Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1419:

When Lin Sanji opened her eyes, she suspected that she might just have made a **** red alarm and a too realistic nightmare. Not only did the package die, Spartan died, even himself -

“Have everyone been awake?” A slightly familiar voice stunned her and asked her to sit up and sit up. It was too late to see who the speaker was. She first touched her temple. Still full, not being knocked down with the skull.

However, the memory of the temple was broken by a person, but it was clear that she wanted to vomit.

"I hope you still remember," the voice continued to laugh and said. "The rules of the game have already been introduced. Players who die in the game will not have anything. You just resurrected, and it is inevitable that you are a bit confused..."

Gift package!

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly looked around, but the skull seemed to be actually broken, and it became a pain in her brain. She took a sigh of coldness and didn't dare to move. Looking at the face of Zhang Yanran who was around her, she muttered a sentence: "Gift?"

He plays the plant in the game, but he doesn't really give birth to it. It should be fine now...

"According to the notice I got, the player cat was special because of the injury," said a volunteer who was all wrapped up in a tight position. At this time, he stood in the middle of the people who were lying in the ground and said, "Now still In treatment."


"Who gave him treatment? What is a special law?" Lin Sanjiu asked, and found that Spartan was slowly climbing from the farthest corner, it seems that the burden is not small. They are now back at the beginning of the game, in the apartment lobby.

"Then I don't know." The volunteer shrugged his shoulders. "But I know he is sure to be fine. After he returns to his original condition, he will be sent back here. You will be notified to find someone."

People here like to miss the subject, who is sent back? Is it a person who treats a package? Can you have the ability to treat the data body, is it only the data body?

The point is, can she just wait?

When Lin Sanji bites his lips and falls into meditation, some of her people seem to be completely awake, and screamed: "Do you have a brain?"

She blinked and found that it was Li Er - of course, the name of the brunette girl in the game.

Li Er’s fire is not her, nor is it the old man Jessica, but another girl who plays Mr. Guan in the game. "Mr. Guan" was sitting on the ground, half-opening his mouth, squinting on the crowd, as if he was stupid, and he could not believe it. She and Li Er couldn't look good with each other. At this time, they let Li Er get angry and they didn't say anything.

"What do you and the old man want to do to me?" Li said as he touched his throat. "You are all psychopathic?"

"If you don't, you won't finally kill the people in the building." Lin Sanji snorted and looked up at Spartan who came to her. The latter was tied as a skate by the ice knife. At the moment of the arteries, I am afraid that it will become one of the rich nightmare materials for her next life.

It is impossible to be tempted, although she has repeatedly warned herself that the other party is only affected by the game.

With a soft groan, Spartan sat down beside her and threw a fig. He seems to be struggling with every move, and his face is no better than others, but he still has to come over.

"Is it all slaughtered?" The person who died early in the game did not seem to know what happened later; the person who spoke was the man with a sallow look, but the role played was a beautiful woman.

"It’s all dead," replied a strange man. "Besides Li, they finally killed every character in the building, and I didn't even escape."

"Who are you?" asked the middle-aged woman who played the barbecue Hu and asked him, "I have never seen you."

"Okay, okay," seeing the crowd rushing into a ball, the volunteer reached out and pressed a few times in the air. After everyone closed his mouth, he continued: "Please let me know first." Tell the game the ending."

Lin San wine sighed in the stomach. I don't know what luck she is. Every time she persuades a person, she will die. When she finally knows what she knows, her "believers" almost died. Needless to say, her game is definitely not cleared, it is estimated that it will have to come again.

The horror of being crushed by alive, she could not help but tremble.

"On the 17th day of the game, most of the players died. Only 'Black Peng' and 'Lee' are alive. Others are dead, and the two of them have lived until the 30th day, the game End."

"Wait," said the old lady who played Miss Chen. "Black friends have long been..."

"Not dead," Lin Sanjiu could not help but replied, "Our cognition has been distorted by this game."

"How to say?"

The girl who played the black friend coughed a little too. "That," she glanced at the boy who played Yan Huang - the latter stunned her eyes at all. She scratched her head and said, "It’s actually Black Peng who killed Yan Huang... but you guys I thought it was black friends."

Waiting for everyone to ask, she continued: "I found out in the middle of the game... We have blind spots in this game, mainly because of the ... 唔, identity conflict between the game character and the actual character."

"That, my goal is to get rid of my wife without knowing it... because Yan Huang is a heavy burden for me." The girl who plays the black friend said, glanced at her "wife in the game." ", friends outside the game. "I want to go and think, it seems that only killing her can get rid of her... and can't be discovered by others."

"Do you have to break my whole head?" the boy asked with anger.

"Sorry, I can't help it," the girl seemed to have a good relationship with him. He begged and said: "I can't let them see your face after all, realize that you are Yanhuang."

"How did you find out that we would have this misunderstanding when we could not see your face?" Miss Chen asked slyly - she was the first to be fooled.

“It’s very simple,” the girl who played the black friend used the chin to signal “Mr. Guan” and said, “I live next to Apartment No. 2, and Mr. Guan always runs to Apartment No. 2. Once I heard him. Speak to Jessica."

"Mr. Guan" looked at her blankly.

"He told Jessica that when he came, he heard two women whispering under the stairs, saying that there was only the last two weights, and there was no more." "Black Peng" smiled and said: " I realized it when I heard it... The person who spoke is actually me and Miss Chen."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly remembered, Miss Chen did tell her that she was hiding under the stairs every time she secretly traded with BlackPeng.

"It’s not a big deal to be heard. It’s what I noticed. He said that 'two women' are trading.” The girl was a little proud and took a picture of her friend’s shoulder. "I am obviously a man." Everyone has heard my voice, but when he can't see me, only when I hear my voice, I still think that the person who speaks according to the physiological characteristics is a woman. I thought then, if I put Yanhuang The face is ruined, and then I hide again, so that everyone is only a man based on physiological characteristics. So everyone will think that the dead person is a black friend?"

That's it. Everyone knows that Black Peng is a man, but only when he sees the girl's face, he will recognize "this is a black friend"; when he can't see his face, but only sees a male body, everyone will subconsciously The land thinks that "the dead person is a man, then the death is of course a black friend."

Spartan seems to have discovered this for a long time.

"Then why are only the two of you living to the end?" Lin Sanjiu asked. "After Mr. Guan and Jessica killed us, are you given..."

"We were poisoned by Pingke's grandmother." "Mr. Guan" glanced at the middle-aged man who played Grandma Pink. The latter looked awkward, as if he didn't dare to look at Spartan all the time. He heard the words and asked, "Is it poisonous? Didn't I take sleeping pills?"

He shook his head and sighed: "My goal is to have a grandson at the end of the game... I was when you were looking for a baby in apartment 2, I took a few bottles. I was so confused for a while. I thought it was a sleeping pill."

"What was your plan at the time?"

"I thought that as long as I watched Pingke firmly, I wouldn't let him run, let him not have an accident, I would be able to accomplish the goal. I thought this goal seemed too simple at first... When I later noticed that my identity was not When I suddenly realized it, if I can't prove that I am Pink's grandmother, then what is the use of Pingke?"

Lin Sanjiu knows a bit. "Then you are going to... faint Mr. Guan medicine and announce that you are his grandmother?"

"You don't have to announce it," he said, shrinking his shoulder. "I live in it and treat him as a grandson. Anyway, it is the same between me and peace. But the difference is that he took the initiative to live in. I only made him a grandson." of."

"What told him to take the initiative to come in?" Miss Chen asked.

"There is no blood relationship between these two roles," Spartan spoke. He didn't know what, it seemed to be a little self-deprecating, and said with a smile: "I am an orphan. I saw her confused, it is a good goal, she lived in her house and told her that I am her grandson. I found that when she had a crisis in her identity and could not continue to take care of me, I had to find another one."

Mr. Guan and the old man Jessica heard the words and turned their eyes to the next Lin San wine.

"Well," the volunteers interrupted their discussion. "I want to announce the clearance players, and then you want to discuss the next game. Remember, if you don't complete the mission, you need to participate in this game again."

Everyone's face is not very good looking.

“Li’s goal is to live successfully for 30 days.” The volunteer took out the note and said: “Mr. Guan and Jessica tied her up and died, no one untied her, she has been If you don’t eat or drink the game, it’s already dying. But after all, she is still alive and clear.”

Li Er took a sigh of relief - her last days, certainly a very painful suffering.

"After Black Peng killed his wife, he thought that his wife had killed himself. Although he was aware of the truth in the middle, the last person he noticed did not survive. Therefore, she also cleared the customs."

"Black Peng" seems a bit surprised, it should be that I did not expect that my plan will almost not work.

“Pingke, at the last minute, successfully obtained Elizabeth’s recognition and found a new caregiver for himself, customs clearance.”

Lin Sanjiu and Sbaan listened, and they didn't move.

"Elizabeth, the goal is to make everyone believe that she has spiritual ability," the volunteer said. "There are only two people who live on the 30th day. They all believe that you have spiritual ability, so you are also cleared."

Lin Sanjiu is really awkward. Black Peng said that he had long believed, but what about Li Er?

"You don't mean that there is a ghost in the building," Li said, not too embarrassed. "At that time, I thought that the people in the building were dead except me... but I saw the shadow of black friends from the window. A person who has died long ago has appeared on the second floor... Isn't that a ghost?"

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