Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1415: Missing baby

[This chapter is really good soon, I will remember this time]


The woman curled up on the ground suddenly gave a low voice and broke the stalemate in the room.

"Ah... just that, it’s a bit painful..."

Looking at "Mother Lin" while standing next to the back of the head, Lin Sanjiu felt that his eyes were twitching - not good, two to one. The other side has a tall and tall man who does not say for a moment that he is so tired and weak at the moment, even his ability to protect himself is not...

"Mother Lin" stood up straight and squatted on her neck. When she turned her face again, she became a 17-year-old stranger.

"Oh, that's true. There are so many parents in the world that we are confronted with an orphan..." The teenager didn't even look at Lin Sanjiu, but first complained to his accomplices. "Lin Daddy" nodded silently and took two steps out of the bedroom.

After two steps and one stop, "Lin Dad" became a red-haired middle-aged white woman. She asked the boy in fluent Chinese: "Have she not ruined you?"

The teenager smiled and showed a white tooth: "Of course not, she is not strong."

Seeing the natural appearance of the two people, Lin San’s heart was bitterly bitter – she quietly stepped back a bit, and the trembling asked: “Are you also from the ‘new world’?”

When the teenager heard it, it seemed that he had an interest: "Oh? You know so much? It’s a small look at you, no wonder it’s so neat. Oh, I just discovered it, and it’s probably evolved a bit... ...the potential value must be very high."

The boy's tone is particularly light and lively, just like talking about a game he likes to play. If the boy just turned into the appearance of his deceased mother, and led himself into the house, Lin Sanjiu would have to relax his vigilance.

"My friend... is really dead?"

The teenager shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly. "People are in the bathroom, it seems that the dehydration is too great, I want to drink water. But you seem to have a drought in this place? Anyway, a drop of water in the tap water pipe did not flow out... Yes, her death is not Look good, I advise you not to look."

Tears were almost uncontrollably sprayed out, and Lin San was busy wiping off, staring at the opposite two, and taking a step back.

She has seen a Rennan from the so-called "evolutionary man" from the New World. This time I suddenly met two more, Lin San wine's vigilance could not help but move to the maximum: "If my friend is not you killed, why are you here? Why did you lie to me?"

The youngster spreads his hand: "When we come over, we can't choose a location! It's really good to fall into a family's home. There is also a bed to rest... In short, when we come, your friend is already dead."

"Then why should I pretend to be my parents to lie to me? How do you know my parents?" Obviously, this boy is particularly fond of talking, so that a lot of information has been revealed in a while. Lin Sanjiu planned in his heart. Deliberately asked another sentence.

I don't know if I saw through her mind. I didn't wait for the teenager to answer this time. The red-haired woman was impatient. She waved her hand and stopped the boy's eagerness to try. She said coldly, "I want you to come in." of."

With a slamming sound of metal, the red-haired woman's nails suddenly stretched by half a meter, and a faint glow flashed in the darkness. She smiled: "I just want to see where the people of this world have evolved."

Almost at the moment when the red-haired woman’s nails popped up, Lin San’s wine slammed the chair forward, blocking the way of the two, and quickly turned and ran. Fortunately, she did not close the door when she entered the house. Only have a way to escape -

Lin San wine head did not dare to go back, straight to the stairway, three steps and rushed down the stairs in two steps. As a result, the footsteps sounded, and I kept chasing them all the time. There was also a complaint from the teenager: "...She hurt me again!"

Then she couldn't hear anything, and there was only one thought left in her head: escape. The oxygen in the body seemed to be squeezed out, and the lungs began to burn hot. Every time the big breath breathes in the air with a hot temperature, it directly burns the trachea - although Lin Sanjiu is not afraid, but it is uncomfortable but can't be avoided. Plus, she was injured, her hands and feet were soft, so she couldn’t run fast. When she saw that she had to go to the gate of the community, she heard a sharp metal break in her ear. The ground rolled, finally to avoid the long steel armor of the red-haired woman behind her.

She rolled out about a meter away. Looking back, the red-haired woman and the teenager will also arrive, and she is about to continue to fight towards her -

A white thing was slammed into the air by Lin Sanjiu. As her mind moved, two large iron gates appeared in the air, falling straight from the air with the wind, and suddenly The boy and a scream called it below. Lin San wine was soft and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the teenager could not climb, but she was not happy at all - because the red-haired woman who threatened her the most, but still stood outside the iron gate!

However, she can't run anymore. Every time I switch cards, I have to spend a certain amount of physical strength. Just swapping out the iron gates has already exhausted the last strength of Lin Sanjiu's body. She can't stand up even now, so she has to lie in the same place. The red-haired woman was full of unwillingness.

Unexpectedly, the red-haired woman sighed and did not catch up, but sat down in the same place. She twisted her brow and turned to ask the boy under the iron gate: "How are you so stupid?"

The teenager who was slammed into a major door seemed to have not suffered any fatal wounds. He tried to cough twice, and he gasped back and said: "I am a real leather, really, naturally not as good. You run fast! Cough, cough... so uncomfortable... press on my trachea..."

The red-haired woman "cut" and sneered and said: "It’s true that the flesh is really slow, the movement is so slow, and I don’t know how you survived."

"What do you say? If it wasn't for me, my potential was high-"

Lin San wine stupidly looked at the two chasing soldiers not far away. You came to me and screamed at me, as if I had forgotten her.

"That... don't you come to kill me?"

"Ah?" The boy's head stretched out from the fence of the iron gate and looked at her strangely: "Big sister, can't you think we are going to kill you? No wonder running like crazy, I always call you. I don’t stop... I’ve been highly evolved. What good is it for me to kill your little chick that has just developed?”

Looking at the highly evolved man lying on the ground and being pressed and unable to move, Lin Sanjiu’s mouth was pumping, and he still couldn’t say anything. But at the same time, her heart finally fell back into her stomach - now they are not hostile, it is really better. only--

"Big sister, have you taken the iron gate away? I have been flattened." No one took a nap for a while, and the young man said it.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the red-haired woman sitting on the floor, and she couldn’t understand why she stood by and stood by. Suddenly, she said coldly: "Yes, but first you have to introduce yourself."

"Yes, it should. I am Luzer, I am very glad to meet you, do you want to come over and shake your hand?" The boy leaned his head against the fence, probably saw a white eye of Lin Sanjiu, and he smiled: "Oh, yes, this is another personality of mine. She is called Mather."

Lin San has a big eyes. "Another personality...?"

"Yes. Before the advent of the 'new world' on my side, I was the second case of a truly diagnosed personality split in the world." Lu Zeyi talked about this and his tone became very proud. He tried to raise his chin: "Later, I evolved and can separate Marshall, but at the moment we can't get too far away... Well, I don't tell you too much about my ability. You don't ask me why I know your parents, this is my ability..." He realized that he almost said a little more, and he was busy covering up: "Oh, in short, Mather is a life scientist, just evolutionary. Humans are very interested, so she was just anxious just now."

Lin Sanshui turned his gaze and saw Mather nodded with a serious look.

"Then she stretched her nails out..." Lin San wine looked at Mather's nails in confusion. Under the flashlight, the nails on the fingers are now normal, short and round.

"Using blood... After pumping blood, you can analyze some basic data - this is a capability that Mather developed himself, and there is no actual combat value." Luzer said honestly.

"Wait, you mean - not only can you evolve your own ability, even your differentiated personality can be?" Lin Sanjiu can really be surprised, Luzer is really a potential little king: " If you continue this way, wouldn't it be a single person that is equal to a legion?"

"Which is so simple..." Luzer said bitterly. "At present, this ability is terrible. In addition to her nails, Mather can't even hurt anyone. Now, the ability to leak too much will kill people. You will let me out first. What are the problems? Let's talk slowly. Ok?"

Lin Sanqueng took a heavy breath. - Probably the parents who have just seen the death, the scene is too strange. At this time, she and Lu Ze talked for a while, and did not feel the maliciousness of him and Mather. She smiled bitterly and confessed: "I don't want to let you out. It's really that I have already taken off. I have to take a break. It's better to tell me about this ‘new world’.”

Her voice did not fall, and suddenly heard a strange voice in the doorman's room next to it.

Mather, who was sitting quietly, suddenly jumped up and jumped up, whispering softly and said: "...worse."

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