Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1423: Don't you want to participate in the game here?


Now is not the time to ask Spartan "why."

She sometimes remembers the day when she and Spartan were sitting alone in a room in the arsenal. He once pointed out the window and said, "The arsenal will be mine." Lin Sanjiu always thought she was from his eyes. I saw ambition and found myself wrong today.

Looking back at him, Spartan still smiles, but it is very different from the usual gentleness. It was a sharp, almost decisive pleasure, like a teenager who had just revenged the world a little bit - as long as he could make the other person's pain, in the process, he didn't care how much wind and waves he had set up, nor did he care about himself. What kind of investigations and consequences will arise.

"How are you going to him?" Lin Sanjiu could not help but ask. "What is unconditional recovery?"

"As one of the strengths of the arsenal cultivation," the woman smiled slightly, and the pacifist's general temperament suddenly melted a little. "The arsenal has the right to dispose of all his resources and himself. Even if he is nothing but his own, he is only researching and dismantling an evolutionist like him... well, it will be enough for a small organization to benefit for a long time."

It is obvious that he is a warm and living person, but he is described as if it is just a collection of resources. Lin San wine felt that she suddenly understood a little Spartan's action - if she could also grasp the collar of the twelve organization, she would not hesitate to fan the other arrogant face.

"It turned out to be the case," Lin Sanjiu's palms were irritated by the rapids of blood. "So, if we remove the 12 organizations, can we benefit for the rest of our lives?"

Not waiting for the woman to answer, she turned to Spartan and smiled softly: "This kind of good thing is not called me."

Spartan looked at her with a slight glimpse—and then she felt a sigh of relief because of her understanding, and laughed.

In the next second, Lin San wine could not control himself and fell to the sofa behind him.

She was aware of what had happened when she was about to fall back on the sofa mat. When no one paid much attention to the sofa, there was a long arm extending from the sofa cushion, holding her waist like a steel ring, rolling her back between the sofa cushions. In a narrow gap; Spartan’s reaction was unpleasant, but when he just reached out to Lin San’s wine and wanted to catch her, the woman had no idea when he came behind him, light. Lightly swept over Spartan’s throat.

Before seeing any of his friends encountering an accident, Lin Sanjiu hopes that he can break through the battle in the first step.

She violently reversed her hands and grabbed the arm. [The upgraded version of the painting style] was launched on time - the arm was blown up in a flash of blood and rain, and she was on the back. "The ground was splashed with a **** flower; almost no pause, she jumped back on the sofa and plunged directly to Spartan and the woman behind him."

When she rushed up, when Spartan grabbed her back at the same time, the woman had disappeared without a trace. Everything in this mall seems to be willing to cover her; if she wants to hide the traces, I am afraid that the two will dismantle the mall and cannot find her in the wreckage.

"It’s a bit of a hassle to slip without a hand." Lin Sanjiu just breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at the sofa that had been stained with blood. The broken arm only has the upper arm left, softly lying on the sofa cushion, the place where the shoulder should be connected is smooth and smooth, as if there was only one such arm, there is no one connected to this arm. . "But since she has to run, it means she doesn't dare to fight face to face, isn't she?"

Spartan stood silently, his fingers gently put on his throat, and there was no sound. Lin San was very convinced that the woman had not yet had time to meet him, and they had already been launched by both of them. The attack is forced to retreat; in addition, there are not many people in the world who can touch Spartan in a sneak attack. But she still asked: "Are you okay?"

Spartan raised his eyes, and a pair of forest-like green eyes floated with some misty water, making him look like a child-like confused. He opened his mouth and pointed to his throat, or did not say anything.

"How... what?"

When Lin Sanjiu asked this sentence, she had already realized faintly what happened. She looked back at the arm rest on the sofa - it was obviously not the woman's own hand - and then looked at Spartan again. The latter sighed and revealed a smile to her, silently speaking a few words "no sound".

If it weren’t for the wolf on the sofa, Lin San’s wine would almost fall back and sit back.

"I-fuck," she couldn't hold back, swearing in front of Spartan for the first time. "She didn't touch you, how could she - she just said 'dismantling' -"

She rushed up many thoughts at a time, so that none of them could be said to be complete. It turns out that the woman does not have to subdue Spartan to bring him back? Can she still take him apart in part?

At the end of the day, what would the original sun **** like Spartan become?

The blond man shook his head and reached out in front of his throat. He paused and let go again - it seemed to be a demonstration of what had happened. Unfortunately, if there is no explanation, Lin Sanjiu can only see it confused; she doesn't know much about sign language. If the content is too complicated, the reading type is also very time-consuming and laborious. The two of them have no luxury to communicate slowly at this moment.

"In any case, just grab the woman," Lin San wine sullenly slammed into the sofa and watched it slide straight to the rear, knocking over many shorts, ornaments and homes. Exhibits. When the goods all fell into a mess, they overlapped each other, and the black and secluded gap suddenly increased. It seemed as if many long eyes were under the furniture and peeped at the two.

She hit a spirit, but suddenly came up with an idea.

"I have a way," she turned back and grabbed Spartan's hand, involuntarily sighing, as if the other was a stray little animal that had just been injured. "You come with me, I just saw a shelf area, just there is something we can use."

Didn't the woman turn this mall into her territory? Even if it is demolished and demolished, it is still her field. Even broken buildings and shelves will only cause more dead ends and gaps, but it will be even more tricky - but if this mall can no longer What exists?

When they explored the mall all the way, Lin Sanjiu saw a large outdoor activity area. Camping tents, outdoor folding stools, large ice boxes, activity grills... When it comes to camping or hiking, it is natural to use a combustion improver for outdoor cooking.

She is determined to burn the mall with the woman.

One thing, Lin Sanjiu thinks that he is guessing right. Since the other party has a good time, but still refuses to fight hard with both of them, indicating that the other side's advantage is not in the battle - this is understandable; after all, Spartan's combat power has been placed here, It is really difficult to find a master who can press him on his strengths. This gave them a chance.

Following the route that the teacher took out from her memory, Lin Sanjiu took Spartan and almost rushed into the shelf of the outdoor activity area with little effort. "Get a booster," she knew she didn't have to say much, and Spartan could immediately understand her intentions - the latter really nodded and raised her elbow and hit the shelf. The heavy, heavy shelves began to tremble immediately, and the rows of goods were shaken; however, when the combustion improvers were about to fall off the shelves, all the vibrations disappeared and the calm was restored.

When Lin Sanjiu thought that the woman was working again, she heard the direction of the door and rustled again.

“The mall game is about to start here,” a voice that no doubt belongs to the volunteers. “I saw that there were a few uninvited... oh, forget, all the evolution in this mall. Those are the next players."

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