will fall one day -

Next, there are countless more intensive firepower.

She didn't know how long she had fought. She didn't know how many times the song rang. She didn't even know when her body would move anymore. What she knows is that she will stand here until the end of everything.

Still free self, always sing my songs -

A huge fireball burned through the dark sky above the head, and it was about to break into the momentum of the planet and slammed into the sea. The waves that were picked up seemed to have finally got rid of the giant beasts of the chain. Zhangkou swallowed down this pier; I don’t know how many warships were cut off by the waist, and rushed into the sky with the high walls formed by the waves, and they fell into the sky with thousands of strengths. .

The waves swallowed Lin San wine in an instant. She formed a protective field with black fog. She grabbed the ground and the body was swayed in the roaring water waves, as if she refused to leave the seaweed. . She couldn’t hear anything in her ear, only the singing in her mind was getting louder and louder, and it seemed to be the light that directly shined into the soul from the sky.

... When the waves receded, there was already a snow-white ring floating in the distance.

Its arrival seems to have finally stirred up the wind and rain, and the heavy raindrops began to fall down, calling Lin Sanshui half-squinting and not seeing the distance. She has reached the end of the strong, not only can't see clearly, but even it is difficult to stand up; how many exclamations have been set off on the dock behind me, how many routs have happened, it is like another dream, she only stunned Do not feel.

From the distant tumbling waves, from the place where the snow-white ring stayed, a soft voice was heard. The sound crossed the wind and rain, passed through the roar, crossed countless struggles and chasing, and fell into the ear where Lin Sanjiu was about to lose his hearing.


Abandoning the ideal, anyone can, and I am afraid that one day you will only share me.

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