Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1430:

This goddess mouth is quite arrogant, but what is the use?

Lin Sanjiu quickly made this special item laugh, and I felt that I finally understood why Spartan didn't like it.

"I don't understand, you use your words again,"

She knows that she is not standing in the luxury of chatting with her gods. Although Van Gogh is fighting with Spartan, her fighting power is not enough for her to face Spartan. I don’t want to continue this battle for a long time. Time, after winning the teammates Yu Yu, Brahman should retreat. At that time, she is likely to show the ability of the spirit of all things again, so that the entire mall has become her ability field; Lin San wine can not let her find that she is talking to the spokesperson of Spartan. "I am looking for my shelf, you say as you walk."

Anyone who does not see the goddess will think that it is just an item. If she wraps the voices of the two with consciousness, then even if Brahman can monitor the movement of the entire mall, perhaps she can also pass through the eyes and ears of Brahman and not attract the attention of the latter to herself.

"I foresee that the light of wisdom will open a little bit in front of your eyes, as long as you are willing to look to me." The goddess seems to be reluctant to speak people; it is not slow, and quickly keeps up with Lin. Three wines, one head of gold smashed. "Be careful, waiting for you in front is unknown and unpredictable -"

Lin Sanjiu’s heart was tight, and he suddenly stopped his foot. [Imaginative scanning] rose sharply, and the waves rushed to the front shelf, but all of them rushed. She just raised an eyebrow and only listened to the goddess and said: "If you act with intuition."

Is this stuff still breathing? Not only the gasp, but also the sentence; not only the sentence, but also - Lin San wine is not up, angry: "You speak straightly! What do you mean, I can not go to my shelf?"

Before she guessed it, the goddess finally said, "Your steps will be swallowed up by the white fog..."

"Why?" Lin Sanjiu just got out of the way and immediately raised his hand to stop it: "Okay, you don't have to say it. I really don't know what Spartan is doing for you."

The goddess closed her mouth from goodness.

I don't believe that I can't think of it myself. Lin Sanjiu secretly said in his heart. From the Goddess of God, she has at least mastered several information points: 1. Spartan has a strategy for how to make Brahman lose the game; 2. She has a strategy related to this. Text message; 3, she can't go to find her own shelf.

The text... The text she touched from beginning to end, only the shopping list, was taken away by Van Gogh.

The shopping list has a list of the items of their team of three people, and her shelf number... and the shelf.

Why can't she go to find her own shelves? Is it afraid that the Brahma will follow and find what they need on her shelf? This seems to be a little unnecessary. Van Gogh knows exactly what her shelves are. Even if she doesn't look for it, Van Gogh and Chen Hanwu won't look for it; she doesn't look for her own shelves, except to reveal which side of her **** is actually sitting on. There is no benefit.

Or, the meaning of this ghost goddess is not to let her find her own shelves - but to do something else first?

"What do I think is not?" She pulled the goddess into a walkway and whispered. The rumble in the distance seemed to shatter the sound of the entire mall, and now it has gradually stopped. It seems that her guess is correct.

"A misunderstanding, a mistake, an illusion of pretending to be the truth." The goddess said like a choir, "Maybe you think, maybe someone else thought, which way to go, it depends on which door you open." ”

Lin Sanjiu wants to ask it, and it doesn't count as opening a door.

"In any case, there is something like misunderstanding, is it? Is it related to the shelf?" She knows that the goddess will not talk well, rather than asking it, as if it is an echo board. language. "Shelf...who misunderstood..." She felt that she seemed to be close to the answer, but she was always separated by a layer. She had to let go of this doubt and rethink why the goddess did not let her go to her own shelf.

The reason is of course related to Brahma. Brahma said that the other party took a step ahead and now they are going to stop them... At that time, the three of them rushed into the shelves together... Wait, no, right?

If they just went to find their own shelves, why does the Brahma mean to go with three people? In the case of such a scattered shelf, it is better to separate the search by hand. The Spartan team took the lead and went to find their own shelves first; the two sides did not choose to take the items they could get first, but Spartan greeted them to stop them...

Doesn't this mean that Van Gogh just went to the Spartan team?

"She just wanted to follow them behind Spartan and find out their shelves?" Lin Sans whispered, his heart was already bright. Even if the ability of Brahma in the game is affected, her sensitivity to the environment is not comparable to that of the average evolutionary.

Lin Sanjiu's shelf, because they haven't started looking for it, Spartan team certainly can't know; but Van Gogh and the Spartan team, but may have got the approximate positioning of the other side of the shelf. This kind of opening is of course wonderful for Brahman.

"You don't want me to find... No, you don't want me to find it. You just made it clear that I don't want to go any further." Lin Sanjiu suddenly smiled. "I came to the east because Van Gogh called me. If I go forward and look for my shelves... what happens?"

The goddess held the ground and slowly lowered his head. "The fire that you set in the darkness, the silver awn with the sword in the hands of others."

"I asked you to be superfluous." Lin Sanjiu returned it, but the words of Shenpo slowly sank into his mind. Brahma let her come to the east, except to let her stay away from Spartan as much as possible, if there are other purposes? She was stopped by Spartan and could not continue to follow up; if – if there were members of the Spartan team nearby, they were looking for their shelves, even said they had found it, and she went on. The two hit, so it is inevitable that there will be no conflicts -

"She wants to take me to locate the Spartan team when she can't detect the situation?" Lin Sanjiu finally understood, "So you said, I have a sword behind me!"

"I don't say that," said the goddess a little troubled. "But I am very pleased, you finally..."

Waiting for it to finish this sentence, a loud bang from the other side of the mall. Chen Hanwu’s loud screaming, echoed high above the ceiling of the mall: “Here! I saw that they were taking items alone!”

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