Doomsday Wonderland

: 1373 Crossroads of the world

[This chapter wrote about me, and wrote 24 hours on and off, which lasted 2 days, and the end result was the same. Can only be sent out, probably only half of the first written down]

“It turns out that this is really... ‘Eden’!”

When Lin Sanjiu finally recognized the environment she was in, her whole body began to tremble and muttered this sentence.

Because she was too surprised, her eyes were even a little sluggish—she looked at everything in front of her, and she didn’t know when she came up with a behemoth, and the huge shadow cast over her.

She felt the strangeness behind her, and when she looked back, she couldn't help but scream.

"It’s a hell."

...... Just half an hour ago, Lin Sanjiu was still sitting in the capsule, drifting in the mucus.

The judgment of her "roots convergence" is correct - as the flow rate of mucus gradually increases, the wave flow becomes more and more fierce. From other directions, a large number of large shadows are swept into her place. In this "river", in a short while, the capsules are filled with countless corpses.

One after another, the turbulent flow wrapped around the body, the capsule was hit and swayed, and it kept spinning. For a time, Lin San’s wine was dizzy, and nothing was clear. I could only feel the flow rate suddenly accelerated. Dropped down quickly.

Something in the tree stream, as the wave hits the capsule fiercely, some of the accessories in the capsule are actually knocked out - in the violent rotation of the head and feet, three hundred and sixty degrees, the accessories are ping-pong, After hitting the wall one after another, Lin Sanjiu almost even took a face.

In this kind of rushing and self-satisfied, until a minute later, Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized that the capsule was being attacked.

The capsule designed to hold the female evolutionary person can't be opened from the inside. Instead, if you want to use violence to destroy it outside, it is not difficult. When Lin Sanjiu pulls up the alarm, he can't see it. Clearly visible figure, just rushed open the mucus flow, once again beaten on the capsule door, the door and the wall combined with a burst of time.

Lin San was shocked and wanted to pull the door, but there was no place in the capsule. She just slammed it and saw that the shadow had rushed up again. This time, she successfully grabbed the door. The outside handle, vigorously swayed the door.

This time, she also saw clearly: the outside is a very strong man, the clothes are ruined, revealing a white wound, only the mask on the head is still intact, a pair of thin long eyes are I stared at Lin Sanjiu through the mask.

- This person is coming in!

Lin Sanjiu also understands: In this strange tree root, all the creatures that are involved are hardened by their own body, ability, or perhaps one or two special items. No matter what means, corrosive mucus and fine whiskers are enough to make people miserable - more, or even simply can not stand down, has long been a broken body.

In this case, the capsule that can protect the person like a boat becomes a very hot thing.

The man outside must have reached the limit of survival. It can be seen that Lin Sanjiu can't pull the door in it, so he is kicking and swearing like a life-threatening one.

After several offensives, his violently shaking capsules made Lin Sanjiu feel that it was about to fall apart. She had already smashed a fire of evil in her heart and quickly called out a long knife, just waiting for the door to open. .

Suddenly there was a long knife pointing straight into the door, and the man stopped his hand, and a pair of slender eyes looked back and forth.

"Wang Ba Gu, if you dare to come in, I will wear you out!" Ming knows that people outside can't hear, Lin San wine still swears. "Get acquainted with the rush!"

At this time, the turbulence was more complicated and fierce. Even if the door handle was grasped, the man’s body was still swaying – even if he could not stand still, he still wanted to avoid the long knife, which was almost impossible.

After the **** eyes stared at Lin Sanjiu for a while, the man finally gave up, and he released the doorknob in his hand and walked hard.

Lin Sanjiu slammed the knife tightly and did not dare to relax. He finally breathed a sigh of relief until he disappeared into his sight.

I didn't expect this breath to have a good breath before I felt that there was a heavy force on the back side of the capsule. Even the person with the capsule suddenly rolled over and rushed out - Lin Sanjiu was caught off guard, and his head was on the wall. If she had to card the long knife in an instant, I was afraid that she would become her own when she was first exposed.

Not waiting for her to stabilize her body, she was once again kicked in the same direction - the slender eyes that didn't know when to go behind, it seems that there are still some strange Lin San wines who have not died, just under the feet, Then he planed and swam to the capsule.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Lin Sanjiu’s heart was full of enthusiasm. When he changed his mind, he took up the capsule. The body suddenly soaked in the mucus, and there was a slight tingling in the skin. However, she did not wait for her to call out a long knife. I saw that the man suddenly panicked and went to the upper reaches. Lin Sanjiu stunned, and then a tsunami-like turbulence suddenly rushed to face--

In a flash, the five senses have lost their effect. Under the force of Wan Hao, the eyes are black, the pain is all over the body, and there is a sour water in the nose. In the messy feeling of debris, her body was pushed away by the turbulent flow, and it hit a hard plane.

...What is the body of this creature?

This thought has just come out of the confusion of Lin Sanshui’s mind. She suddenly feels behind her. The hard-walled thing has disappeared. A thin whisk has been pushed abruptly around her waist. She was pushed out.

- The hard skin of the rhizome is open.

This "unnutritious" creature happened to be next to the hard skin, and the rhizome was almost eager to squeeze her out - the man in the distant stream stunned at this scene, and then almost madly used both hands and feet. However, after all, it was not able to get closer to the point before the hard skin was closed.

... Outside, it is a land ten million meters deep.

"This time I really want to die..."

The rhizome has been walking down, and I am afraid that it has already touched the center of the earth. Lin Sanshui closed his eyes and waited for the rock layer to crush himself. Suddenly he felt that his body was light and he was wrapped up in a sense of weightlessness.

The wind whistling in her ear suddenly opened her eyes, and she almost scared her heart: she was falling down from a high place, hitting her body, stinging Her tears are flying - but at this time, nothing compares to the fear of falling to death. Lin Sanshui is busy calling out a long knife and inserting it into a piece of things around her -

This thing may be the cliff of the cliff, but the knife was inserted unexpectedly and smoothly, and the situation of the drop suddenly eased. Although her body is still falling rapidly, at the moment's speed, at least it is unstoppable. Lin Sanshen holds the long knife and hands tightly, and sees the long knife all the way to wipe out a lot of sparks. Quickly rolled up, the shadows on the ground representing the earth are getting closer and closer, just a sigh of relief, loosening the long knife and jumping.

The body slammed into the earth, and Lin San’s throat was sweet, and he quickly rolled over, turning a lot of downside.

Fortunately, she landed very soft, and a little bit flexible, so she touched the body, in addition to feeling that the epidermis was bruised and bruised, even the bones did not break.

It was still alive and well, and Lin San’s heavy breathing took a long time to ease.

"What, what... what happened..." There was a mess in her head. "Isn't it all going to the center of the earth? Why... I fell from a height?"

The sparks went out, and the surrounding area was dark and nothing could be seen.

In the dark place, Lin Sanjiu saw much more - but there was never a place, it was so dark here.

People have this kind of experience - even in the darker places, there is always a trace of skylight; no matter how weak, after the eyes have been adapted for a while, there is always a certain amount of outline. For the evolutionist, it is clearer.

However, in this place, there is only a piece of pure darkness, and it is not allowed to shine. If it is not the spark of a long knife, Lin Sanjiu thinks that he suddenly collapsed.

This feeling is like someone using thick brick cement to build a room without windows or doors.


Lin Sanjiu suddenly shocked and felt a cold sweat on his forehead.

Fragmented clues were placed subconsciously by her.

The roots are under shallow soil. The more you dig down, the thicker the roots.

After walking down ten million meters, all the things in the roots of the tree are converging...

It should be in the heart of the earth, but it fell from a height.

There is no light here, just like a dead room...

Compared with the son-in-law, Lin San wine's wisdom is not quite enough to see; but when things are clearly in front of her eyes, she still can't help but tremble - because she finally figured out the mystery of the roots.

Lin San wine cellar called [ability grinding agent], the light of silver shines on the space of the whole body - just because the owner's hand has been trembled, this light seems to be constantly shaking.

She didn't have time to look around, and quickly turned the [ability polish] high, and looked at her head -

There is only one piece of darkness that seems to be able to devour everything, and nothing else.

"When you slam", [Capability Grinding Agent] fell off and rolled to the ground, reflecting a small piece around.

"This is really the heart of the earth..." Lin San wine said softly, feeling that every word of his own is not rational. "Just, the geocentric of this planet is... empty."

The world is more like a ball in the center of the hollowed out center, so when it reaches the center of the earth, it reaches a void - it is pushed out by the mucus here, and it will naturally fall.

No wonder the roots grow under shallow soil, because the tree is upside down - the roots are on the outermost layer, absorbing a large number of organisms as nutrients, penetrating the earth's crust, and transferring nutrients to the trees. The stem and the crown - the latter two, are growing in the empty heart.

I want to come to the place where she just fell out, that is, the "tree" that can't be found.

However, Lin Sanjiu looked around, but did not see the tree. There are indeed a lot of tall plants around her, but it seems to be more like a tall herb, just now she fell on the leaves of these plants.

Picking up the abrasive, Lin San wine squinted, can faintly see the end of the silver light, vaguely there is a round black shadow, from this distance, probably about the same as a truck.

"...What would it be?"

After watching it for a long time, the thing didn't move, it didn't seem to be a living thing. Since it is not a living thing, the danger is much smaller... She swears and walks carefully toward the shadow.

As she gets closer and closer, the light makes the thing more and more clear.

It was an apple half the height of her.

It belongs to Apple's unique shape, and it outlines a line of reflection in the silver of the enamel. Even if you can't see its color and can't see its full picture, even if this apple is two times larger than the truck -

Lin San wine opened his mouth and couldn't believe his eyes for a long time. After a while, he muttered a word.

"It turns out that here is really... 'Eden'..."

When she was still amazed, from the silver light of [Capability Polishing Agent], a shadow that was several times larger than this apple, quietly approached Lin Sanjiu.

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