Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 8 Chapter 1463: Hilarious

In the next few minutes, two more elevators reached the 60th floor, and two strange evolutionaries came out one after another. As the other three discussed carefully and whispered, Lin Sanjiu stood awkwardly, constantly replaying in her mind what she just did when she shuttled the space. After a while, she sighed heavily.

She really wanted to talk to someone, but the life mentor was already in the card library. As he said, these humanoid objects around her are becoming more flexible and more humane. It seems better not to expose them to strangers at will. Lin Sanjiu was not sure if the evolutionary man in the men's yoga suit saw the instructor, but the two newcomers certainly did not see him.

"Are you the first one?" A young woman suddenly asked Lin Sanjiu.

Eighty percent of the women questioned are from the Twelve Realms, and they are all dressed in the classic Twelve Realms style, which can be summed up with "weird": a purple oil paint extends down from the tip of her beauty, through the eyebrows and covers the nose , All the way to the chin. At first glance, Lin Sanjiu didn't know what this person looked like.

Like Lin Sanjiu, she had something tied around her neck. Countless crooked, wavy purple giant leaves-or petals, God knows what it is-tied tightly around her neck, setting her off like a noble male in medieval Europe.

"Yes," Lin Sanjiu nodded and said, most of his mind had not returned.

"It's less than five minutes to stop the new game launch," said another male evolver, looking at his watch. "Let's take a break now."

Judging from the appearance, no one is more suitable to appear in this building than him. He is slender and lean, wearing a suit that fits well, with clean lines. His blazer is smooth and tidy, his hair is meticulous, his watches, leather shoes, ties ... are carefully selected and maintained; it makes the round face of the facial features bland, and adds a bit of elite temperament.

The evolutionist in the men's yoga suit immediately sat down with his legs crossed and closed his eyes. Ziyoucai didn't know when to chew a piece of gum. Everyone waited in silence for five minutes while she was "slamming" trying to spit bubbles.

… It seems that there is no other way to go except for participating in this game.

Lin Sanjiu stuck his palms with his nails over and over again. This slight pain in the body is like a rope holding reality, tied to her a boat that may drift into the endless world at any time. As soon as the game begins, she will find an opportunity to call her mentor and discuss it with him.

"Welcome," Huanhuan said coldly, dragging everyone's attention away. From the white spherical head, there was a buzzing voice: "Now the game is about to begin, please let me introduce the rules of the‘ mall like a battlefield ’game.”

"I don't know how to do business or anything," the woman in purple paint murmured to herself.

It would be great if doing business, after all, Lin Sanjiu also has a Mike Laoya skill that is bottomed by her. She remained silent, listening to Huanhuan continuing to say, "Every gamer will get a hundred dollars when starting the game. This is your starting capital."

As soon as its voice fell, the big heads and texts of four players suddenly appeared on the elevator wall. The name of the purple oil paint was "He Lily", the name of the yoga suit was "Qiandao", and the name of the man in a suit. Called "Bai Cong". After each person's name, there is an "existing amount of funds", which is now 100.

... The hope that Mike Duck will come in handy seems to be growing.

"After the game started, everyone can only see their own data and amount of money. Now they are only introducing the situation, so please rest assured." Although Huanhuan's voice is mechanical, the content is written by living people, but also takes into account the evolution People generally have concerns. "There are a hundred offices, large and small, on this floor. The four of you are going to rent offices in this floor, set up your own company, and expand your company. The goal is to eventually kill all competitors. Be the only survivor. Note, I'm talking about companies, not really asking you to kill people. In fact, in this game, you can't do physical harm to each other. "

I looked around with Lily, and it seemed that I was a little flustered. The aboriginal people born and raised in the Twelve Realms may not be familiar with the commercial operation of modern society.

Lin Sanjiu felt like he was a student who didn't know how to study, but found that the test question fell into the chapter he happened to read.

"The office is divided into three sizes: large, medium, and small. The rental prices are also different. The prices are listed at the door. It's like this." When Huanhuan said here, an image projection of an office floated in the center of the elevator room. With the line "Small office, 20 yuan / hour".

"Small office can accommodate 4 people. When full, you need to rent a new office-"

"Who's there?" Bai Cong was keen, and asked immediately. "We only have 4 people in total."

"There are many customers roaming on this floor," Huanhuan explained. "After you rent your starting office, you will start searching for customers on this floor."

When a few people were taken aback, the image projection had also changed. A figure walked into the image dazzlingly, striding aimlessly like sleepwalking. He wore a cowboy hat and bib and looked almost the same as a real person-the only difference was that there was only a blank look on his face.

"Customers have various appearances, and they can only capture one at a time." Huanhuan added. "After you capture the customer, take him to your company's office. Only when the customer arrives in your office will they start to generate income for you. For example, this office is with Miss Lily."

The client wearing a cowboy hat walked into the office during the projection, and when the door was closed, a new material was added to the door. The head of "Heli" appeared on the door, with "Customer 1, Employee 0, and the benefit of 100 yuan / hour" written below.

"100 yuan / hour is the income that this customer brings to you. Although the benefits brought by different customers are also different, the overall is between 80-120, with little difference. Of course, this information is only for you to see You can see that other players can only see your name and know that this office belongs to you. "

While nodding with Lily, he took notes in a note while hesitated.

"What happened to the employees?" Bai Cong asked.

"The client's instinct is to wander around," Huanhuan said. "If there is no one in the office to look after him, the client will leave the office and continue to wander until the next person captures it."

"Special person ..." Qiandao in yoga clothes frowned.

"That's the people you can hire. There are 5 levels, and of course the salary is different."

With Huanhuan's words, the content of the image projection changed, and there appeared a row of five young people dressed in white shirts and black pants, dressed like real estate agents. They are all men, they look exactly the same, and they have big sales smiles on their faces; if there is any difference, it is the **** characters on the shirt.

The first young man wrote "reserved" on his chest and "guard" behind.

"This is the cheapest and most basic level 1 employee." Huan Huan said, "His function is to watch customers, not to let him wander out, one person can watch three customers. His salary is 10 yuan /hour."

The second young man wrote "Increase" on his chest and "Benefit" on his back.

"A level 2 employee can increase your income by 20 yuan on the basis of the benefits provided by the customer, such as from 100 yuan / hour to 120 yuan. His salary is 20 yuan / hour, and he does not have the function of holding customers. The cap is the benefit that can be added to three customers at the same time. "

The third young man had "search" on his chest and "capture" on his back.

"A level 3 employee can be sent out to search for a customer and take him back to your office after finding the customer. He also occupies office space and does not have the function of guarding customers. His salary is 30 yuan / hour. However, it should be noted that I said earlier that you can't do personal injury to each other, it's just for the players. If other players happen to bump into your Level 3 employee, you can kill them on the spot and rob customers. "

Several players looked at each other without speaking.

And Lily whispered, "It seems different from the business I imagined ..."

"It's all about selling dog meat on a sheep's head." Bai Cong said.

Lin Sanjiu just wanted to squat down and sigh a long time-apart from the name, what does this game have to do with business?

The fourth young man wrote "protection" on the chest and "defense" behind. The big character on the fifth young man echoed him, with "attack" in front and "occupation" in the back.

Huanhuan stood aside and explained: "Level 4 employees and level 5 employees will occupy office space, the wages are 40 and 50 yuan / hour, respectively, and the functions are slightly more complicated. As the actual person in charge of the company, you can try to attack the occupation Other players' offices. "

Bai Cong said "Oh?"

"If the combat effectiveness of Level 5 employees is 1, then the defense strength of Level 4 employees is 1. For example," Huanhuan turned "head" and suddenly said to Lin Sanjiu, "If Miss Lin Sanjiu sent a Level 5 employee If Miss Heli and Miss Heli had only a Level 4 employee, then the two would cancel each other out and kill each other, except that they would disappear, and the result would not change. "

And Lily has put away her notebook. "Then if she sends 2 level 5 employees and I have only a level 4 ..."

"That will create a +1 combat advantage. After one level 4 and one level 5 cancel each other out, the remaining level 5 can successfully occupy your office. It should be noted that after occupying the office, before The revenue generated by customers will not be stolen together. That is to say, the past revenue has already fallen into the pocket of the previous company, and the office and the client can only obtain the other employees and customers to obtain future revenue. "

There is no local business company, it is such a rule of operation ... Lin Sanjiu Mumudi thought.

"What about us?" Qiandao asked. "Can we also occupy the office?"

"Yes, in offensive and defensive battles, you are equivalent to 1 combat or defensive force." Huanhuan said, "For example, if Miss Lin Sanjiu decides to participate in the attack herself, she can save 1 level 5 employee. If and Lily The lady happened to decide to participate in the defense herself, so the influence of the two of you will also offset each other, but I will not disappear like the staff. "

"So, the ultimate goal is to see who can occupy the most offices, grab the most customers, and make the most money?" Bai Cong asked.

"When three players in the game have insufficient funds or conditions to continue playing, commonly known as bankruptcy, then there will be a final winner and the game will end." Huanhuan said. "Don't think that this game will last for a long time, because customers are consumables. After a period of time, customers will completely disappear. So the overall potential revenue is getting less and less. It is necessary to seize the most customers in a timely manner and make other companies impossible. Keep going. "

Several people looked at it and Lin Sanjiu asked, "What happens to the loser?"

Huanhuan took two steps back and let their eyes fall on the glass window. Outside the window, on the vast stretch of ground, rivers and streets meander through the ground, and there are small and high buildings in the green trees.

"The loser will be thrown from the sixty floor."

Shanghai Youth Update: The bigger and bigger! I separated them, dug up a small seedling with a spoon, squeezed a small mass of dirt underneath, and planted it in a new planting pot. Originally, they were worried that they would die after moving. I did not expect that now they can see the shadow of adult Shanghai Qing. Check it every morning, because of my attention to them, my two cats also have a strong interest in greens ... so I have more work every day, and keep the cat's face away from Shanghai Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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