When Lin Sanjiu was startled, she immediately and subconsciously withdrew her hand back—but the part she was holding was exactly her wrist. When she pulled back, she felt that her hand was stuck at the bottom of the trash the edge of. After pulling it a few times, she didn't pull it back. She was sweating all over, and she drank into the bucket and asked, "Who is it?"

Her voice changed so badly that the human figures that had been chatting turned around.

"Who's there?" She sang again. "Let go!"

Lin Sanjiu didn't know if the voice could pass, or even if it was the individual holding her at the end; after the power was firmly attached to her hand, there was no movement like it took root. It seems that there is only one purpose, that is to leave her right hand in the space at the end of the trash can forever.

She was horrified by this idea, and could not help but shake her arm a few times; the silver trash can took the place of her right hand, and she was shaken in the air by several silver rays, but she did not loosen. No matter what caught her, the hand of that thing was born firmly on her wrist like an anthrax, and she couldn't move even though she struggled and twisted. When the life instructor hurried over and just asked "What's wrong", Lin Sanjiu immediately shouted: "Aren't you able to destroy the special items you collected? I will use this trash can to hire you to do things, you Destroy this bucket first! "

The life instructor looked at it, but shook his head. "Is the space object? Your hand is already at that end, I will destroy it now, and you will lose one hand in the future?"

Lin Sanjiu gritted his teeth and yelled, his head was sweating. Her own fingers couldn't reach the wrist of the same hand at all, even if she could open [a shining bite in the sky] at that end--

Wait, what about cards?

She has just re-carded most of the items just now, and maybe there is something that can beat that hand down. Lin Sanjiu already knew which target he was looking for for a moment. He quickly searched the card library one by one, and soon found the short knife with only a slap length. The card then floated out of his palm. .

Next, just hold the handle with your backhand and pierce the blade towards your wrist--

Lin Sanjiu's thoughts hadn't finished, just felt as if an electric drill had suddenly penetrated into her mind; the severe pain made her eyes dark, and when she opened her eyes and looked back, she found that she didn't know when to fall Sitting on the ground, all sweaty.

She could feel her right hand, who had fallen into another space, shaking violently; Lin Sanjiu desperately controlled his fingers, fumbled and turned the short knife card in the palm of his hand.

... the center of that card turned into a big empty hole.

And that hand, still holding her firmly as before, did not even move.

"What's going on?" She didn't know who she was asking, just hoping someone could give her an answer. "My card--"

"Drop it, hurry up," Teacher Yi cried suddenly, "No--"

Lin Sanjiu quickly let go of the card and asked, "What's going on?"

As soon as her four words came out, she immediately understood what was going on. Because at the same moment, she felt something crawling slowly into her card library like a worm.

No wonder a hole was dug in the card. It turned out to be in.

One hand was left in a different space, and the invisible foreign body got into his mind. It was really scary and uncomfortable; Lin Sanjiu had never encountered such a situation, not even thought about it. One day, his own card library would be crawled in by foreign objects. The card library clearly cannot hold creatures--

Almost as soon as she thought about it, she felt that the worm-like thing suddenly stepped back, and quickly pulled away from the card library with a movement that was dozens of times faster than just now.

"Why ... why gone suddenly?" She murmured, still beating her heartbeat fast.

"What's gone?" The godwife looked around. "No one is coming."

Is it because the card library can't hold creatures?

Lin Sanjiu kept his breath steady, calmed himself as much as he could, thought about it, and pulled his right hand back again. If it was a wall that was holding her hand, with her strength, this pumping would break the wall; even if the hand that held her was immobile, it would not be squeezed. It was the touch of this moment that made her faintly feel that it was not a hand.

The first thing she felt was the hand, because the thing was also composed of a strip, and they were close together like a palm, and they circled around her hand together. After squeezing, the strips were squeezed and overlapped, and she finally realized that it was actually something similar to an octopus claw or a tree root.

No wonder it didn't move, but it was able to dig out a big hole in her card-in another space that she couldn't see, God knew how many strips the thing was made of, and one of them could destroy the card.

Now that the strips can be squeezed so that they overlap, maybe with a little more force, you can force it to release its hand?

If she wanted to be more powerful than last time, she would have to add some kinetic energy; Lin Sanjiu gave hope and immediately sent his right shoulder forward, instead sending half of his forearms into the space on the other side of the trash can. —In this way, she will work harder when she pulls back.

However, as soon as her forearm was sent out, the "hand" immediately lived, and her arm clung to her quickly climbed; with Lin Sanjiu's reaction quickly, she didn't even realize what was happening, that "hand" "It's moved to half of her arm. It kept holding her firmly and stuck her to the edge of the trash can's exit.

...... It was just that you might lose a hand, but now you have more than half a forearm.

"It's troublesome," after the life instructor figured out the situation, she looked at the silver trash can hanging on her arm. The clergyman and the painter couldn't help, they could only look around with their heads. "Did that thing move?"

"I don't move it if I don't move it," Lin Sanjiu replied, with a mess in her head; she couldn't figure out how all this was going on.

"Although it broke your card, it didn't hurt you, did it?" The life instructor said as if she was comforting her.

No, but what's the use of that?

Lin Sanjiu had just thought of it, and suddenly he was stunned.

Although she has the [protective force field] protection, but if that thing can even destroy the card, it can completely penetrate the [protective force field] and into her flesh and skin. Since it doesn't do that, can you think that that thing just wants to enter another space and has no interest in biting people?

As soon as he saw the card, he immediately drilled into the card library, which seemed to confirm this. As for what it really is and why you can find the card library space from the card, Lin Sanjiu has no idea.

In this way, the reason that the thing firmly clings to the part of her arm that is close to the trash can exit is easy to explain-because the bottom of the trash can is connected to the "bubble space" where Lin Sanjiu is located. Must be wanting to come in. I am afraid that his body is not small, otherwise he might have squeezed in along the gap between his arm and the trash can.

... I **** want to go out, you **** want to come in?

She was almost laughing at her luck.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the bottom of the trash can, the bottom of the silver bucket swallowed her arm, and the gap still looked like the texture of an ordinary barrel, so she couldn't see the situation in the other space.

She took a deep breath, turned her head, and glanced far away at the place where she and Sparan had stood. The big stone had disappeared long ago.

[Description of power] Can make the ground swell up a long strip, then ... can she make her arms bulge?

Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes and described his forearm shape, his voice trembling faintly. As soon as her voice fell, she immediately felt the pain that almost made her faint—she didn't realize she was exhaling sorely, and couldn't even stop intermittently, and her body had already become a shrimp.

[Description of strength] The rearranged elements can only be the cells that make up her flesh and blood; it feels like someone is tearing muscle skin from one place and twitching. If it only hurts once, or it hurts for a while; now how many cells she has, how many times she has to pass through the body and hit the brain, the vision has long been blurred, it seems that not only the forearm, but even the whole body's cells are impacted It almost collapsed.

"Okay, okay," said Yi again, as if comforting, and "urging up big enough!"

In countless times of severe pain, Lin Sanjiu gritted his teeth and slightly moved the arm at the other end of the trash can. Her forearm really increased two or three times, and the thing that held her tightly still held her tightly—it also seemed to have to follow the effect of [Description of Power], spreading the strips a little bit To hold her arm firmly in it.

If she can continue to raise her arms again, maybe that thing will fall because she can't catch her ... except that the power of [Description] is also based on the conditions, let alone she can't stand it It kind of hurts.


Lin Sanjiu screamed hoarsely, and at the same time retracted the [Description of Strength]-as soon as the effect disappeared, the flesh and blood of her high-swollen arm skin suddenly fell back like a deflated ball. Lin Sanjiu had already prepared for this moment. At the moment when the skin had just come out of contact with the thing, she suddenly withdrew her arm.

That thing is too fast.

Even after being caught off guard, it still recaptured Lin Sanjiu's fingers at an unbelievable speed, as if with almost crazy anxiety and urgency-when she finally pulled her entire hand out of the silver trash can At that time, I even pulled the thing out of the trash can with half of it.

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