Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1462: High-rise games

Life instructor is really worthy of his high fees.

Perhaps when the elevator car was buzzing at first, he became aware of it-when Lin Sanjiu lay on the roof of the elevator car and whistled up with the elevator, the place where the first floor was pried open became There was a flashing light gate; at that moment, she didn't even have time to roll out as she passed the doorway, but felt that one hand touched her hand.

As soon as the two hands clenched, the light disappeared suddenly from the eyes, Lin Sanjiu rushed straight into the darkness above; the life instructor was dragged by the elevator that was rushing up at high speed, first hitting the elevator door , Was forced into a gap that could not be reached, and scraped quickly on the elevator shaft wall, making a sore voice-if he was personal, the skin would have been shaved, even The internal organs of the musculoskeletal bones are broken into mud like carrots.

"Kahhhhhh!" The life tutor couldn't even speak, because theoretically speaking, there was no room for a head between the elevator and the wall of the elevator. God knows why he still has a head. Lin Sanjiu hurriedly turned him into a card, and took a photo on the top of the elevator car. The life instructor appeared again, and continued to yell: "Pieces ... eh?"

Lin Sanjiu wiped his sweat on his forehead, and shouted in the rumble of the elevator: "Are you all right?"

In the dark, she could not see whether the mentor was injured or not, but as a special item, he should not be damaged by physical forces. The instructor hurriedly turned over, lay on all fours on the elevator car, and responded aloud, "What shall we do now?"

If the elevator stopped halfway on the floor, Lin Sanjiu was afraid that the place it was going to was the top floor. At that time, she would be hit by a rocket-like elevator to the roof of the elevator shaft— Judging by the current potential energy, there was nothing wrong with smashing her spine and sternum into a bag of crushed potato chips.

From what she knows about her luck, this elevator probably won't stop anywhere except the top floor.

"You ask me who I ask," they exchanged a dozen words with each other, and Lin Sanjiu felt that he had already gone up a dozen floors. She was surrounded by dark walls of the elevator shaft, and she couldn't catch any place where she could use her strength. Besides, even if she could catch anything like a cable, she could lift her arm in the blink of an eye in the momentum of the elevator. Give up. No matter how strong her physical strength was, she was still a flesh-and-blood body composed of fibroblasts and could not bear such a rapid and heavy pull.

Lin Sanjiu was in an anxious situation, suddenly an idea popped up, hurriedly turned to lie on the top of the elevator car, bent his legs upwards. The life instructor noticed her movements and asked, "What are you doing?"

"If I rush to the top, I'll put my leg on it ..."

"A two-ton elevator car is rushing upwards at a speed of at least forty meters per second. Do you want to stand with your legs?" The instructor's voice was amazed. "You consume a lot today. In case of insufficient power, you Can break through the spine. "

"Then what do you say!" Just a few words, the elevator is about to rush to the top floor-Lin Sanjiu can feel that the elevator car has no meaning to slow down at all, she has no hope of stopping halfway.

"I don't know, you go through space!" Listening to the tone, the instructor was anxious enough.

The situation is undoubtedly worse than it was just now. To say that she was stuck in the elevator shaft just now, there is no target location and there is no clear positional relationship, then she is lying on the elevator car rushing on the high speed at the moment, not even knowing her own position. If she hastily traversed the space, she will probably fall straight from where she was last time—if she fell from the highest part of the sixty-story elevator shaft, she would have fallen into a pool before she stabilized her spirit. Already.

"You have a weak grasp of this ability. If you do n’t even know where you are and where you are going, you may be lost in space, not only will you never come back, but-"

Before the teacher Yi had finished speaking, Lin Sanjiu slammed "ah".

"What's wrong?" The instructor asked.

The end of the elevator shaft was faintly seen in the dark, and she had no time to answer. She had no time to slap the mentor into a card, and then launched the ability to shuttle space-the darkness in front of it suddenly faded away, and a turquoise earth replaced it; the layers of light and shadow jumping universe and space gradually opened in front of, greeted, and retreated Later, she was temporarily pulled away from the elevator that was whizzing to pat her into flesh.

With a "grumbling", her face fell to a hard ground-her nose suddenly became sour, and tears sprang up involuntarily, but she didn't feel it at all.

The spiritual world wobbled as if a drunken person had lost his balance; she heard the call of her deceased parents for a while, she saw a pale woman floating on the bottom of a deep green lake, and felt that she was slowly pushed out of a branch. Syringe-Fortunately, the process she just took to shuttle the space was very short. Before it completely broke her spirit, she was back again.

"Where are we?" The shouted mentor shouted out of consternation; when he couldn't understand what was going on, he only heard a "ding", and the tremor of his feet rose sharply. The ground stopped for a moment—one person and one thing caught off guard, and they were shuffled by inertia.

"Sixty floors, here it is," the soft electronic female voice announced.

Then the mentor came to understand, Ji Ling got up, looked around, and murmured, "You ... you're in the shuttle space and got into the elevator?"

The elevator door had slowly opened while talking. The number "60" stopped brightly on the screen, like a persistent request, silently urging one person and one thing in the elevator car to go out.

"I was lying on my head just now. The only place that has a clear relationship with me and is close enough is in the elevator ..." Lin Sanjiu took a few breaths and was soaked with cold sweat all over his body. She even had to sit on the ground for a while, and then stood up on her own, her muscles trembling.

There is an elevator room outside. If you don't go out, you won't see anything. Lin Sanjiu barely suppressed his anxious anxiety about the gift bag, calmed his breath, and walked out a few steps. There must be a staircase in this building, and she is reluctant to think about what to do if the staircase is also blocked.


Lin Sanjiu was suddenly shocked, and when he hurried back and twisted, he couldn't believe that she didn't notice the person standing at the end of the elevator—until she stood firmly, her eyes fell on the source of the sound. I will be startled.

It is a small white robot, which is often used in hotels and office buildings to welcome guests or give things. It looks very basic; if it is compared with j7, it is like a stick figure meeting Renoir, no wonder she subconsciously thought There is no one in this elevator room, because it is an object.

"Welcome to the‘ mall like a battlefield ’game,” the little robot hummed with fake electronic child sounds. "I'm Huanhuan acting as an interpreter for this game."

Behind the small robot is a large transparent floor-to-ceiling window. At a height of 60 stories, most of the surrounding high-rise buildings came to an abrupt end; the open sky, faint clouds, and lead-gray vast cities spread out in all directions and gathered on the distant horizon. There, the blush and light gold of the sunset were sinking into the deep purple.

"It's not been an hour," Lin Sanjiu said, "how did the game begin?"

This question is obviously super-standard for Huan Huan. It stood in place and greeted with the kind of inorganic joy, as the system set up: "I'm Huan Huan, can I help you?"

Lin Sanjiu knew that he could not get any effective answer from it. She glanced out of the floor-to-ceiling window. Even if she wasn't afraid of heights, she couldn't help but feel a little secret. She greeted the instructor and said, "Let's go find the stairwell", and immediately look at Huanhuan, ready to walk over it.

"Before the game started, the space outside the elevator was powered by high-voltage electricity," Huanhuan said at a glance. "Please pay attention to safety."

It was talking about "space", not "ground"-Lin Sanjiu noticed immediately. She didn't know if the air could also be energized, but she knew one thing: her consciousness was exhausted too much to support the protective layer above and below her body.

Lin Sanjiu turned around, kicked the trash bin hard, and the distorted trash bin flew to another elevator in the distance. It wasn't her character always to take things off, but she was in an unbearable torment now—coincidentally, when the trash bin just hit the elevator door, the light just outside the door was “ding”. In the impact sound of "Dangdang", there was a sentence "Sixty floors arrived"; then, a guard-filled question rang from the open door: "Who?"

Lin Sanjiu gave birth to a little embarrassed and said, "I kicked a barrel. Come out, this is the game venue."

After a while, a man slowly came out of the elevator. He raised his hands on his chest, probably a defensive alert action, but told him to look like a mantis wearing a men's yoga suit.

Huanhuan repeated the greetings and the warning of power-on again, and remained silent again.

"It seems we are all players in this game," the man said, slowly letting go. "We came early. I think there should be other talents."

Lin Sanjiu said nothing and didn't want to say anything. It seems that she must participate in this game.

For the duration of this game, I didn't know what the gift package would be--

Gift package——

She looked at the elevator she came out of, suddenly took a sharp breath, and realized that she was all wrong.

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