Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1417: Lost believers

[Recently, it’s really awkward... I don’t know if it’s a cold or not. You really can’t guess how long it took me to write the end of the chapter, it’s too painful...]

The memory seems to have been added to the water, and it has become a pot of porridge, vaguely, a paste. She only remembers that she was lying in bed and sleeping, gradually getting hotter and hotter, getting more and more thirsty... There was a gentle inquiry from the man. She grabbed his hand and whispered, "I am good. thirsty……"

- slammed openly, for a moment, Lin Sanjiu thought that he would see a white face again. She slammed over and sat up, hoeing her head and looking at her environment with a little gleam.

Occasionally, I will come to buy a beautiful supermarket with imported snacks and tastes fresh. At this time, it seems like I’m dead, dark, quiet, and messy.

A skinny white woman buried her face in her dense red hair and slept well. On the other side of Mather, lying a white and clear young boy, he heard the movement of Lin Sanjiu and opened his eyes slightly.

"Are you awake?" Luzer, who had just woke up, asked vaguely. He glanced at the clock on the wall of the supermarket. "Hey, is it more than six o'clock in the evening?"

Mather, who was awakened by the voice of the two, also blinked tiredly and sat up. "No wonder I am hungry..." Lin Sanshui heard that her stomach had been screaming. She took a sip of water and murmured: "The little corpse is quiet."

Indeed, the direction of the staff room was quiet, and the shelves were well blocked, as if Wang Sisi had never appeared.

Luzer said one sentence: "I went to get some food," and immediately got up, dragged his feet, yawned into the food area, and took some vacuum food like duck feet and chicken legs.

After waking up, the restless and tense atmosphere before going to bed was almost completely cleaned up at this time. The three of them relaxed and sat around in a circle, chatting while eating.

"I said, you are not like a person who has been on the battlefield at all." Lin Sanjiu found a bag of cookies that he had loved before, and he was very fond of Luze.

Mather heard a sigh: "You don't mention it. After we joined the army, I was trained every day. He was good. He could change himself and live a moisturizing..."

"Hey, tell me about it!" Lin Sanjiu asked with a smile.

I heard the two men squatting side by side. Luze’s mouth was filled with food. He couldn’t justify himself. He was so anxious that he was so embarrassed that he sipped a sip of water and wanted to swallow the food. He almost groaned... The long-lost laughter rang in the supermarket, and several people laughed and laughed. For a time, it felt like this new world was not so horrible.

Hearing the laughter outside, Wang Sisi was not willing to hit the door and made a sharp call.

The three people were listening to her screams and fell asleep in the morning. At this time, they had already got used to her existence, and they didn’t even blink. They finished eating things calmly, accompanied by Wang Sisi’s harsh background sound, Lu Ze. I also reluctantly pouted: "If you can eat fried rice, just fine."

This is to remind Lin Sanjiu, she slammed her hand: "Don't we go upstairs to find Ren Nan's body? There is a stove in the house, it should still be used - let's bring some rice up, stir-fry I dare not say, but at least meat porridge can still come to a bowl."

When this proposal came out, I immediately earned a lot of saliva from two people. Lu Ze jumped up and took a very energetic pull of Mather in the supermarket. In a short while, he prepared the ingredients: Thai rice, mineral water, vacuum packed meat...

But what was disappointing was that I rummaged through the supermarket and I didn't see a flashlight. The three had to take a lighter and use it as lighting.

Resting for a few hours, it is estimated that the sky outside should be completely dark, and several people have carried things back and left the supermarket - in order to prevent the accident, the shutter door was locked before going. When I got on the elevator, the sun really disappeared. The hall on the first floor was dark and there was no trace of anger.

Unexpectedly, due to the special structure of the shopping center, the heat from the sun was locked inside the building. Without the air-conditioning cool air of the past, the lobby on the first floor became a huge steamer.

This uncomfortable heat is extremely aggressive, only a few seconds, the three people's back is sweaty. In addition, the corpse mountain moved out in the morning began to emit a faint smell at high temperatures, which caused Lin Sanjiu to stay on the first floor for a second. He quickly rushed out of the shopping center door, and the skin felt a little bit. wind.

It seems that I have to think of a way to deal with the body.

The car dragon that she and Luzer had worn in the morning was still stuck in front of the shopping center, but unlike the morning, most of the vehicles had already consumed electricity and electricity, and they were silent without any chance. Only a few cars are still lingering, and the engine is still slamming.

The car dragon is like a dying snake, moving in the heat.

Lin Sanjiu led the two people to quickly bypass the road, and did not look at the car at first glance - for the dead, she really has seen enough - the neighborhood where Zeng and Ren Nan lived is not far from the shopping center, go After about ten minutes, the three had already arrived at the downstairs of the 38th floor apartment.

Since the onset of high temperatures, unsuspecting humans have died seven or eight percent in almost one day, so the once-defunct grid has never been able to light up - nowadays several people can only climb to the 38th floor with one leg.

As the only male, Luzer had no choice but to take up the heavy things like rice and water. He followed the two women and snorted to climb the stairs.

Although the three are all so-called "evolutionary humans", when they go up to the stairwell on the 25th floor, a few people really can't stand it anymore - Lin Sanjiu has not been physically strengthened, and the first one sits on the stairs. On the top, shake your hand straight: "No, no, let's take a break... take a breath and drink some water."

Mather carefully looked around with a lighter and saw no abnormalities. This unscrewed a bottle of juice and handed it to the two people lying on the floor.

The sweet blueberry taste flowed into the body along the throat. Lu Zeang just wanted to boast a good meal. He only heard the door "heck" on the 26th floor stairwell was opened -

"Is anyone there? Husband, is that you?" A female voice with a bit of fear, trembled.

It was useless for a second, and the three people jumped up at the same time and were alert. The lessons brought by Wang Sisi are still vivid, and there is no need to say more at this time. Mather has already said aloud: "Stand up there, don't come over! Who are you?"

The woman on the 26th floor didn't seem to think that there was someone downstairs. I was so scared that this was a bit of a shock. "I, I live here... I came out to find my husband. Who are you?"

The three men looked at each other. Lin Sanjiu thought about it and said, "I am also a resident here. You are now slowly walking to the side of the stairs and showing your face to us."

"Ah...what is this?" The woman said as she continued to do it, step by step to the stairs. All three of them raised their necks and looked up through the light of the lighter in the hands of Mather.

In the orange light, a normal, clean human female's face appeared on the side of the armrest. She was about thirty years old, wearing a scarlet pajamas, and her face was very charming, but her eyes were red and swollen, but her face was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t cover it - I saw Lin San The woman suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Ah, it is you, I have seen you downstairs!"

Lin Sanjiu had no impression of her. However, since it was not a fallen species, several people also took up their guard and went upstairs.

The woman seems to feel that Lin San wine is very kind and busy saying to her: "You probably didn't pay attention to me. I have seen you several times. You and your boyfriend are always walking downstairs. He is tall, It’s handsome, right?” Speaking of this, her eyes turned around in the only male Luzer, and looked at Mather, apparently very confused, but still did not ask anything, just introduced herself: "My name is Kong, Kong Wei. Have you seen my husband?"

Lin Sanjiu almost remembers when it was time to see a normal living person. She didn't want to mention Ren Nan in a word. She was about to speak. Luzer spoke in the side: "...Sister Big, what is your husband? Not at home with you?"

This made Pan Tong’s tears pop out: “Last night, we both went to bed together. But when I slept in the middle of the night, I suddenly lost power. I woke up and I looked again. My husband was gone. . . . The bed is left with his pajamas. He must have come out, I just don’t know where... I don’t dare to move around during the day...”

Probably I haven't seen a living person for a long time, and Kong has a tendency to vent his emotions: "You said, how can this ghost weather become so scary... I went downstairs to find security guards, and I don't know if I was fainted. Still dead, lying on the ground, scared and scared me..."

Lin Sanjiu listened and nodded his head in a soothing manner, suddenly felt that the corner of the clothes was gently pulled. As soon as she turned back, she saw that Mather made her look.

Mather was just approaching the ear of Lin Sanjiu. Luzer seemed to have a long eye behind her head. She took a step forward in time to cover her, and she did not see it.

"We are going upstairs to the body of Ren Nan, and can't let her follow, lest it be extravagant." Mather said lowly.

Indeed, looking at Kong Tong’s appearance, if she saw her body, it would only cause unnecessary trouble. Lin Sanshui nodded, Yang Sheng said to Kong Wei: "Sister Da, I have to go upstairs to get some clothes. You see, otherwise, let's go home and rest, we will come back to you when we come down. See what to do, ok?"

It seems that a familiar face is still very useful, and Kong Tong immediately agreed.

"Right, do you want to add some water..." Lin Sanji glanced at her dry lips and reached for the small half bottle of juice just left.

"Ah, I, I, I don't..." Kong Wei suddenly stopped talking and swallowed and turned his eyes and turned a few turns. "Well, I mean, okay, I drink. Thank you!"

Not mentioning the two people on the battlefield, even Lin Sanjiu is also a life-and-death person who circumvented two laps. He felt very keen - Kong Yan's appearance was like a pendulum, and the three were not fixed on her. Not mentioning the two people on the battlefield, even Lin Sanjiu is also a life-and-death person who circumvented two laps. He felt very keen - Kong Yan's appearance was like a pendulum, and the three were not fixed on her.

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