Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1418: Final game

Ten minutes ago, when Elizabeth and Miss Chen picked up the plant at the door of No. 1 apartment and walked slowly behind, Mr. Guan was preparing to go home with Jessica.

"She said that it is evil," Li said as he opened the door. "Is it true? What you can't see can't be confirmed."

When the door opened, she looked back and saw Mr. Guan, who stood silently behind Jessica. She frowned. "Ah?" A cry, Jessica quickly smiled and said: "I invited him to sit."

Li Er was not very happy, but did not say anything, turned his head and advanced the door; Mr. Guan and Jessica looked at each other and raised a smile on each other.

"Are you ready?" He asked in a low voice at Jessica as he entered the door.

Jessica nodded and smiled and said, "I only have one of your hands."

Being liked by someone who likes it is really a great satisfaction. Mr. Guan turned and closed the door. According to their plan, Jessica caught up with his friends in a few steps, and pushed her to go to the living room sofa to eat small biscuits. She always told Li Er to face Mr. Guan, no chance. look back.

Mr. Guan slowly walked behind the two, and moved his shoulders and rubbed his arms.

Who can think of a boring career in middle school teaching, actually there is a day to use this kind of use? He has been teaching biology for several years, and the position of the human aorta is clear; if the neck artery is strongly pressed by the arm, between 15 and 20 seconds, people will fall into a coma.

Jessica is a girl who lacks strength and does not know how to do it. Naturally, she must rely on him to do this. He is also very happy; even if he likes some flowers, it is best to let her stay in the natural place, live in her way, do not have to pick it up - this is the way he loves.

Li Er sat down on the sofa, and did not notice that Mr. Guan had quietly walked behind her.

Just as he raised his hand, the door was knocked out by people.

Li Er was shocked and immediately turned his head - "You go to see who it is," she told Mr. Guan.

Such a great opportunity was gone, and Mr. Guan was so angry that he wanted to swear; he exchanged a look with Jessica before turning to open the door.

I didn't expect it to be Grandma Pink.

"What?" Mr. Guan did not ask with enthusiasm and looked up at the house. On the first floor of the lawn, Pinker was sitting bored and squatting on the grass. This child does not seem to care much about where his grandmother wandered, but from time to time, he looked up and downstairs - this old bat has always been the most important grandson, but today he actually left his grandson to leave himself alone, really messing with him.

"Hey, Pink, you are here," said Pinke's grandmother, saying that he would enter the door when he lifted his legs: "Is there tea at home?"

"I am not Pink," Mr. Guan hurriedly blocked her. "Pingke is outside."

"What are you talking about? You are my grandson." Grandma Pinke couldn't even recognize it. Of course, she wouldn't remember social courtesy. She squeezed hard and said, "Hey, is there a guest at home?"

The two girls also came over at this time, and they tried to persuade Grandma Pinke a few words. The old lady who was confused did not leave, looking at the living room and said: "Tea...tea..."

"Forget it, she may be thirsty," Jessica waved a little impatiently and said, "Give her a glass of water and send her away."

Because the layout of the apartment upstairs and downstairs is the same, Grandma Pinke may feel like returning to his home. He unceremoniously took out the kettle and the water cup from the kitchen. After drinking it, he said, "This tea It's a bit light."

"Well, your grandson is still outside," Mr. Guan said quickly and half-heartedly, "So small children, can't be alone."

"No, no, you are my grandson, you are not outside." Grandma Pinker put down the cup, caught his hand, and stalked lovingly: "You are all so big, but don't forget Grandma... ..."

Li Erxiao laughed - Mr. Guan’s stomach rose and rose. He looked at Jessica. When Grandma Pinke opened the tea for the "guests", he took the other's cup and hardened her from the sofa.

"You are going to find your grandson," he said, opening the door and pointing Pingke, and pushing Grandma Pinke out of the door. When the old bat was squatting out, he muttered, "You are my grandson, you really It is my grandson." Before he closed the door, his eyes swept in the building subconsciously, seeing Miss Chen and Elizabeth carrying the plants upstairs; then the door was closed again.

When he turned back into the house, Jessica was taking Li's attention in other directions.

"Come, you are here," Jessica took her hand and took her to sit down on the sofa next to her. She smiled and asked, "Let's watch a movie together. What do you want to see?"

"have what?"

"There is a lot of it," Jessica said as she turned on the TV. "There are different films, thrillers, romances... What type do you want to see?"

In response, Li Er’s one foot slammed up and flew the remote control in her hand. Jessica looked calmly as the remote control fell to the ground, slowly turned his head and looked at Li, who was struggling on the sofa, sighed.

"It’s good soon, you won’t have anything to do,” she said softly. She reached out and caught Li’s foot, which was constantly kicking in the air, pressed it down and gently touched her instep and said: Don't knock the kettle over."

As if she had a great comforting effect in this sentence, Li Er gradually stopped struggling, and the body gradually relaxed, and finally softly moved. To be on the safe side, Mr. Guan pressed for another two or three seconds before releasing his arm from her neck.

"She's fine, wake up after a while." He did not forget to comfort Jessica, "What about the rope?"

“All are ready,” Jessica pulled out a large roll of rope from the kitchen cabinet. “You are strong and tied tight...”

"Okay," Mr. Guan took the rope and knew that this step could not take too long, and he could not be careful. After he spent a few minutes and tried to tie Li's hands and feet together, he had a sweat of his head. No one mentioned that Li’s mouth should be blocked, lest she wake up and call for help—because he and Jessica knew that it would be useless for Li to collapse the sky.

When he stood up from Li, Jessica thoughtfully handed him a heavy hammer. Mr. Guan asked a few times and asked, "What about you?"

"I have this," she shook a pair of ice skates and explained: "I usually like to make my own smoothies."

Mr. Guan showed a smile to her. “Girls eat too much ice, not good.”

Jessica didn't answer, responded to him with a smile, and the two left the unconscious Li.

The second talent just went out, just the door of the apartment No. 7 upstairs was violently opened, and the goddess Elizabeth, who was very sneaky, sneaked out from the door, glaring at them, the face of the white and white It’s like seeing a ghost.

Mr. Guan immediately reacted.

Elizabeth did not look at them, but on top of their heads - above the apartment No. 2 is apartment No. 6, which is the home of Grandma Pink. They took a few steps and looked up and found that the door of Apartment No. 6 was half open; however, the two grandsons who lived in Apartment No. 6 were still on the grass at the moment, and they all found Elizabeth’s wrong, Pingke also raised his voice. Asked: "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Mr. Guan and Jessica looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. In fact, what happens now, it doesn't matter; who they see first, who they see later, is just a complete luck.

"Chen... Miss Chen..."

When the two men walked together toward the grandparents on the grass, Elizabeth on the upstairs seemed to gather courage. When she approached the railing, she trembled and said: "Miss Chen, who just entered your home..."

If she is given her two more seconds, she may be able to tell the Miss Chen how it is; but Elizabeth does not have this opportunity, and Mr. Guan is not interested in it - he raises his head high and pushes it into it. When Pink's grandmother was in the back of her head, Elizabeth seemed to be suddenly stupid, standing upstairs in a ridiculous manner, motionless.

Grandma Pinker fell to the grass without any resistance. Mr. Guan stepped on her back, picked up his arm, and came to the same recessed skull for four or five times.

Jessica had already rushed toward Pink. The child was really awful. In the face of a sudden attack, he did not waste time screaming and crying. He turned and fled to the direction of the stairs; Jessica rushed to the air, followed by a twisting direction, and the ice skates in his hand went up. It’s up.

Although Pinker reacted quickly, he was a child after all, compared to Jessica in his early 20s; when he saw that Jessica was about to grab the clothes, a shadow suddenly jumped from the air to the Jie. Sika - she subconsciously shunned her side, and when the shoes that had come to the ground fell, Pinker had already rolled over from the grass.

"Are you crazy?" Elizabeth, who rushed down the stairs, wore a shoe on one foot and a foot on her feet, hurried to Pingk, as if she wanted to save him. Among the people still alive in this building, only Elizabeth is the most similar to their age and physical strength, and the rest are old and young; when she is removed, others are not worried.

When Mr. Guan thought, he threw down the **** Puek Granny in the back of his head and rushed over to Elizabeth.

Jessica rushed to grab Pink.

"Pingke, you run!" Elizabeth screamed and turned to Jessica, as if she wanted to stop her with her body. Just when the two men had hit the right one, Mr. Guan arrived in time, taking Jessica back a half step. He grabbed it and slammed it toward Elizabeth's temple.

This time it was supposed to solve her immediately. Who knows that Pinker didn’t run, but instead rushed up, grabbed Elizabeth’s clothes and slammed it backwards, just tripping her when she was about to hit her hammer. The two fell together on the ground. The hammer hit the face of Elizabeth and stroked out. Her half of her face immediately became blood red.

"Isn't you letting you go!" She didn't care about herself, but she yelled at Pingke first.

When Pingke rolled over and climbed up, it was too late to run. Jessica slammed him down on the ground and turned him behind him, holding him down. The five-year-old child struggles and struggles.

"Why are you going to save him?"

If she couldn't help but hide, she might not die so fast—Mr. Guan asked the words, and did not waste time on his hands. The hammer raised his head toward Elizabeth.

Elizabeth’s eyes lit up as if she suddenly saw an opportunity. She didn't run, but she opened her mouth.

"He is my son," she cried. "I have adopted him long ago-"

Her voice did not fall, Jessica's skates pierced Pink's neck.

She really didn't understand the human physiology, just stuck in the aorta, because the large amount of blood splashed out by the pressure, in the blink of an eye, Jessica was drenched into a blood. Fortunately, the direction of the blood splatter did not affect Mr. Guan’s vision. He solved Elizabeth in three or two times. When the hammer was raised again, it had already been covered with new blood.

The two stood in a pool of blood and looked at the two dead bodies that had just lost their breath and entangled each other's arms. They were silent for two seconds.

"Pingke was her adopted child?" Jessica was in the blood, only to see two eyes, but it was better than before. "Forget it, no matter who, who else?"

Mr. Guan thought for a moment. "Apartment No. 2 is you, Miss Chen of Apartment No. 3, and there is a Yanhuang in Apartment No. 4 and I don't know where to hide it. No. 5 is me, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 are dead. Well, there are two left. Personal."

It is also a coincidence that he just finished, a figure appeared on the door of apartment No. 6.

Miss Chen slid an envelope into her pocket, her eyes locked firmly on apartment No. 7, and walked straight toward it; she was so focused, she did not find the **** stained downstairs. Mr. Guan and Jessica exchanged a look, smiled at each other, and walked quietly and silently to the stairs.

Miss Chen slowly pushed her door into Elizabeth's apartment. It wasn't like visiting a friend, but it was like trying to make an attack. She didn't know that Elizabeth had died on the first floor. When the two of them came to the door of Apartment No. 7, Mr. Guan only listened to Miss Chen walking around, seemingly looking for Elizabeth's shadow, and also from the nose "Hmm?"

The two stood on the sides of the door, waiting quietly.

Miss Chen could not find the target and soon came over to the door. When she first appeared in the door frame, Mr. Guan’s hammer went out inwardly – ​​right in the face of Miss Chen’s face.

The old lady’s face was shattered, but she could still make a tragic sigh; the voice was almost like a human being, but it was like a ghost. It’s a pity that the two were more like ghosts than her. Mr. Guan retracted the hammer and came again. Jessica’s skates plunged into her chest.

She fell to the ground, curled up and twitched, and trembled in the blood and white foam. The two had not seen this reaction, and they stepped back two steps. They watched her pump for a while and finally died face down in a pool of blood.

"What happened," Jessica murmured, walking past the kitchen. She quickly gave a low-sounding exclamation - waiting for Mr. Guan to rush over and look silly.

"How come there is Miss Chen here?" He almost felt that he was dreaming. "Who are the people we just killed?"

The two hurried back, grabbed the body hair and looked up and found that the face was not Miss Chen, but a stranger. It is not a stranger to say that a stranger is like a faint person. I thought about it for a while. I didn’t think of it, just forget it.

"No matter who he is, it will be fine." Mr. Guan dropped the body and looked around. "Where is Yan Huang Tibetan?"

The duo searched again and found that there was no one else in Elizabeth’s apartment. No. 6 is also empty, there is no place for Tibetans in the corner of the corridor; after ten minutes, when they give up and return to apartment No. 2, both of them are discouraged.

"Forget it, as long as she doesn't dare to come out, it doesn't matter to us." Mr. Guan took a towel and wiped his face with Jessica while comforting. "If she really responded to Li's call for help, we will solve her again."

Jessica was not satisfied, but she nodded. They moved Li to the sofa on the living room window to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

"It turned out to be so tired," Jessica sat on the sofa regardless of her own blood. "I am so tired that I am shaking..."

"Come on, drink a glass of water, then we can take a shower." Mr. Guan poured water for her, and he drank a cup too - his physical exertion was too great.

Tired is tired, he is very happy.

When he decided to take a shower, he took a look at his character manual - no doubt, his goal has been completed, just wait for the game to spend 30 days. Not to be hiding from Yanhuang, there is no living person in this building except him, Jessica and Li Er; Li Er is firmly tied up, she can't escape, and there is no support for help, she will be The rest of the time has always belonged to Jessica.

Jessica can fulfill her long-cherished wish. She can confess to Li, can comb her hair, kiss her... without worrying that Li will disappear from her side.

As long as Jessica can satisfy, Mr. Guan will be satisfied.

Both of them were immersed in a special state of mind after murder, silently drinking the water. Mr. Guan waited for Jessica to invite him to enter the bathroom, but did not wait, could not help but out of the door, through the **** grass, go to his home.

He crashed to the ground when he climbed the last step.

The body did not listen at all, the pain seemed to tear his stomach, and the nerves burned in one section. His vision was clear for a while, and his ears clearly heard that someone in Apartment No. 2 fell to the ground and screamed intermittently—it was Jessica.

Jessica is also poisoned...

He wants to struggle to save, but realizes that no one is in the building. The last glance before his death fell on the grass of Grandma Pink.

... this **** old bat.

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