Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1431: Lin San wine has passed the addiction


After Chen Hanwu’s voice fell, Lin San’s wine could not help but sigh with a little anxiety.

At the beginning of the game, she was almost pushed step by step, and she could be said to have a confused head; now she has finally figured out the situation - now the Spartan side does not know the shelves of the Van Gogh team, but Vatican The team found the Spartan team's shelves. At the beginning of the game, the Spartan team fell into a disadvantage.

I think again, just the time when Van Gogh negotiated with her and forced her to take off her pants. I am afraid that the former is already planning well: she just wants the Spartan team to take a step and take it again. Behind the head quietly keep up and find out their shelves. Therefore, she even expected Spartan to intercept her; and she chose to compete with Spartan in order to allow teammates - mainly Chen Hanwu - to track the shelf position of other members of the other team.

Lin Sanjiu did not notice that when and how to use it, Chen Hanwu discussed it well.

She glanced at the goddess.

The latter looks unconscious and is playing a crystal ball in his hand. It seems that he does not know that his current role is not as great as a piece of bread.

It can actually speak normally, and Lin Sanjiu has heard it. Maybe it’s not impossible to talk back, it’s not impossible...

"Lin Sanjiu!" Fan and Gao shouted loudly, and told her to return to God. "Go over there!"

The battle is over? Where is she going?

As soon as the thoughts started, a fireworks shelled out of the distant shelves and shot straight into the air, which exploded into a golden red light rain. From the direction of the fireworks, it is exactly where Chen Hanwu made his voice, at the other end of the mall – one of the shelves of the Spartan team.

Lin Sanjiu couldn’t understand Van Gogh’s abacus for a moment, and simply grabbed the neck of the goddess; at the same time that the palm pressed his skin, he just sent out a “Well? You want to do—” The localization made a card disappeared into her hand.

When she rushed to the place where the fireworks ignited, she looked up and finally understood why Van Gogh had told her to pass.

Under the ceiling, the shadow of Spartan's blond hair is crossing the top of the shelf, like a cheetah leaping over the vast land, rushing in the same direction. When she arrived, it just happened to be the last leg to make this deadlock; Van Gogh, Chen Hanwu and Spartan all stood in the aisle. Hearing her came, Fan and his head did not turn, whispered and said: "You come very fast. We both stopped him, Chen Hanwu went to search the shelf."

Spartan moved his neck and licked his lips slightly and smiled. He is always courteous to women, even if it is against Van Gogh; only his current gentleness is like a layer of mist floating on the ice, a layer of snowy cool, alienated on the edge of the drift.

Lin Sanjiu took a deep breath and crossed the Brahma and walked forward.

"Is their shelf here?" She asked Chen Hanwu, but she still looked at Spartan. There is no ripple in his face.

"The right side, H7," Chen Hanwu stood farthest from Spartan, and his voice stretched into a line. "I, I saw the girl in a green shirt and took a pack of paper from the H7. When she found out, I turned and ran..."

The green shirt is the round face girl. H7 is one of the shelf areas of the Spartan team, which means that the target items of the Vatican and the squad may also appear on this shelf; however, Van Gogh is staring at her behind Lin San, she can't think of it. Is there any way to make Chen Hanwu unable to search H7?

When Lin Sanjiu rushed to Spartan, he spared no effort.

As she tore out a whirlpool of urgency in the air, every blood vessel and nerve in her involuntary excitement trembled - Brahma and was thrown aside, the game was thrown aside, the only thing left in front of her A man with amazing power, a peak she once secretly thought about to subvert. What erupted was a wild beast-like fighting instinct that was almost uncontrollable. The power of her body screamed and rushed out, pounced on him, tore him, to bear him, against him.

In the deep corner of her mind, through consciousness, she vaguely knows that Chen Hanwu also rushed to the H7 shelf, quickly reaching out to open and search for one piece of the item - but at this time, she simply Don't care.

If she is a mother beast, then her only goal now is how to deepen the teeth into Spartan's body.

There are several such opportunities in life. In the face of an opponent who is several times stronger than himself, can you fight without fear of the consequences and completely obey the instinct?

Lin Sanjiu knows that his body, which has been highly trained by Akazawa, has completely taken over the dominance. Her mind is scattered and integrated into the hands, feet, shoulders, and waists; she has never been so focused, and she has never been so blank - she has a bit of understanding of the "spirit of all things" state of Brahma. . Although the two did not discuss it, the two men took the form of physical struggle and gave up the power of the ability and evolutionary items. Spartan did not care for her and seized Lin Sanjiu, a flashing one. The gap, violently punched into her lower abdomen. She twisted her body at a critical juncture and unloaded most of the impact, but she still slammed on the black-eyed force and immediately fell out.

"咚", the back of Lin Sanji slammed into the other side of the shelf, just the kind of fighting desire was slammed, and finally awake. She didn't think that she didn't even maintain her balance. She hit the shelf and went out and rolled down a mess. She poured a few bites of coolness in the merchandise, and she couldn't move for a while. Looking up at Osbian.

The blond man gasped slightly, and the light in the green eyes was almost suffocating. The clavicle and the skin were still shining with a star and a star. He and Lin Sanshao’s gaze touched each other, and they couldn’t hold back like her, and bowed their heads and laughed.

"I, I didn't find it," Chen Hanwu's report attracted the attention of Lin Sanjiu. She realized now that she must have been fighting with Sbaan for a short time, even though she felt that it didn't take a few seconds; during this time, Chen Hanwu had searched the H7 shelf again, and it looked like nothing. .

"It's normal, isn't it?" She calmed her breath and still sat in a commodity, not rushing to stand up. "Thirty shelves, thirty items. The girl in their team has already taken one, and the chance of one is not high."

She admire herself that she can come up with such awkwardness in such a short time.

She already understood the step that Spartan had just done.

One of the goods that Lin San wine knocked over, one of them, is now on her lower back, holding her in a hard place. Spartan chose to bring her in this direction, not for no reason.

She is now on the lower back and is holding another pack of A4 paper.

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