Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1424: See the needle insert Lin San wine


Just as Lin Sanjiu was stunned, Spartan, standing on the other side of the shelf, suddenly raised his hand, and a white light shone directly to her face. When Spartan really went all out, he The fighting power almost reached a level that was incomprehensible; at that moment she didn't have time to think about it until the white light rubbed against her ear, and she realized that Spartan had attacked her.

Time seems to have slowed down.

After a long and incomprehensible half-second, she heard a small, bursting sound beside her. At this time, she realized that Spartan’s attack was not her, but what was around her.

She slowly turned her head and just happened to face a face that came out of the bottle and cans on the shelf.

If the face still breathes, then the hot air it spurts can already hit the face of Lin San. However, even without Spartan's blow, she doesn't feel any breathing on this face - it does have a long, narrow neck that stretches out; The degree of similarity with normal people ends here, and there is no space on the shelf to accommodate a body.

Just like the one made of ceramics, the head that protruded from the shelf towards her, in her gaze, shattered into pieces and slammed into the floor. Among the bones, brains, black hair and red blood, a face that is still complete because of its softness - Lin Sanjiu did not even see what was broken.

Spartan had already rushed to her side, because she couldn't speak, grasping her shoulder and holding her back a few steps.

If it wasn’t for the unfortunate goal of himself, Lin Sanjiu almost wanted to applaud the woman.

It’s impossible for the other party to hear the voice of the volunteers. God, from hearing the voice of the volunteers, has only passed a few seconds until now, when the woman realizes that she is included in the game. The first reaction was not a surprise, but when I caught Lin Sanshui’s surprise, they quickly launched a second attack on them.

If Spartan reacts slowly for half an blink of an eye, she will be hit by that face - she doesn't know how that face can affect her, but she is glad that she doesn't have to find this answer - wait for her When he was hit, Spartan was bound to be distracted; when he was distracted, the woman could start with her real goal.

"Are you okay?" Lin Sanjiu quickly checked him up and down. Seeing that he shook his head, it looked like there was nothing missing, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "We'd better not separate," she said softly to him, and at the same time opened the [conscious scan].

That woman has been integrated into this environment, and whether [Imagination Scanning] can still work is also unknown; but she is eager to try.

The volunteers who seemed to know nothing about the conflict just now, at the other end of the mall, continued to say aloud: "Please ask everyone in the mall to come to the gate as soon as possible to meet! I am sorry, you have not refused or quit now. Qualified."

Lin Sanshui closed his eyes and set his mind.

OK, it looks like you have to enter this game with their chasers.

In the process of going to the mall door, the nerves of both of them were very tight. The walkways and corners formed by each shelf seem to wander and peep at their shadows; Lin Sanjiu is almost sure that he has seen a pair of eyes in the gap between the two boxes of washing powder, just a certain eye, washing powder or laundry. Powder, shelf or shelf.

... It is difficult for her to control herself not to think about what will happen to the human limbs that protrude from the shelves. She always felt that the arms, face and eyes seemed to touch her with a hungry obsession.

Spartan walked silently to her side; where he existed was an absolutely safe field, and she knew that there would be no danger of getting close to the left. With this cognition, she swept [consciousness scan] over and over every corner of her mind – from any angle, she wanted to do her best to provide the same sense of security for Spartan.

"Welcome, welcome," a volunteer who was also dressed in the doorway, waved at them all the time. "Please come here to gather!"

It can be seen that he has tried to squeeze himself into the role of volunteers; but compared with the previous volunteers, this attitude and tone are scattered and casual. There were only three evolutionists behind him, and their faces were more or less alert with suspicion, and their eyes were swept back and forth several times—especially Spartan.

"Let's wait a moment," the volunteer patted a self-checkout counter next to him and suddenly raised his voice and said, "There is one that hasn't arrived yet."

This is obviously to say to the last woman.

The people waited for a while in silence, and the shadow of the woman never appeared between the shelves under the ceiling.

Is she taking advantage of the weather and her intentions?

“Is this not a problem for my work?” the volunteer groaned and complained, taking a note from his pocket and looking at it. "Ah, it turned out to be such a power..." He looked at the note and suddenly realized that he said: "No wonder there is no room for it."

Lin Sanjiu, a spirit, quickly took a big step and whispered: "Excuse me, what is the ability?"

The volunteer turned his head and glanced at her from the mask and quickly folded the note again.

"Can you give me a hint? I am very curious." Lin Sanjiu tried to laugh as if nothing had happened. "Is this not against the rules of the game?"

"That won't work either," the volunteer rushed toward her with her hand and signaled her to return to the unfortunate group of the game. "Tell you, it may give you an unfair advantage..."

Perhaps it was not happy that the woman had not appeared. He thought about it and added: "I can only say that when she comes out, she is as annoying as squeezing her face."

Lin Sanjiu, who never gave birth to acne, looked at it and nodded and stood back. Spartan seems to be a bit tolerant, but unfortunately laughs and laughs, can't say it - don't want to think about who she is busy with.

"Well, I am not forced to squeeze acne." The volunteer muttered, pulling a pen from his trouser pocket and writing a large paragraph on the note; Lin San wine stretched his neck and looked into the distance. The shelf, while waiting for the woman to be "squeezed out", quietly asked in her mind: "Is it?"

"I saw it." Yi teacher replied.

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