Doomsday Wonderland

: 1375 leads to the night, leading to dawn

When Spartan came in, Ji Shanqing heard it, but he was too lazy to look back. He was kneeling beside the medical cabin, his chin resting on the back of his hand, and he was desperately looking at the slumbering Lin San wine in the cabin. The human beings living on the ground under their feet may not know that they just need a bite, and their world will be swallowed up by the innocent black hole.

The only one who knew it was Spartan who sat down on the chair at the moment.

My sister’s life has been saved, and all the other injuries are not a problem. Her body and ability are currently only in temporary collapse, all of which can be restored to raw data, and are gradually being restored to raw data.

However, Ji Shanqing still dared not recall his feelings a few minutes ago. Fortunately, the world under his feet was not swallowed up by him, and he was not swallowed by himself - he could still see the moment his sister opened his eyes, and he would not be afraid of the moment his sister opened his eyes to see himself.

"...the wounded are now stable." Spartan looked at Lin San wine and said: "She will wake up soon?"

Ji Shanqing really wants to smother his eyes like a flies, but he doesn't move, and he doesn't say anything.

"There are two companions in the hands of the other, and need rescue."

"Do you think Exodus is going now?" Ji Shanqing finally couldn't hold back, and straightened up and said: "You are ready to save people when you are ready."

Spartan smiled and looked very annoying.

After getting along with them for a while, they have figured out some outlines of dealing with each other; for the few tricks of Spartan, Jishan Qingqing is clear, but he will still be provoked by reaction - as long as he puts out That attitude of "you see, I know how to consider problems from her perspective", Ji Shanqing can not afford.

Fortunately, this man knows how to accept it. Spartan sat back and asked, "Do you think the two are still alive?"

"The big spaceships are rising, they are not guilty. I definitely know that the evolutionary people are not all dead in the nuclear explosion. Of course, the hostages have to be taken well." Ji Shanqing lowered his eyes coldly and concentrated his eyes on his sister again. Say: "Even if we are all dead, they can't kill the two evolvers for a while. As far as I know, they seem to be particularly interested in the internal organs of the evolutionary, especially the kidneys. ”

Spartan's fingers reached into the blond hair, and they all gathered behind their heads, and they vomited dumbly. "It seems that the adrenaline gives them a misunderstanding..."

Ji Shanqing is not interested in paying attention to others' sighs.

When the two were silent, Exodus was beaten by half the power system, and the engine was not working properly louder. Looking out from the viewing window of the medical room, the earth floating a few clouds seemed to be condensed, motionless. When you can't see people, the world seems to have no problems.

It was not until Jishan’s coldness heard his voice, that he realized that he was talking.

Except for Spartan, it seems that no one can make a qualified echo board - and he really has a lot of words.

"I don't know how to speak to my sister," he said to himself. "When she wakes up, she will only be more obsessive about changing the world. It is impossible to leave. Of course, change is not a problem... even if it becomes AI rule, or return to prehistoric times, is just a difference in technical operations and time."

Of course he did not mention the data body to Spartan, but Spartan never questioned his ability.

"...What are you worried about after the change?" The blond man looked out the window and whispered the second sentence.

The so-called "worry" is of course an exaggerated statement. For Ji Shanqing, all human sorrows and joys, dreams and destiny are data that can be deleted with one click. He cares because Lin Sanjiu cares.

"Yes. The change caused by the short-term intervention of external forces is not long-lasting, especially after the withdrawal of external forces." Ji Shanqing reached out and took his sister's finger and said, "How do I tell her, I Doubt that when we leave, how long will the world be restored in the next few years?"

Of course, he can say nothing, let his sister leave here calmly, and I am afraid I will not come back anyway. However, he saw the battle of his sister who was in the storm, and she still remembered to keep the world in her mind when she fell down. She saw her fist shaking slightly when Deng Yilan shouted. For the first time, he saw Lin San, who had collided with the giants in his own power. He was strange, sad, angry and full of hope, and always struggled to shine in the dark.

If this Lin San wine confronts the world with a bullying, it will be a betrayal of his sister that he can't stand.

There was a slight bone sound at the door. Ji Shanqing heard it. He believed that Spartan had heard it, but no one turned his head to see it.

"Maybe you are too pessimistic about them," after a few seconds, the blond man replied: "From a biological point of view, people in this world are not genetically different from people in other worlds. The only difference is that they are educated. ""

"What I am worried about is that the acquired education they have already entered the bone marrow has become part of the ideological gene." The mouth said that he was worried, and Ji Shanqing's tone was calm. "I have more things than you have mastered. I have absorbed a lot of data about the world."

Spartan sent a nasal voice on behalf of the inquiry.

"I really want to say in detail from all sides, it is not enough to write a book." Ji Shanqing looked down at her sister and gently pulled a hair on her face and said: "I just said that I just thought of it. One aspect of this is that a human race with a stable life and no food and care has not explored higher things after the basic needs have been met. Instead, it regards stability itself as the greatest fortune and the loss of stability as the greatest The horror... living in a materially savvy society, but always maintaining the end of refugee-type anxiety."

Spartan knew that he had not finished.

“Why? Because this order is not generated from their own virtues, it is passively created under strong restraint. As a group, they have no ability and no way to produce their own order, so for any possible confusion, There are instinctive fears. This anxiety is irrational, so they are willing to hand over other equally important things to change."

Ji Shanqing smiled and said: "For example, another way of treating evolution in the world is actually very unsettled."

“Is there another way?” Spartan picked up one eyebrow.

Ji Shanqing simply introduced him a few words. “It doesn’t seem complicated to say it, but in this way, you first need to educate the people to have some logical judgment. When you discover an evolutionary person, you must rely on witnessing the citizens themselves to make logical judgments and take responsible actions. In order to make the follow-up procedures work normally... Next, an area will receive an alarm, and each person will clear the scene or close the door according to the situation, not to mention the person who may have dealing with the evolver. It sounds messy. Yes, right?"

He did not agree with Spartan and continued: "In this inevitable chaos, people have learned how to maintain a dynamic balance, how to produce order by themselves. But unfortunately, this is not the mainstream, and this way It is often eliminated by bad money. Most of the world is still the sand that the iron palms pick up."

"This is a vicious circle," Spartan muttered. "Because you can't be responsible for external affairs, you can't learn to be responsible for external affairs. Under strong constraints, there is no ability to self-produce order. The more inseparable the strong constraints."

"Yes, when an individual realizes that he has no power, he admires the admiration of obedience to possessive power." Ji Shanqing sighed. "In the process of change, we can certainly act as a constraint, but..."

Spartan thought for a moment and laughed. "Yes," he slid down from his chair, leaning against it loosely, looking at the ceiling and saying, "That is equal to the power of a new group of people with a higher level of force."

Jishan Qing nodded. "So when we leave, higher force does not exist, and secondary force will occupy the status of the licensor. And power...has always been responsible for its source. At that time, perhaps the people who are in power are different, the rest Everything is back to the original. The only way to cure the problem is the change of people, but it happens that we can't do it overnight. This is only possible for people in this world."

When he said this, he suddenly noticed that Lin San’s eyelashes trembled a little – he felt as if his internal organs had suddenly returned to his position and the heart could be beaten again; he hurried up and trembled: "sister?"

Spartan stood up and took a few steps to the distance and stopped at the window.

When Lin Sanji opened her eyes, her first sight fell on Ji Shanqing. The moment she was seen, he couldn't help but start shaking - as if the darkness had slipped from the planet, the light burned up the horizon; everything had color, shape, and meaning.

"The gift pack," she said dumbly, "I am... on board?"

Ji Shanqing has forgotten what to say, just nodded. He didn't know when Spartan came back. When his sister's gaze turned away, he suddenly fell into the night—although it was only a short moment.

"What about other people?" Lin Sanjiu moved a little and sat up with his arms. He asked with a voice that was not quite clear: "I remember... is a nuclear explosion? Are they injured?"

The bones of the door slammed into the room at this moment.

Several people in the house raised their heads at the same time, and their eyes fell on the coming people.

Wu Lun paled his face as if he had been taken away by the soul. The gaze that she greeted was empty, as if no matter who she was watching, she could pass through the body of the man and fall into the void.

"Wu Lun," Lin Sanjiu just sat up and called her, and the second half of the sentence condensed in the throat.

Wu Lun sat in a wheelchair, originally a leg, and now only covers a blanket.

Her eyes slowly turned around on a few people, and it seemed to make people almost hear the sound of the eyeballs scratching.

"I am... I just came from Han Pingping." Her voice was very low, and she opened her head, as if she had forgotten what she should say next. "Han said that he has nothing to do with the world, and Deng Yilan is dead."

The face of Lin San wine was suddenly white.

Wu Lun stared at the blanket that was piled up in a wheelchair and said, "From this world, I have to go back to this world... I am left alone. But I don't know. What kind of place will I go back?"

For a time, everyone did not say anything. Ji Shanqing has already vaguely guessed what she is going to say next.

Wu Lun gently raised her head, a tear fell and crossed her face.

"Sorry, can... can I choose the future of this world?"

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