Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1422: Mother's belly

This mall is too big. In the forest formed by the rows and rows of shelves, the woman's voice seems to be from the leaves of a tree under the shade of the trees, standing in the depths of the endless green forest, so that people can not tell where it is from the head.

Lin Sanjiu also knows that this metaphor may be a bit strange. The sound is the sound, there should always be a source of direction - but she can't get rid of this strange feeling: this mall, these shelves, these goods and this woman seem to belong to the same harmonious system, as if she is born It is part of this.

The two slowly stood up from the sofa, and the same sound did not come out. Not only the sound, the attitudes, postures, and even the breathing and body temperature of the two have changed rapidly, and all the elements are ready for the next upcoming event.

The woman spoke again.

She does not threaten, nor does she have to use radical methods. It seems that she does not care whether Spartan will stand up. She just read a verdict in a calm manner - Lin Sanjiu listened for a few seconds and realized that it was a verdict.

"When the fifth branch of the arsenal was attacked by foreign enemies, you not only did not perform the duties of resisting foreign enemies and protecting the organization, but instead placed the arsenal, the twelve organizations, and even the blue and yellow springs in an unprecedented crisis since the birth. Therefore, the twelve organization alliance decided..." She said softly, "unconditionally recovering you."

What is unconditional recovery? This is a judgment that Lin Sanjiu has never heard. She glanced at Spartan, who looked like a stone statue carved out by the artist, and there was no fluctuation.

What he did, he never said.

"It seems that you are going to let me go," the woman said slowly. "Is the companion around you still there?"

Lin Sanji couldn’t help but secretly vomit.

She was not surprised at all that the other person was a 12-member organization. On this road, Spartan never concealed his face or identity; anyone who saw him and recognized him could report back to the 12 organizations and report her existence together. Damn, think about it, the reporter may even be the pair of men and women who play black friends and Yan Huang.

In just one or two months, they got the position information of Spartan, sent high-level combat power that can be transmitted immediately, and got a transmission visa for a specific location... In addition to the 12 organizations, who can mobilize this More resources?

She was surprised that Spartan knew that he was in trouble, but there seemed to be no preparation; and the twelve organizations knew what kind of role Spartan was, but still only sent one person.

"It has nothing to do with her, let her stay and play," Spartan said coldly. "You and I can change a place."

When the other party was silent, it was like a wave falling back into the sea, and there was no trace of existence; until she opened her mouth, Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized that the other party seemed to be approaching them. “Change a place?” She smiled softly. “You don’t know me, but you can react so quickly and accurately. It’s really the former senior ambassador of the arsenal.”

When the last word of the voice fell, a hand suddenly appeared in the curtain of a display, and the curtain was gently opened. Lin San wine was shocked and slammed through the curtains—from the shadows, stepping out of a person.

The reasoning of Lin Sanjiu is very clear. A woman has just come out of the curtain; but she has to stare in that direction and look at it a few times before finally reluctantly distinguishing the woman from her surroundings.

She feels like she is getting old. Her facial features stretched quietly, as if she had been peaceful from a long time; her face was as rich and full as a young girl, and her lips were still full of natural water pink. She reminded Lin Sanjiu of a tree—even if it was a tree that had lived for thousands of years, and it still glowed with new leaves every year. Similarly, the tree is naturally not surprised by the beauty of a human being; even if that person is Spartan.

However, your gaze cannot leave her. Lin San Liquor immediately realized that as long as her eyes turned a little, it would be difficult to find this person when she turned back - even though the woman was always standing still, not moving.

"You are called Lin San, right?" The woman smiled at her and said, "It doesn't matter at all."

indeed. Before Lin San wine left from Biyue Huangquan, he did not rush straight in the arsenal, and he was almost attacked by scholars.

"The only people who have unconditionally recovered the twelve organizations are me." Spartan replied with a loud voice.

"It doesn't matter," Lin Sanshui's gaze did not let go of the woman, and replied: "Some things will not change, for example, she refuses to change places, and I want to stay."

Just a few words, one face, both have the same guess.

The woman didn't know what ability or effect she had on the mall. Now the whole mall has become her natural environment – ​​no, or it should be said that she is part of her surroundings. In this case, she naturally does not change places from scratch.

"I don't understand," the woman was not in a hurry to do it. Instead, she looked around Spartan as if she was looking for something. To be honest, she doesn't look like a person who can do it; if a pacifist has a representative face, it should be her one. "How do you stand here empty-handed? Where did you put the arsenal?"

Lin Sanjiu did not understand the meaning of this question for a time, and even "ah?"

Spartan raised her hand and rolled up the blonde hair. It seemed that she had mentioned a very funny thing, and gave a soft smile with a nasal voice. "I don't seem to have told you yet," he said, turning to Lin Sanshui. "There is a big pit on the ground of Biyue Huangquan."

what? Is the arsenal not in a building? No, the point is, the arsenal?

"It turns out that you still don't know." The woman was like a gentle-minded elder. Xiaolin three wines smiled and said, "I will tell you, he has dug a piece of the blue sky and the yellow spring."

Probably seeing her round eyes, the woman shook her head with a good understanding. "The arsenal that was being attacked at the time was self-sufficient. The most critical part of the result was cut down and disappeared with the star. It was a big disaster, I heard."

If you change someone else, you might say that a big steel city, then a big planet, how can it be cut like a cake. But Lin San wine opened his mouth, but couldn't say this because she knew it.

She finally knew why the mother would develop into an asteroid in a short time.

It was originally wrapped in a blue spring.

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