Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1429: Goddess others are eventually being used by others


Look at it a bit, pants, this stuff, there is wear off, is it?

Lin San wine himself comforted a sentence, is about to untie the belt of the field pants, looked up and looked at Brahman and glanced. Chen Hanwu had long avoided escaping to hide on the other side, and buried his head in the bottom of the checkout counter; Fan and still looked at her with a clean face, and did not mean to turn around.

"Do you want to watch me take off?" Lin Sanjiu asked.

"Yeah." Brahman and of course said.

Fine. She is not naive enough to think that the other party can let her surround the cloth, or go into the bathroom to change - this mall has not become a doomsday game, the past facilities are still functioning, what toilets, security room All are in good condition, but it is a pity that Brahman does not let her go.

Vatican also added a sentence: "I see what is the relationship between you, you see that I am not suitable."

"What do you mean by this?" Lin Sanji gave her a look, untied the belt and the button, and kicked off the field pants. "The paper roll is still inside, I didn't come out and look at it."

Van Gogh and bowed his trousers, slammed it out with two fingers, checked the shopping list in the right trouser pocket, and finally satisfied. The same field pants, the package is probably a hundred for Lin San wine; she pulled out the same style, within twenty seconds, it seems to be a serious person.

She fastened her belt and glanced at it - the goddess was clever and had no idea where to shrink.

"Well, let's go," Van Gogh greeted Chen Hanwu, who extended a head from the checkout counter. "We have been delayed for too long."

At the same time, three people rushed into the aisle between the shelves. The volunteer was really not exaggerated at all; Lin Sanshui looked up and found that all the shelf numbers were all messed up. She originally thought that her field was B1-B5, then the five shelves might be squatting together. It was a small order in the chaos. Now, at first glance, she thinks it is too naive. D9 is holding A1, H12 is connected to B7... Looking at it, no two serial numbers should be put together.

The goddess nodded, it must be the meaning of Spartan; why did Cosbane want her to promise such harsh conditions? What should she do next?

"What should we do next?"

Chen Hanwu seemed to hear her voice, just to ask Brahman.

When Brahman ran up, the footsteps were as light as feathers. Lin San was very certain that she was suppressing the speed. Otherwise, in a few blinks, she would be able to rush to the mall. Go to one end. Fan and Wen’s words sneered a little and said calmly: “The strategy of this game is nothing more than to block the opponent’s acquisition of the item while collecting the item. The other party has taken a step ahead and we have to stop them. It’s too late. It is easy for them to stop us."

Chen Hanwu picked up an anxious color when he boarded. "how?"

"They just have to send someone to stop our way."

Almost at the moment when Van Gogh and this sentence were exported, the floor seemed to suddenly turn into a roaring wave, throwing three people into the air. Lin Sanjiu was caught off guard, and when he came back, the rows of shelves were already at her feet; the shelves were still stable, but the walkway seemed to be struggling to get rid of gravitation, like spraying from the ground. And the rainstorms rushed into the air.

Between the high waves formed by countless broken bricks and cement, a blond figure was slowly coming out.

"Dispersed," Van Gogh was able to stabilize his body in midair as if he was nailed in the air, shouting: "Let's go find it, Lin Sanjiu, you go to the east!"

This is to separate her from Spartan as much as possible.

Lin San, who was busy with free fall, squatted on a nearby shelf and tried to smash most of the goods piled up on the top floor, and scattered flowers on the ground. The walkway was just like a volcanic eruption, and the whole mall was crumbling and dusty. She didn't dare to fall into the aisle—even if she attacked Spartan, she didn't dare to take risks; obviously, Sparta Ann’s attack was not subtle. He knew that Lin Sanjiu was able to protect himself.

"Then I am gone!" Lin Sanshui threw a word, his eyes swept away from Spartan, and turned and rushed out to the east. The latter did not look at her at first glance, as if she had completely forgotten her existence; his blond hair was scattered, and the winds that were swept up by the raging waves of the rushing rushed and swayed, just as they had just risen from the ground. A statue.

In another look back, she glimpsed Chen Hanwu's shadow and rushed out with the other side of the rush. Van Gogh is still stuck in the same position, as if he intends to confront Spartan once and for all - even if she is an enemy, Lin Sanjiu has to admire her courage.

Recovering the mind, Lin Sanjiu ran fast while scanning between the shelves.

Brahma and the plan are very thoughtful, but she does not know that she does not need to meet with Spartan in private.

There are about a hundred shelves in the mall, and a total of 30 shelves of six players are placed in the mall, just like water drops fall into the river. She put the [consciousness scan] on the road to the maximum, including the shelves that can be included in the scan range, but did not see any of B1-B5.

Behind him, Spartan and Van Gogh confronted each other and suddenly broke a sound - like the slight movement of the skin when it was slightly opened, but it was shaken into the ear by some very unnatural force - with that When it rang into the ear, Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt that his skin had to be cracked together; she couldn't help but screamed low, her feet soft and almost fell to the ground.

From the shelf, a thin man's hand was stretched out, and she grabbed her back.

"Here," the shrine had a hoarse voice, and it rang at the same time that Lin Sanjiu was about to fight back. She rushed to hold her heart, and in the violent breathing, she gradually felt it again: her skin did not split, she was still intact.

Whose attack is that? So far away, the aftermath of the shock has been so strong...

"Remember me?" The goddess suddenly leaned over to her, and a small piece of gold on the printed cloth strip wrapped around her head swayed with her movements. "Sbaan can't talk, so he told me to be his vocal cord and tell you what he wants to say."

Lin Sanji nodded and couldn't help but think of the artist. They are also humanoid special items that are almost identical to real people, but they are so different from each other like real people.

"He has a plan for the future that will lead you both to get the results you want. The answer lies in the words in your own hands. The result of victory is in the middle of what you think is not." Face, serious.

Lin San wine is stupid.

"You... can you only speak in this way?"

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