Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1448: Lin Sanjiu's luck is really good


The life instructor squatted down, his body muscles bulging in a tight-fitting shirt. He looked carefully at Lin Sanjiu's hand and said in a pleasant tone: "You can see such a rare thing, it's really good luck."

... Lin Sanjiu felt that there was no sentence farther from the truth than this sentence.

She was half-lying on the ground, and hell-like pain was slowly ebb, her sweat soaked in clothes. Her hand was still not free, and she wanted to move her fingertips, and she couldn't move. She looked at the silver trash can "hanged" in her hand, and looked at the life instructor, panting and asking, "You, do you know this thing?"

The life tutor didn't answer, and lowered his head to take a closer look for a while. Lin Sanjiu really didn't know what he was looking at, because there was nothing in the silver trash can-the thing that caught her fingertips and was dragged halfway out of the trash can by her, invisible, colorless, and air There is almost no difference.

She wanted to reach out and touch it to see if she could touch it; but she was really frightened, for fear that if she touched it, her left hand would be gripped tightly.

"I know." The life instructor raised his face, his expression very firm.

"What is it?"

The humanoid coughed. "This, you have to pay a special item ..."

It's really a guy who plucks hair. Lin Sanjiu turned his head and wanted to find a life tutor in the pile of items that had not yet been collected; this time, he was scared enough to scare the remaining two humanoid objects, and then backed away for more than ten meters.

"It's not you," Lin Sanjiu couldn't help crying and laughing, her body was still trembling softly, and she didn't want to stand up, and she simply ordered: "Master, give me ... forget it, you God, come on, you take that Bring me the [beef bone soup]. "

The priest took a look on her face and lips, and stretched her arms as far as she could, tiptoeed, and carefully handed the jar of [Bone Bone Soup] to Lin Sanjiu.

The life instructor was not picky, drank the soup a few sips, and squeezed the jar into crushed powder. In this world, one special item has been missing forever.

"Your trash can itself is a relatively common space item. It has all kinds of models." He patted his hands cleanly and said, "After all, people will produce trash alive. Not only is it easier to keep the environment clean with a trash can. And there are things that you ca n’t stay and ca n’t be taken by others ... so the trash can is very useful. When you throw the trash in, it falls into a separate space dedicated to trash ... I know your question, I don't know why a whole separate secondary space will be used as a landfill. It is already so. "

What Lin Sanjiu wanted to ask was not this at all. "I'm asking you what this thing is--"

"Don't worry, I'm not telling you from the beginning." Life instructor smiled and said, "This landfill space is special, it is not connected to any space, only the trash can can be established with it for a short time. Aisle. For each such trash can, you can think of it as a small door. When the trash falls in, the door opens and the passage is established. As soon as it falls into the dump, the door closes and the passage disappears. 消失Yeah, you don't know how many weird things float in the landfill space ... "

Even after nearly ten years in the doomsday, Lin Sanjiu still sometimes feels as dazzling as it is now. "You don't need to talk about the dump anymore ... so what exactly is this thing? Is it dangerous to me?"

"It's called Nan Guiyan."

...... The name is really elegant and unexpected.

"I don't know what kind of creature it is," said the life instructor. "This kind of thing has the most important habit, and the habit of winning the name for it-as long as it leaves the native place, it doesn't matter if it is lost No matter how many times you enter, it will always walk towards the native place or a place similar to the native place. So, even in a landfill that is not next to anyone, it is always looking for a way go back."

Lin Sanjiu stared at him sternly, and then looked at his fingers that had been pinched. That is, she was stupid for a while, shook her hand into the landfill space for a long time, and did not let the passage disappear in time. Then she was caught by the "Southern Goose" who did not know how long to wait?

"In general, Nan Guiyan likes to reproduce in places where humans live, and the native place is often the space in which the human world is located; so as soon as it enters this bubble space, it will immediately find a way to get into the game world."

"So it ... then me ..."

"You two now have a common goal." The life tutor nodded.

"Can it open a way back for me?" When Lin Sanjiu thought about it, his eyes were all bright and his hands didn't hurt.


The hope she had just raised was immediately deflated. "Then I have a crab hanging on my right hand?"

"It didn't take long for you to put your hand into the bucket. It would not be a coincidence that you would be caught by Nan Guiyan so quickly." The life instructor said as he lifted the trash can and turned it over. A few times, it seems that I want to pour Nan Guiyan out-of course, not very successful, but it hurts Lin Sanjiu. "It can travel in different spaces. By nature, it can feel where it should go to return to its original place, so it can catch you so quickly. But Nan Guiyan can go back, but you can't go back."

Lin Sanjiu digested this message for a while. "I don't quite understand. If it can travel in different spaces, why can't I follow it ..."

The life instructor put down the bucket and raised his arms, and seemed to be very distressed. "How can I explain to you ... I feel that I have reduced my fees. I generally do motivating and mentoring work. This kind of popular science is not my specialty."

Lin Sanjiu rubbed his brows with his empty hands.

"Do you want to increase the price?"

... This time the life tutor picked something that she had n’t had time to use after she started— [nonhuman growth hormone]; after completely erasing it, he coughed, beckoned the artist and called Away his bottle of paint and brush.

The artist's face showed an expression similar to the ice cream I just bought before falling off the floor.

"Have you ever seen a hive?" The life instructor drew a hexagon on the ground. When Lin Sanjiu nodded, he started with one of the edges of the hexagon and drew a line next to it. New hexagons. "The hive is made up of such hexagonal diamond units, right?"

Although Lin Sanjiu didn't quite understand why the instructor always started speaking from 18,000 miles away from the topic, this time the attitude was not urgent-both items were spent, and he said one more thing to her Earned.

"Okay, now you imagine that every hexagon is a world, and each world is next to each other like a hexagonal diamond unit in a hive." The life tutor's words surprised her, but she didn't see anything strange. . "Can you imagine it? Then we go one step further. What you need to imagine next is more difficult."

"You imagine that every world has countless faces; on all faces, at the same time, it is next to all and countless worlds. If we single out one of the worlds as A, it has countless "Neighbors", and if Nan Guiyan walks from neighbor B's house to A's house, then between A and B, it looks like the wall shared by the two has been drilled by a mouse. You can see the next door through the hole. Mistress's feet. "

What is it like?

"It is also because of this behavior of Nan Guiyan that the two families permanently shared this wall. Before Nan Guiyan burrowed, A could share the same wall with 10,000 neighbors at the same time, similar to Schrodinger Cat theory, A and B are both connected and unconnected. "

"Wait a minute," Lin Sanjiu frowned. "Why doesn't it go through a hole in the landfill ..."

The life instructor drew a circle from a distance beside the hive on the ground, and the two were not next to each other.

… It seems that Nan Guiyan can make holes, but ca n’t open the tunnel.

"Then I can't go because ..."

"Can a person drill a mouse hole to a neighbor's house?" The life instructor waved his hand and said, "This analogy is not good, but you can understand what I mean. Without special means, or to achieve the ideal state, the evolutionist used Can't go to the 'hole' of Nan Guiyan. "

... In fact, the answer is this sentence, "Humans are not suitable"? As a result, the life instructor walked around and talked about a large article, and also took away a special item.

Lin Sanjiu thought about it and asked, "But it made a real hole in my card, and I could pass my finger through it. The hole it made in space, how can I not drill through What about? "

"It's different in nature." The life instructor didn't seem to expect this question, and frowned for a long time before thinking. "Then, the only place where your card library is connected to the outside world is your card ..." ... Nanguiyan can only make holes in the only joint, but if this joint happens to be a visible entity, that, I think, this will happen. "

Lin Sanjiu was very skeptical as to whether he had an answer in the current compilation.

"All in all, I'm the unlucky **** to open the unlucky door now, right?" She raised her right arm, shook it, and watched the silver trash can hanging under the tip of her whitish fingers. Mess. "I can't use my right hand, I'm stuck here, even the card has made a hole for it ..."

Her voice gradually lowered, and finally her mind was cut off.

"What's wrong?" The life instructor looked up, his eyes brightly asked. "What do you think?"

Lin Sanjiu stood up from the ground.

"You said just now," she was agitated, and her breath was a little uneven. "My card is a material door. Nan Guiyan punched through the door and went into the door, right?"

The life instructor nodded.

"This bubble space also has only one connection point with the outside world, and this connection point is also a tangible material," Lin Sanjiu's heartbeat slammed and said, "Fanhe used to cast the bubble space. A special item is this physical connection point! If I think of a way to get Nan Guiyan into the bubble space, it should also be able to punch holes out of the door and go out? "

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