Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1432:

[Who knows when the body can be good, who knows when human beings can develop a robot body, right? A level problem]

Time went back thirty minutes. When Lin Sanjiu tried to kill a **** road in the vast ocean of fallen land, when Feng Qiqi still escaped behind Xiaoshi Gaofei and others, Mather was sitting in medical service. In the room, a set of first-aid kits were collected and placed in the refrigerator.

The infirmary is probably the whole oasis, the only place in the city, and the refrigerator. Mather thought a little admiration. At high temperatures, the syringe will melt, the drug will deteriorate, and the alcohol will explode... I want to keep the medical supplies well and only put them in the refrigerator. She remembered the first-aid kit that Luzer had found at the roadside pharmacy when he was injured. The gauze was all mildewed... At the time, he was too anxious. Fortunately, there was a black-hot drug!

"Hey, haven't you gone yet?"

When I thought of God, suddenly the door of the infirmary was pushed open and I came in with a face.

"It’s Chen Gan, I’m getting ready to go.” Mather smiled and closed the fridge.

Chen Jinfeng opened the door and walked in. He sat down next to the table for the consultation. He said, "I just met the iron knife in the corridor. You are very professionally wrapped up! What did you do before?"

"It's just a lab." She said it was an understatement.

I did not expect Chen Jinfeng to come to the interest: "Oh? What is the specific study?"

"Life Science." Mather briefly said, "Chen Chan is sitting, I will go back first."

The voice was gone. When she passed Chen Jinfeng, she was suddenly pulled by his wrist. The latter smiled at her: "You don't worry about it... I still have something to tell you."

Mather quickly pulled back his hand and raised his eyes.

After a pause, Chen Jinfeng didn't take it seriously: "Come here, you sit down... Hey, I told you that there are many talents in all aspects of the oasis, but there is no doctor. There is only one nurse in the infirmary. If you have a big problem, you can't do it. Since you used to be a life scientist, you must know about medicine."

"Do you mean that I want to come here to see a doctor?" Mather sat down opposite him, asking a little embarrassed.

Chen Jinfeng slaps and smiles: "Yes! Are you willing? This is a cure for people!"

"It's not impossible... I can come when there is no task." Mather said as he talked about it, and then he said half of it. Suddenly he felt that his hand was covered by what she looked down and found that Chen Jinfeng was short. The finger is stroking the back of her hand.

Mather stood up and stood up, and stared at him with horror and anger. For a time, he didn't know what to say.

Chen Jinfeng was not surprised at her reaction, and she stood up. Although he is strong, he can be taller and taller than Mather. He turned his head and stunned on Mather's body. He smiled: "I am concentrating on the affairs of the oasis. Although I have helped many people, I am also very Lonely... I saw you at first sight, and I think you are different from everyone else."

While saying that he stood up and closed the door, he slammed and locked.

"What are you doing!" Mather was a little panicked, then glanced around and wanted to find something to defend himself.

"Don't be afraid, I just talk to you."

Chen Jinfeng said while sitting on a small bed in the infirmary. He looked at Mather and smiled greasyly: "...oasis, no, there are not many human beings left in the world. If human beings want to revive, it is not enough for survivors, there must always be a new generation. So Next, I intend to call on everyone, there should be no jealousy between men and women..."

He took a picture of the bed and signaled that Mather sat next to him.

Mather didn't look at him, and a wind rushed to the door and reached for the lock. The lock was opened, but no matter how hard she tried, the door still remained motionless.

Is this what his ability...?

Just as Mather was frightened, she suddenly heard Chen Jinfeng’s damp and cool voice rang in the back: “...Do you not want to contribute to the human renaissance? I heard that the farther away the race is, the more The smarter the child is..."

"You give me away!" Mather couldn't stand it, and he slammed into Chen Jinfeng.

Chen Jinfeng's short and stout body is unexpectedly flexible, and one is escaping.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts. When my abilities are unfolded, this whole infirmary is my lair. Without my permission, you can't get out, and people outside can't get in..."

As he laughed, he slammed up and Mather was hit by him and fell immediately. Then Chen Jinfeng pressed on her. He seemed to enjoy the constant struggle of the woman under his body, his hands clinging to Mather's arm, not moving, sitting on her body and staring at her.

He laughed and suddenly hit a fist on Mather's stomach. She immediately shrank like a shrimp. She couldn't speak and both sides had physical strength. It is reasonable to say that Mather is also The power of resistance, but she is now in the nest of Chen Jinfeng.

Chen Jinfeng grabbed her and didn't wait to laugh, but couldn't help. His men felt like they were holding a person, and when they were full, they took another moment. It seems that this woman's body will hide the same!

He looked down.

The mathematics underneath like the bad signal in the old-fashioned TV set, flickering and flashing, suddenly the brush is gone, and the next second is "squeaky". When she was gone, Chen Jinfeng’s hand fell straight on the ground.

She didn't know when she stopped struggling, raised a face like a blurry, TV picture, and asked: "Don't you say that it is only 20 minutes to walk to Longhua Road?"

Chen Jinfeng immediately jumped up in shock and looked at Marshal, who was flickering, and said, "You... what are you doing..."

The color is light, and people like a light and shadow stand up: "Return!"

The situation changed, but now Chen Jinfeng is hiding from Mather. "Who knows what they are doing!" He snorted a little in a panic, suddenly felt his neck a little itchy, reached out and found that he did not know when to cut a small hole. Somehow, this injury caused him to suddenly sigh and sigh, and said: "This is your luck. Tell you, your two friends can't come back, I will get you later, chances are more. Is it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the murmur of Mather in front of him disappeared completely. After waiting for a few seconds, the room was still empty, and there was no one in the air. Chen Jinfeng couldn’t understand the situation and had to quickly take over the ability to open the door in a panic.

Eight minutes later, Feng Qiqiu was on the back of Gao Fei, and the group walked toward Oasis.

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