Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1449: Questions one by one

[The text is almost ready. I recently got Simpson's upper body. One donut per day, 200 pounds is just around the corner.]

The third basic ability that was suddenly generated last night was really too timely.

Lin Sanjiu flashed in the dark, avoiding a kitchen knife thrown from the staff room, and thanked God secretly. If it weren't for this overall increase in physical fitness, let alone the swift attack of Green Vine, even the stinky knife that Wang Sisi suddenly threw out, she might not have been able to escape.

The kitchen knife fell on the ground not far away, and gave out a whistle, while Wang Sisi missed the shot, Lin Sanjiu quickly jumped back, closing the door with a slam, blocking the offensive . It was only then that she heard a drag from the other end, and then Luzer and Mather's murmured loudly.

Two doors apart, the anxiety in Martha's voice still couldn't hide: "Little wine, are you okay? Leave quickly, we can't get in without the key!"

"I'm fine! I've come out!" Lin Sanjiu responded loudly. "Xiaogan just pulled the knife from her mouthpiece and threw me, but I was not injured!"

Wang Sisi screamed angrily. Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt the door she was leaning on. It seemed to be being hit hard by something. It should be Wang Sisi's mouthpiece. Take a few steps back and lock again with the key. Listening to Wang Sisi's unwilling scream, she took out the lighter from her pocket and lit it.

Since the increase in physical fitness, her ability to see things in the dark has also improved a lot: even without light, she can see a six or seven point, without having to look for a light source like a blind moth.

But because of this, she was thinking about going back to the supermarket as soon as possible, and didn't have time to look around. When she saw a door, she went in. Then she met Wang Sisi's dry and deformed face.

Now, anyway, she couldn't go back for a while. She simply explored the terrain by the light of a lighter. Gaze swept away, Lin Sanjiu immediately held his breath involuntarily.

Ten steps away from her, there were rows of shelves two feet high. At first glance, these shelves are different from those in the supermarket. They almost touched the ceiling. The shelves on each floor were filled with well-packed goods boxes. It can be seen that beverages and foods accounted for most of them.

She restrained her excitement, trotting to the shelf, couldn't help but stroking boxes of mineral water with her hands.

After she evolved her abilities last night, the three of them turned back again, ordering fresh water in the supermarket. After all, it was ransacked. Although there are still a lot of stocks in the supermarket, after three days of eating and drinking, the rest can only be maintained for two weeks.

"I said why I couldn't find the warehouse everywhere ..." Lin Sanjiu smiled brightly and cursed softly to himself: "I hid here, there is a dead body for you to watch."

It seems that when I go back, I have to find a way to put away everything in the warehouse.

Wrapped in a bottle of pink plastic hard shell of the source of life, silent in the light of a lighter. Looking at the shelves full of mineral water, Lin Sanjiu, who was just dry, just opened a box and took out a bottle to drink.

At this time, from the other end of the staff room, Marser and Luzer's voice came again: "Little wine, how are you doing now? Can you think of a way back?"

"I'm okay! I found the warehouse of this supermarket ..." Lin Sanjiu should answer, sitting at the door of the staff room with one hip, intending to take a rest. There was a strong confidence in her voice:

"I can definitely find a way to go back, don't worry about you."

A few vague words rang out from the other end of the staff room, and it seemed that they had ordered her to say something, and then there was no sound.

Lin Sanjiu shut down the lighter, and the warehouse returned to a quiet darkness.

At this time, I am afraid that Wang Sisi behind the door is also thinking about countermeasures? Lin Sanjiu took a sip of water and felt the cool liquid slip into his body from his throat, thinking secretly. This little corpse really couldn't belittle it. Just now I hurriedly took the key to open the door, but there was a lot of noise. But Wang Sisi didn't even make a sound, so Lin Sanjiu didn't even think that she was opening the back door of the staff room. If it wasn't the door opened, there would be a rancid smell of dead body, which made her alert I'm afraid she can't hide from Wang Sisi's attack.

Now the two roads back to the supermarket are firmly occupying a stumbling block. The hall is a strange plant forest; in the staff passage, Wang Sisi must pass.

I didn't know how long the so-called two harmful rights waited, and Lin Sanjiu finally made up his mind. She stood up silently in the darkness, and set aside all kinds of miscellaneous things like lighters and water bottles. Then she rubbed her hands and exhaled softly.

It's time to see how powerful this overall fitness gain is.

The key was gently inserted into the keyhole and turned to the right, and the metal lock made a slight sound.

This sound was so loud in an absolutely silent environment that Wang Sisi could never hear it. As if confirming her idea, a series of low cooing sounds suddenly sounded in the room. I felt something approaching behind the door.

She didn't speak, but turned the doorknob silently, and the door slid slowly open a wide distance.

The deep darkness remained silent, and even the air stopped flowing.

Speaking at a later time, a slender black shadow suddenly shot out of the door slit, piercing straight behind the door handle. This speed is too fast, even with the increase in physical fitness, Lin Sanjiu can never hide

But this ten-nine strike was still missing.

"Well?" After a long time in the room, Wang Sisi made a voice again. She swiped back and forth outside the door with a mouthpiece for a while, and found that Lin Sanjiu almost disappeared out of thin air, but there was nowhere.

It seemed hesitant. Wang Sisi walked cautiously towards the door two steps. A sweet child voice sounded in the mouth: "Sister, where are you? Sisi doesn't want to fight with you, you think about leaving, okay? ? "

No one answered her, and the half-open door was still a deadly darkness.

There is no figure of Lin Sanjiu, and there is no sound, just like never before.

A dry, almost human-like hand stretched out from the crack of the door. It seemed to be going to push the door, but he paused and lowered it again. After a while, something terrible in shape crept out of the crack of the door, which was exactly Wang Sisi.

I haven't seen it for a few days, it has become drier, and the skin is stacked like that of the security guard. Because of the foot that was lu Zezheng, his chest was still deeply sinking into a large pit, and even the last few human figures disappeared. The door is not big, but it is enough for Wang Sisi.

"Sister, sister, I'm here, don't hurt me, okay? Sisi just wants to go home and find his mother ..." Two white eyes glanced back and forth through the warehouse, but there was never a slight bit of Lin Sanjiu Trace.

The mouthpiece waved anxiously in the air and could smell the flavour of living blood in the air, but did not know which direction it came from, which made Wang Sisi, who had not eaten for several days, impulsive and irritable. The child's voice in its mouthpiece contained a heavy crying voice: "Sister, if you don't come out, then I will agree with you. Sisi left and went home ..."

The little girl's voice was still echoing in the dark, and the mouthpiece had stabbed behind the door. This is the only place to hide people!

The mouthpiece exuding a metallic luster suddenly stabbed empty.

"... Are you going to **** up your mother?" A faint, mocking voice sounded from her head.

Wang Sisi was startled, looking up. When it was too late to retract the mouthpiece from behind the door, a dark shadow swooped down quickly and kicked back, and the door slammed the mouthpiece. Wang Sisi's hissing was too late to exit, and the white light above his head was penetrated by a chef's knife. Suddenly, Wang Sisi's body with mouthparts suddenly lost support, and slammed weakly, and fell to the ground.

Seeing the dead body on the ground motionless, Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief. She had been squatting by the narrow door just now to maintain absolute silence, and it was really hard to pounce off the door to wait for an opportunity to attack. It was really too difficult before she arrived in the new world. Kind of like a ninja.

Holding his nose carefully and walking past the dead body, Lin Sanjiu opened another door of the staff room.

As soon as the door was opened, the silver light of the power sander poured out like moonlight, illuminating Lin Sanjiu's whole body. The shelf blocking the door was pushed away by the other two just now. Luze and Mather stood and sat, waiting for her quietly.

"Welcome back," Lu Ze said, leaning against the wall, holding his power abrasive.

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