Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1416: Baby and flower pot

[Recently because of physical reasons, I have to continue to eat and fat, others will have a cold, I will be fat]

The glass door of the branch had already broken the side, and the right door had only half of the sharp glass scorpion, and it shimmered in the night. For the first time in his life, Lin Sanjiu was so ecstatic to see the Public Security Bureau. She quickly slammed the door with her body and yelled at Hu Chang: "Come in!" The ups and downs of the farm were opened, and a wound was also drawn on the legs.

Hu Chang rolled into the lobby on the first floor in a half-slipping, and the sharp buzzing sound behind him followed.

"You go to find something to block the door, I will block it for a while!" Lin Sanjiu said, while holding the iron bar and blocking it at the gate. When Hu Chang knew that he was not polite now, he rushed into the room on the first floor with his injured leg. After a while, he pulled out a conference table.

Honestly, facing the fallen seeds that flowed like the tide of the sea, Lin Sanjiu was even spinning around the calves - see Hu Chang is coming back, she rushed to fly a mouthpart that hit the door, quickly Skip the half of the glass door and block the door with a conference table.

The table under the palm of your hand was immediately hit by the mouthparts and swayed back and forth.

"No, this table won't last long... Let's go upstairs!" Lin Sanjiu shouted. Although I can't escape when I go upstairs, this is the only way I can go now.

Hu Chang did not dare to delay, limping along with her to the stairs - just went up to the second floor, only to hear a loud noise downstairs, the table has been overturned.

The two looked at each other and felt that their chests were tight.

"Go into the room?" Hu Chang ran all the way to lose blood, his face was white and scary. At this time, he couldn’t move: "...maybe he can escape from the outer wall."

I had to do this too - Lin Sanshui nodded and rushed into the hallway.

The first room in the corridor is a water house, there is no door; the second room is the department of the household registration section, but the door does not know what was destroyed, and it does not make any use; she looked away and found that the third door was still intact. The emptiness is hidden, revealing a seam. She immediately shouted with a loud smile: "Here!"

Then he rushed up a few steps and pushed the door away.

Two tall, fallen seeds in the house turned their heads and turned their eyes to her.

For a moment, both of them seemed to be frozen as if they were frozen.

These two fallen males were male before, and each of them was more than one meter tall. I don’t know how many humans were sucking, the flesh was full, the muscles were firm, and the mouthparts were so scary. They look a lot more dangerous than the kind of Wang Yang like outside - at this distance, as long as you just pick a mouthpiece, the lives of the two will not be guaranteed...

However, in the next second, the two fallen species turned their heads at the same time, never looked at them again, but stared at each other tightly.


In a short blink of an eye, Lin San’s back has been soaked by cold sweat. She fixed her mind, only to find that the two fallen seeds in the house were squatting with anger, and the eyes were not willing to go wrong in their direction.

Among them, there was a desk that had fallen over, a file that had been stained with blood by a place, and a collar of golden orange. The collar glowed warmly on the dirty floor, lining up everything that was ruined and dying, and it seemed so out of place.

She immediately understood what it was and why the two fallen species did so. A rush of light hit the mind, and then she made a move that made Hu Chang be shocked by the chin -

"Come in, close the door." Lin Sanjiu stepped into the room and made an order to him without returning.

A sentence "You are crazy" just about to squirt out from the tip of the tongue, Hu often suddenly found that the two fallen seeds still did not move. The room was not big, she walked in like this, and there was only a few steps away from the doorway - but the fallen seed, except the muscles tightened, did not even turn the eyes, still staring at each other .

"On the ground, it is a 'special item' unique to the new world... It seems that these two fallen species want to take this collar as their own, for fear of being exploited by the other side. I am afraid that we will not be able to take care of us at this time. "Don't look at Lin San wine is not too smart, but the more critical, but the more irritating; she did not think at all to lower the voice, but smiled broadly: "Two, we come in Dodge, don't do it. Don't worry, continue!"

She spoke beautifully, but her body was on the verge of slamming her feet. Tightly licking the iron bar, Lin San wine looked solemn and walked slowly to the side of a metal file cabinet.

On the opposite side of the arm, there was a fallen species of the downhill tiger tattoo, and it was cold and snorted, but still did not move.

This time, Hu Changshang also saw it: Lin Sanjiu was right. He immediately closed the door and carefully stood by her side.

"Get out!" The one who is closer to them can't stand it.

Lin Sanjiu looked at its motionless back and whispered: "Two, you can guess, we are forced to come in - we will die if we don't come in. You continue to confront you, I understand, You only need to be a little wrong, and maybe you will be taken away by another person - if we can get what we need, I promise not to affect you."

This daring... If it is not the occasion, Hu Chang is simply trying to praise her female hero.

Lin Sanjiu listened to the ear, and the cluttered footsteps had already sounded on the corridor, and the "squeaky" sound that was characteristic of the sticky skin when walking.

Two pairs of cockroaches fell, and the eyebrows were tightened tightly.

"The chasing soldiers behind us are coming soon. They are coming in, and you can't do it. What do we do now? They are all fallen, or do you tell them, no one inside?" Her tone It was a bit of a rogue, and then he hurriedly lifted his chin: "Hey, you bandage your legs."

She is sure that these two fallen species will not let a large group of people outside rush in.

Sure enough, her voice just fell, and the door was slammed from the outside by the mouthparts. Immediately afterwards, the two fallen species in the house almost simultaneously made a high-pitched and sharp buzzing sound - a few screams came out of the door. The buzzing sound continued for a few minutes, regardless of the time. When the room was quiet again, there was no sound outside.

It seems that, like the different forces between the evolutionists, the fallen species are also graded.

"Now!" Although it still didn't look back, the tone of the fallen kind became very violent.

"Good, good, wait for my companion's legs to be wrapped, we will go right away..." Lin Sanjiu said, while he squatted down to see Hu Chang's injury on his leg. Hu Chang looked up a little gratefully: "I am fine, let's go first, this is not a long time...remaining place."

His tone suddenly slowed down because he found that Lin San was making a mouthful of his own voice.

"You run first, go downstairs."

She repeated the mouth shape several times and finally asked him to nod his head in doubt.

"Okay, your legs are finished." She raised her voice while she was talking. "Thank you for your help, then we can leave."

Naturally, no one returned to the two fallen seeds, and even the eyes did not move away from each other.

Lin Sanjiu licked his mouth and pressed his heart as if he had to walk tight. The look on her face, only Hu Chang, who was standing next to her, saw a few points, and his heart immediately jumped and thumped.

The door was opened, and there was no degraded species in the corridor outside.

Lin San wine gently pushed Hu often, and the latter immediately noticed, and ran to the stairs without delay for a second.

"That... I was curious to ask." She turned and felt sweat in her hand. "What did you do just now, how did the other fallen seeds go away in a while?"

A fallen seed snorted impatiently. Although it still does not move, but Lin Sanjiu is not the answer, but a little bit of gap in their minds -

A card slammed into the air quickly, and when it reached the top of the collar, it rushed up and then fell heavily.

The collar was hit by this momentum, and it was turned into a golden orange spot, and it quickly melted into the card. Then, before the fall of the species, the card flew back to the direction of Lin Sanjiu. As soon as the card started, she immediately ran and ran - all of this, she had already practiced countless times in her heart, but she did not expect to actually get the collar!

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