Doomsday Wonderland

: 1405 third story


After the first one left the tea party, Aibi did not return to her home, but went straight to the apartment downstairs apartment No. 1, approached the pot of cats at the door, and reached for one foot of the evolutionist who played the cat.

Of course, she has to pretend that this is not the foot of the cat.

The pot of cat's sunflower was not very happy, but Aibi didn't care so much. He looked around at his feet and picked up his robes. He finally found the key that he stepped under his heel. . Barbecue Hu probably knows that his thoughts of being soaked in alcohol are not very reliable, so he specially left a spare key here - Aibi can find it, purely by unintentional luck.

She picked up the key, put it in her trouser pocket, and listened for a while.

The other households on the first floor have not yet returned from the Elizabethan home. Xiao Huang really has a bad spirit. Actually, she seems to believe in Elizabeth’s set. She always refuses to go. Ah He can only wait. The female college student seems to be sitting at Mr. Guan’s home and will not come back for a while.

In other words, she can only put her hopes on Miss Chen.

After waiting for a while, she finally heard the door of apartment No. 6 open. Pingke's grandmother's intermittent sounds sounded. After telling the story, Miss Chen's slow footsteps were coming in the direction of the stairs. Ai Bi-- waited until she could see Miss Chen’s two feet in a vague way. Then she took out the key from her pocket and prepared to open the door in a big way. When Miss Chen’s footsteps suddenly stopped on the stairs, she I know that the old lady saw herself.

She inserted the key into the keyhole on the door of apartment No. 1, and screamed sweetly: "Hu Big Brother? It is me, Aibi."

Miss Chen still stood on the stairs without a word. Although from the perspective of Aibi, if you don’t look back, you can’t see the old lady, but she can feel that the other’s eyes are sticking to her back. The old lady is very good, especially for men and women. Between the things.

After entering the living room, Ai Bi as quietly as possible to close the door from behind, cut off Miss Chen's gaze. Although Elizabeth is quite unfair, this tea party has helped her a lot: when others asked her how she was doing, Aibi smiled and replied that her recent boyfriend was a bit rude on the surface. The wine is actually very good for her, she is very happy.

Even at that time, the neighbors hadn't linked her boyfriend to the barbecue, so after Miss Chen witnessed her entering the apartment, she should understand everything. This gossip, do not know how long it will spread?

The living room of the barbecue Hu family has not been changed for a long time, and it is heavy and muddy. Over the years, the thick smell of Chen Ji’s thick wine has penetrated into the nose, pores and ears. "砰", the sound of the closing of Miss Chen’s apartment came from outside; this sound was like releasing Aibi from silence. She moved back and looked around in the house. It was in the bathroom floor. I found a rotten bark that was unconscious.

After confirming that he could not wake up for a while, Aibi ignored him and left him on the floor. He walked into the living room and opened the window to breathe. According to the introduction in the character manual, since she found that the barbecue has the habit of hiding the key under the cat's pot, she has come in two or three times while the other person is drunk, and is familiar with the interior of the apartment.

She walked into the kitchen, pulled out a bag of apples that had not broken from the refrigerator, and washed herself. Between the crisp sound of the biting apple, it is also mixed with the low-pitched snoring of the barbecue, which is like the background music that will sound every time she visits. In the following period of time, Miss Chen will probably pay attention to the apartment No. 1; she can't go out too early - after all, lovers, how can I see one side and leave?

Aibi ate apples and watched TV for a while, only less than thirty minutes passed. The barbecue didn't sleep for a few hours, but he didn't have to worry about it. He didn't have to worry about him, but she was really bored. She simply turned the cabinets and drawers of the barbecue.

This turn, there is a small surprise: there is a corner of the TV cabinet with a lot of coins and change. She counted a number of brains and pulled it into her pocket. As a result, as she moved around, she screamed.

When she sat back on the sofa again, she faintly heard a burst of music; looking for the sound, she found that the barbecue phone was caught between the cushions and the earthquake - several articles from "A Ting" Information is poured into the phone.

"You called me again after getting drunk last night. I told you, don't call again." The message is lit up on the screen. From the tone, it seems that the sender is already very annoying.

"I am divorced. Is it bad for each other's days?" Atrium was an ex-wife.

"If you drink alcohol like this, your body will be finished. Although we are gone, don't you want to find another suitable person to marry and have children..." This information is longer and some of it is hidden.

I can’t think of the barbecue. Hu is actually the kind of person who never forgets his ex-wife. Ai Bi is very interested in what he said. Unfortunately, the phone is locked and cannot be opened. She thought about it and thought that although no one should see it, these The information still does not stay the best, grabbed the phone and went into the bathroom.

As soon as she entered the door, she was almost stunned by the alcohol. Her nose was quickly defeated. After being smoked, it was much better. Ai Bi took photos of herself in the mirror and made up a little lipstick. Then she went down and pointed the phone at the barbecue. The face - perhaps because the face was a little distorted when lying down, she tried a few times to open the mobile phone.

She opened the communication history of barbecue Hu and A Ting, deleted all the news, and entered the address book, changing A Ting's mobile phone number to her own. In this way, the next time the barbecue is drunk, she will call her; all the information will also become her. As long as she does not answer the phone and send a message, she tries to imitate the tone of A Ting. It is hard to find a barbecue.

Aibi tried to send a message to the barbecue phone.

"I received your call yesterday," she said, screaming. "Is it true? I am very happy."

I didn't think much, just like I was born to know what to do - she picked up the phone that just received her news and went back to the channel: "Of course, I have been thinking of you."

"Me too, I miss you very much." Aibi replied with one of her mobile phones. "Why don't you let me tell everyone, are we together?"

"Love is a private matter. I don't like to tell others about private matters. You didn't say it everywhere? Don't tell anyone, especially neighbors."

Aibi just talked to himself for a while, and the two mobile phones quickly loaded dozens of messages, and it looked like two people who are in love. She is not sure if the barbecue will be relived with her ex-wife's communication record. This person is always drunk, always confused, and said that he will not do anything - just think of everything that is discovered. All over, she still chose to delete a large part.

... It doesn't matter, anyway, when she is dead, the police [the neighbors and the neighbors will look at her mobile phone, not the barbecue.

Aibi thought about it while messing up her hair. She wiped out the lipstick she had just applied and put a finger on her lips, leaving a red mark on her lips, as if she had kissed someone. She opened the door and paid special attention to Miss Chen’s apartment. She saw no shadows under the door and the curtains were tightly pulled. This was when she walked past the cat's mouth, she slid the key in her sleeve into the cat's pot. in.

"You don't want to inform me,". Gently touched the leaves of the cat's sunflower and smiled: "The next time I come, your master will quarrel with me."

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