Doomsday Wonderland

: 1374 does not exist answer

The memory of human beings when they are traumatized is all fragments.

Han Nianping did not know how long he had lost consciousness. When he had not opened his eyes, he felt the violent electromagnetic pulse waves between the heavens and the earth. He was thrown into a turbulent stream like a thin leaf, and was torn and pulled by the power of all directions, vowing to stir up all his consciousness into pieces—not known to him. At the time, he curled up his body and groaned in his throat.

... nothing left, nothing. The place that carries his growth, loved ones, and memories has been a ruin after burning and vaporization. His parents, the two pairs looked at his countless eyes, they hugged him and beat him to soothe his hands... Their flesh and blood, now turned into radiation dust, blown by the hot wind, blowing deep Outside the pit.

That paw... no longer put it away, he will die here.

It seems that after a lifetime, he understands the meaning of this idea. After a lifetime, he finally restored his right arm. The electromagnetic pulse wave suddenly went away like a low tide, but still sinking against the dark sea level.

He opened his eyes and his eyes were dark. He couldn't lift his head, and he couldn't climb his body. It seemed that a large piece of the body didn't exist. He was taken away. He was still alive, as a sense of consciousness, floating in the endless blackness.

"I... Where am I?" He opened his mouth and said that no sound was coming. Why is there no light?

No one answered him - in the dark, the sounds around him were so sharp and shocking. The piercing alarm sounded back in the air, almost urging "to repair the hull as soon as possible"; the floor was shaken by the rushed footsteps, mixed with the crying "Sister!"; a wave of sea water beaten in On him, it seems that he is going to burn him alive.

After a while, Han Shui Ping discovered that these sounds were not what he heard. His brain directly felt the sound wave signal, but there was a dead silence in his ear.

"Her life can be saved," one person shouted through other noises, not knowing who was yelling: "Next I am responsible, you have to deal with the spacecraft!"

Someone hurriedly ran from his side, Han Pingping wanted to open his mouth for help, and asked him to stop and look at himself, but no sound could be heard. He floated alone in the black belt, as if he had to be so slippery and deeper, and he was farther and farther away, and he had no chance to be pulled into the world.

The man who ran past him suddenly stumbled. Han Nianping felt that he seemed to hesitate for a few seconds, and then Ji Shanqing’s voice with a few nasal sounds finally rang: “Here, there is one.”

He suddenly raised hope, and he could breathe in. After a while, Han Nianping felt that someone had collapsed around him.

"Han Pingping?" is the voice of Spartan, comforting him lowly: "It doesn't matter, your eyes should only be temporarily blind... I am dealing with the injury now."

what's going on? Han Pingping opened his mouth and asked silently. He clearly knows what happened, but he hopes someone can tell him a different version of the story.

"Nuclear bombs," Spartan said almost calmly. "At the moment we entered Exodus, we were hit by the air blast shock wave. Ji Shanqing came back in time, we... not all dead."

Not all dead, who is dead?

"You don't want to move first," Spartan held his shoulder and did not answer the question. "Your injury is very serious."

Han Pingping hangs his head and stuns again. The time he was in a coma should not be long. When he woke up, Spartan didn't seem to be around, and the alarm sounded still hovering. Despite the serious damage to the spacecraft, he could still feel the ground slightly trembled, and the engine hummed in his ear - he could hear it? Exodus on the flight?

Han Pingping groped for a moment and struggled to climb down from a bed. His vision has not recovered, and most of his body has become dead meat. When he climbs, he falls to the ground. He can even feel that as he crawls, he drags a long, **** body under his body. Warm wet marks.

But even if he is suffering again, he will go, he must go... Look up and listen for a while, Han Pingping moved a little in the direction of the darkness.

As soon as the arm was turned into a claw, the chaotic electromagnetic pulse wave plunged into his brain like thousands of steel needles, causing his teeth to rattle. Fortunately, the spacecraft is rushing to the sky at a very high speed, rushing out of the nuclear bomb explosion range on the ground; at this altitude, he is much less affected, of course, he can feel much less signal. - If you do not rely on external forces.

Breathing, he dragged the almost uncontrolled limb and placed it on a flat plate. The signal suddenly rushed into consciousness, and he sighed a little - he found the right place, it is indeed the spacecraft's communication system, but fortunately the antenna is still intact, still able to capture the signal on the ground.

Even if he died in the next moment because of excessive blood loss, Han Pingping must climb over.

Because he doesn't understand what happened.

Yes, Spartan said that a nuclear bomb exploded; what he did not understand was why there was a nuclear bomb.

When Lin Sanjiu said that she wanted to rebuild the balance of the world, Han’s seniors fell a little. He secretly made a determination at the time - he did not leave. He wants to grow up with his own world and witness her new changes; there are actually many things to do, he can't wait to send her messages, design drawings, spread the network... He is looking forward to her future. And staying up all night.

Now, those excited, flashing, and rising things are graying out in his chest and become dust.

He always felt that he was not stupid, but he couldn't understand why he thought, why would there be a nuclear bomb.

"Because I think that you may kill ordinary people. In order not to let you kill ordinary people, I will kill you and ordinary people together."

Or "I want to protect this world, you don't let me protect, I will blow up the world"?

There is no logic that he can come up with to explain the nuclear bomb. Han Nianping thinks that the answer may be on the ground; that is, before he died in the spacecraft communication system, he has to climb over and search every signal on the ground.

Ji Shanqing and Spartan didn't know where to go. He was alone on the ground, trapped in the darkness, and consciousness swept toward the earth with countless passengers between heaven and earth. The place where the city was originally has become a huge wave of electromagnetic pulse waves; he had to be careful to avoid the ruins that were originally his hometown and search farther.

Like a stumbling ghost, he crossed the mind with some piece of information, as if he had no endless currents; he didn’t even know what he was looking for, even the needles in the haystack could not be reached until he accidentally slammed into it. In a conversation between father and son. The two should talk face to face, maybe there is a receiver in the house that can receive sound waves, and it happened to call him.

The field of vision is dark, only the sound falls into consciousness. The slightly younger male voice still shivered when he opened his mouth.

"More than 10 million people..." The son said two times and took a breath. "It's all dead."

The sound of the teacup and the lid hit.

"Well, no small casualties." Father said, "There is too much trouble, you must act decisively."

"But - so many people have died," the son raised his voice and went down again. "People won't forget... this thing will be recorded in history..."

Sip a sip of tea.

"You are a little mature." Father slowly learned, "What are you afraid of? We are still there, and within ten years, they will defend this nuclear bomb."

Han Suiping was shocked and suddenly did not seize the signal, so that the conversation that did not know who was going on disappeared from his mind. He was anxious and was about to get it back. He only heard the sound of Ji Shanqing suddenly: "...What are you doing?"

He was too focused, but he didn't notice the other person's footsteps.

"There can be no more dead people, you go back with me." Ji Shanqing took a bit of anxiety and reached out and raised him. He said to himself: "My sister didn't know what to do after waking up... ..."

Han Nianping felt that he put himself on his shoulder. Because his legs could not walk at all, Ji Shanqing had to bite his teeth and drag him back a little bit - Lin Sanjiu, the younger brother, did not seem to be known for his strength.

Han Nianping silently let him drag for a while.

"...Why?" His vocal cords seemed to have been damaged, and only the airflow was spit out, forming these three words. He was actually asking himself, asking the pair to never answer his father and son, and ask the hand that left the nuclear bomb... Unexpectedly, Ji Shanqing spoke up.

"If you mean the nuclear bomb, your question is wrong."

"...wrong question?" he asked in a dumb voice.

"There is no room for this problem at all." Ji Shanqing's tone is very light and very transparent, like a star in the distant sky. "The reason why you ask this question is because the angle of your problem is wrong. From this angle, you will never find an answer, and you will always be confused."

Han Nianping did not understand what he meant.

"For the evolutionist, if the goal is to prevent people's lives from being influenced by the evolutionists, then you can say that they are failing because surveillance can't be restrained."

Ji Shanqing only came to this world for only half a morning, but it seems to have made it clear. "But if the goal is to suppress the force of force outside the system and turn it into its own use, then they are clearly successful."

Han Suiping shook slightly; perhaps he lost too much blood, he was getting colder.

"In the case of a nuclear bomb, if the goal is to protect the world, it can be said that it is a failure, or even nowhere. If the two sides are not willing to hurt the world, then there are 10 million peaceful ways to change, such as removing only the accountability decision. People, retain the current structure and the actual implementation of the grassroots, and then decide to modify the framework... You ask why from the perspective of protecting the world, and ask you the day when you die, there will be no answer."

Jishan Qing breathed a sigh of relief. "But if the goal is to protect yourself, then using a nuclear bomb is very reasonable and very successful." He said here, sneer a little, "or, any other group of evolutionists will be very successful... unfortunately They met me."

He said here and called out: "Shales! Is the suspension cabin repaired?"

Han Nianping didn't know what the suspension cabin was, and he couldn't see anything. He could only feel that after a moment, Ji Shanqing helped him into a moving seat. He was taken back to the medical room, lying on a bed again, Ji Shanqing hurried away - it seems to be watching Lin Sanjiu.

He was lying alone on the hospital bed and was constantly shaking with control. He kept thinking of Jishan Qing’s almost casual words, raising a nightmare thought, and how he could not get rid of it.

The vision gradually recovered, and the scene once again revealed blurred colors and contours. Han Nianping made his eyes wide open and his eyes became clearer. He only saw that he was also a sick bed, and there was a person lying on the bed.

Deng Yilan was lying there looking at him, his eyes were gray and dull. Her hand came out of the hospital bed and seemed to be waiting for someone to hold it and give her a little warmth. She seems to be almost calm and peaceful; although not long ago her violent, like the anger of burning together, still echoed in the rain.

Han Sui Ping shivered and reached out, trying to touch her eyes, but could not touch her. He slowly changed his hand and held the cold hand.

"Is there a part because of me?" He looked at Deng Yilan and his eyes blurred again. "Ji Shanqing didn't say anything... but I guessed it. It's me, I broadcast everything publicly... I can't hold anything in this city, so I have a nuclear explosion... I buried with the city."

He picked up his body and tightened her hand.

"I killed you, killed my parents, killed the city?"

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