Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1481: AMexicanStandoff

Today this chapter is still very short ... because I have a bad cold, it ’s so uncomfortable that my eyes ca n’t open and I keep crying]

Going downstairs is indeed a wise choice!

Nervous, excited, afraid ... all kinds of mixed emotions burned her internal organs like fire. The air never seemed to be so thin, her heartbeat had never been so strong-her feet had just touched the ground floor of the lobby, and Lin Sanjiu hadn't had time to see where he was running, and her arm was heavy Pulled, then fell into a room.

This is exactly the meeting room that just moved out of a table.

Just hiding, almost next second, two angry figures swept across the hall, and the storm swept across the hall like a storm, rushing out of the door—because the door of the conference room was wide open, so the two No one of these fallen species had expected to come and take a look.

Lin Sanjiu didn't dare to take a breath, and hid behind the door for a while, seeing that the two fallen species never returned, only a heart fell back. Hu Chang, who was behind her, lowered her voice and reprimanded: "You are really dead! What treasure is that worthy of you taking such a big risk? Ah?"

"No, I don't know ..." Lin Sanjiu took a deep breath, the corner of his mouth couldn't restrain the ground from rising, exposing a long and narrow wine vortex.

At one point she did not say.

From the moment she saw the collar, her "keen intuition" sounded like a siren, and the only thought left in her mind was to possess it!

Taking out the "blade", she thought, a metal collar with the most exquisite workmanship fell off the card.

Although the card is Lin Sanjiu's ability, it will become solid after being changed, so special items can be fused in molecular form, which is still valid on the card-Lin Sanjiu grabbed it with a bright kumquat light Suddenly, half of her face brightened: "So pretty!"

The collar is not made of any metal, and the light is as moist as water waves. The geometrical hollow pattern is bold in color, mainly kumquat, lined with pink and pink, and a bit of watery blue-the color jumps wildly, but it is beautiful.

Lin Sanjiu looked at it for a while and thought, the collar turned into a card in her hand.

【Pygmalion Collar】

Introduction: The name of this collar comes from the well-known psychological phenomenon "Pygmalion Effect", also known as "Expectation Effect". Just as people will be implied by others' expectations of themselves, and thus show the corresponding side, the person wearing this collar will also be influenced by the ideas of peers.

How to use: After putting it on, buckle the buckle—note that people with thick necks do n’t force it—then ask your companions to imagine a capability or feature. The competitor's verbal abilities or characteristics will truly appear on the collar owner.


1. Only positive fantasies can be realized. For example, "He can fly" is OK, "He meets the water and sinks" is not.

2. Each fantasy can only be realized once, lasting 5 minutes each time, and the collar can be used again after cooling for 24 hours.

3. After the fantasy is realized, the strength of the ability is restricted by the owner's potential value. A person with a potential of only 5 can fly only 30 cm above the ground, so it is impossible to rule the universe no matter who it is. (Numbers are for reference only)

4. Once the collar is worn and cannot be removed, the only way to violently damage the collar is to cut off the owner's head. So be careful with your head.

5. There are no limits to how you can get companions and make them imaginative.

Growing hint: This circle appears where the team is fighting.

The content of this card is very long. Lin Sanjiu dialed it twice before reading it. Hu Chang at the side still couldn't bear to watch because of avoiding suspicion at first, but later couldn't stand the curiosity and secretly scanned her card for several times. After reading a card, Lin Sanjiu just transformed the collar, and Hu Changzai kept urging her: "You put it on and let me try it! I used to watch superhero movies the most!"

Faced with such a rare and good-looking baby, he rightly thinks it belongs to Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu looked at him with a smile, and didn't give him any kind of politeness—after all, she had risked her life—she couldn't help being excited, and put her collar on her fingers with a little trembling.

With a click, the metal lock clasped perfectly behind her neck. She touched the warm collar on her neck and smiled at Hu Chang: "Well, now you intend to give me some ability ... ... "

After finishing the second half, there was a sudden boom, and a gust of wind hit the two with raindrops of debris. They stepped back several times in a row, and looked back, and found that the door of the conference room had been broken-the fluffy wood chips showed the tall figure of one of the fallen species just now.

A mouthpiece that is longer than the ordinary fallen species is as tough as a rock, and with a wave, the wooden door disappears with a wall, leaving a large hole in place. The buzzing sound of the corruption sounded goosebumps. "Great, I was the first one to find you."

Lin Sanjiu stared at it, setting up his fighting posture.

"Take off your neck, and I will give you a happy death." Unexpectedly, the fallen species saw the Pygmalion collar clearly, but did not run away, but laughed sternly.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly thought of it and thought of a possibility.

In the past, she heard Martha mention that when facing special items, the common practice is to first study the hints of the items themselves, such as the ability to polish. If there is no prompt, then try to activate and use the item once, and the approximate effect can be understood. But when I was in danger, I did n’t dare to use it, or I could n’t figure out how to use it, but I could n’t even guess the name ... I ’m afraid no one would think of the use of this Pygmalion collar, which fell on his companion. Then, in other words, the fallen species in front of it knows nothing about its role.

"Well, Hu Changzai, what was the last superhero movie you watched before the new world arrived?" Lin Sanjiu asked leisurely.

Hu Chang had a clear smile on his face-he wiped his lenses stained with blood and dust, and said with a smile, "Iron Man."

"Okay, let's try it!" Lin Sanjiu's vortex emerged again.

The fallen species felt something awkward, and it suddenly slammed its mouthpiece, just about to pounce on—the fist raised by Lin Sanjiu suddenly lit up a white light, followed by a violent airflow like a tornado, wrapped around There was a loud noise that was enough to break the courage--

The fallen species did not even have the opportunity to attack, and together with the half-building where it was located, it was blasted into a flying powder.

The remaining half of the building swung violently as if drunk, and the falling bricks, dust and sawdust fell down—

Hu Chang was shocked and fell to the ground early in the morning. He stared blankly at the back of the woman in front of him. He regained his mind after a while and asked, "... What is your potential? How many?"

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