Doomsday Wonderland

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The recent deterioration of Grandma’s mind has become more and more serious.

When Lin Sanshui went out to water the cat's sunflower, she saw that she was standing at the door of the apartment several times, standing guarding the door; every time she greeted, Grandma Pinke was a stunned, obviously she could not remember who she was. It is. Fortunately, the old lady still remembers her grandson, and she is very tight with Pingke. It seems that she is afraid of seeing it at a glance, and her grandson disappears.

It took only a few days to enter the game. In the eyes of Lin San, this chunky middle-aged man was equated with the old lady. She still sees a middle-aged man in her eyes, but she immediately reflexively floats in her mind. From "Pingke Grandma".

After every greeting with her, Lin Sanjiu will be guilty. Grandma Pinker has become confused like this. What story should she tell her in order to make the other person feel that she is really capable? Grandma Pinker can understand what is spiritual ability?

Not only is Grandma Pinker... Among all her neighbors, Xiao Huang is now skeptical of her. The progress of the character manual is 1 for a while, and 0 for a while. Obviously Xiao Huang is struggling to sway between unbelief and unbelief. Of course, using other people's mental instability to achieve their goals, Elizabeth is not at all. .

If it wasn’t for Xiao Huang’s illusion, she thought she saw a pair of bare feet under the curtains of her house. I’m afraid she didn’t even have this one who believed her. Lin Sanjiu was still not sure at the time. She was testing herself, or she really had an illusion. She had to say that she had an "old friend" where she went and where she went until she saw Xiao Huang. The face, she realized that, thanks to the spiritual problems of the other party, she finally had the first person who might believe her.

Next, I don't know where to find it. The way of telling stories at the tea party seems to be not very good. If we are so honest and disciplined, she will not be able to pass the game.


On the afternoon of this day, when Lin Sanjiu walked out of the door on time, she greeted Pingke. "Don't play the game today, watching comics?"

Pinker still sits at the door of the apartment as usual. It’s just that he’s a bit strange today: he doesn’t hold the book with his hands, but he slams the edge of a comic with his feet, and the dark gold eyelashes hang low; whenever he wants to turn the page, he picks it with a branch. Open the book page - it seems that you don't want to touch it.

"How do you read the book like this?" Lin Sanjiu could not help but ask.

Pinker raised his eyes, and the green pupil seemed to glow in the sun under the sun. "I want you to manage," he is still not polite.

Lin Sanjiu just had to lift his foot and was stopped by Pingke.

"You are a goddess, right?" The fresh green pupils immersed in the snow were staring at her.

"I prefer to be called a psychic."

"Since you are a goddess," Pinker did not seem to hear what she said, and continued: "Can you help me count one thing?"

"What is it?" Lin San wine eyes brightened and asked with a smile.

Pinker frowned and hesitated.

"When do I die?"

This words were spoken from a child who was only five years old. It was really a surprise for Lin San. She just opened her mouth and didn't know what time she should say, but she saw Pingke slammed up. He kicked the cartoon on the floor and whispered a "calculation" and turned around. Go back to the house.

Lin Sanshui looked down at the comic, wrapped his hands in his sleeves and picked it up. When she straightened up, she swept to the Pingke family subconsciously, and she saw it again.

After the floor-to-ceiling windows, the curtains were slightly opened by a slit. The old lady who was hiding in the shadows and peeing out, only revealed a sulky eye with blue eyes; the two looked at each other from the slit, and the old lady quickly disappeared from the curtains. .

... This comic is Pingke’s grandmother to Pinker?

Lin Sanjiu took the comics and thought as he slowly descended the stairs. But what did she do to her grandson? Is it too confused -

She slammed her foot on the stairs.

She only had half of the stairs at this time, and when she looked up, she could still see the window of Pinker. The curtains were not closed, and a black secluded seam was still revealed.

Maybe she is so hearted, maybe she is too suspicious, but -

Whose eye did she just saw?

There is only one person who is staring at Grandma Pinker, her grandson. When her grandson had returned to the house, she never stared at the outside. Not looking at my grandson, but looking at outsiders, it is already a rare thing. Moreover, Grandma Pinke is a man of a middle-aged middle-aged man, far from being old enough to even bluen his eyes. To the point.

Is it a light problem? Is Miss Chen?

It is also a coincidence that Lin Sanjiu just thought of this, just to see Miss Chen push the door out of her apartment. The latter probably couldn't stand the cry of the baby next door. He walked over and knocked on the door of apartment No. 4. After a while, Ah He opened the door with his hands on his shoulders, holding a towel on his shoulder and holding it in his hand. The bottle, the brain is sweaty.

"I'm sorry," he immediately apologized when he saw Miss Chen. "I am warming, he is hungry... you know, he has no mother to feed..."

The dialogue between the two was wiped past Lin Biao’s ear. She stood on the stairs, looked at Pinker's house in a moment, and looked at Miss Chen later. At this time, the fireworks in the residential building were more prosperous than usual, and she gradually made her think that she thought more. If it wasn’t for Grandma Pink, who would it be? After all, when I am older, my movements are slower and I don’t get back in time with my grandson. Maybe it’s also there.

When Lin Sanjiu approached Apartment No. 4, Ahei saw her and pulled her face down. Miss Chen still stood at the door, heard the footsteps and looked back, her eyes were attracted by the cartoons in her hands.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing with it?" the two asked almost at the same time.

"Do you know this comic?" Lin Sanjiu didn't answer Ah Hei, still wrapped his sleeves and asked for a book.

"I just gave Pink." Miss Chen frowned. "What are you doing? Are you dirty? How do you hold it?"

Not waiting for Lin Sanjiu to return, she has already taken the book away - Miss Chen's unprotected hand skin, directly on the comic book, and slammed Lin Sanjiu back. The old lady didn't know it. She took the comics and went upstairs again. It seems that she wanted to take it back to Pink.

Lin Sanji looked at her back and didn't know what to do. Miss Chen did not seem to be affected. In contrast, her suspicion was too heavy - when she turned her head, Ah He looked at her coldly.

"I'll take a look at Xiao Huang," she immediately took out a good pretense, and lowered her voice and said, "I think it's not a bad thing for her to try another way..."

Ah Hai, this husband is very competent, and she must open her door outside the door. Lin Sanjiu rushed into the crack of the door and said with a smile: "You don't think I was relieved of her last time. Is her state much better?"

Her husband hesitated for a few seconds.

"I will sit with her to help her stabilize her mentality and leave immediately."

This sentence seems to finally convince Ah Hei. "I have to go to warm milk, you don't talk to her, I will be back soon."

As long as one or two minutes, it is enough for Lin Sanjiu. After Ahei disappeared into a door in the hallway, she quickly walked into the master bedroom; Xiao Huang back to her lying on the bed, motionless, as if she was asleep.

She looked around and found a walkie-talkie machine on the bedside table—a baby monitor that every parent would have, so that parents could detect it in time. Lin Sanjiu reached out and grabbed it, turned off the power, and stuffed it into his trouser pocket. She can't afford this stuff; she has to steal the baby over there to be able to monitor others.

Looking up subconsciously, Lin San’s gaze fell on the window opposite the bed. Xiao Huang cast a fuzzy reflection on his side on the window. The eyes on his face were round and big, and he was looking at her from the window.

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