Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1482: A blind spot

Several people froze in place, stood for several minutes, and no one spoke. The remaining search staff probably went very far, and has not yet returned; Bai Cong and Qiandao couldn't keep their eyes from scanning every corridor around them, and they seemed to be ready to respond at once—no one Knowing where that employee will come from, everyone wants to grab the customer before the other party notices it.

Speaking of which, Lin Sanjiu became the only one who could not grab customers.

The corridor at the entrance of the office just showed an inverted “T” shape. At this time, Bai Cong and Qiandao occupied the two directions. If the employee came back from their direction, he would n’t have to run into Lin Sanjiu ’s office. Will be stopped. The empty corridor on the right-hand side is not so much an opportunity as a trap: Lin Sanjiu is very sure. As long as he dares to leave the door half a step, Qiandao or Bai Cong will **** her office.

If only Bai Cong could leave ... As soon as he left, Qiandao would follow because he was worried about the safety of his company, and the deadlock naturally broke.

Lin Sanjiu swept around the two with a bit of anxiety. Bai Cong was unwilling to use the ability in front of them, still maintaining the look of a search employee, only his face gradually returned to his fat look; Qian Dao squinted his eyes, as if always listening to the distant movement in his ears.

And Lily coughed behind her.

"Since they don't want to leave, I'll go out for a stroll." She said behind Lin Sanjiu, "Although I can't attack, I can go to find their office for you. If I find one, I'll leave the place Write it down and come back to tell you. "

This girl is really right!

Lin Sanjiu immediately wanted to understand the hidden meaning of the words with Lily-presumably the other two people also understood, because their complexions suddenly changed.

If Heli and Lin Sanjiu were told the address of their two offices-no, even that she could lead Lin Sanjiu directly-then Qiandao or Bai Cong attacked Lin Sanjiu's office would be meaningless.

At the speed of Lin Sanjiu, when they attack, she can leave her office and go straight to the two's office; as long as they know the destination, who can catch up with her?

"You think so well, but you forgot, I took your office, and you went bankrupt on the spot!" Qiandao said sharply.

"It won't go bankrupt." Lin Sanjiu smiled at him. "As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, you can still continue. Going bankrupt is much harder than you think. This is what Bai Cong, Lily and me have confirmed Too. "

The three of them attacked each other the most, and they were forced into each other's situation of no money or no office. Except for the last time with Lily, the other times were proved not to be desperate.

"When you were robbed of your first office, you only had twenty dollars as you are now," Lin Sanjiu explained without delay. "It stands to reason that I cannot rent an office and hire employees, but why do I No bankruptcy at the time? Because the office with Lily was empty at that time, at that time, theoretically, I could continue to gain a foothold in the game by attacking her office. "

And Lily went bankrupt, probably because there were people in every office at that time; she alone couldn't take a defensive office, right?

Qiandao calmly, thought for a while, and smiled.

"Okay, then let her go," he said as he turned over to make way for Heli. "There is a defensive employee in my office. Your first attack will only be offset. Your next attack will be five minutes later, and I will have already returned by then. I'm not afraid, let her go."

He said, glancing at Bai Cong. Qiandao's office can be kept, but the latter is not necessarily the case.

He and Lily are very embarrassed. Just now, what was said was not just talking. He lifted Lin Sanjiu's arm and walked out; as soon as she stepped out of the door, a shadow suddenly came over from the left side and cut diagonally. The lights in the corridor shot down and Lily down.

Lin Sanjiu's body was moving when he felt a moment in his heart. She rushed out, stretched her arms to embrace Lily's waist, and pulled her back as soon as she twisted—when she was wrapped and Lily fell to the ground, her right hand was still firmly The door frame. She lifted her eyes to see a piece of plastic film floating in the mid-air, just a few feet away from her and Lily, and seemed to be unhappy because she had fallen into the air.

Opposite her, one of Qiandao stepped forward and leaned forward; he apparently thought that the opportunity for his attack had come, but he did not expect Lin Sanjiu to respond so quickly, but when he saved one hand, he returned. Leaning on the door didn't give him a chance at all, and he didn't even have time to take that foot back.

Bai Cong snorted from his nose, raised his hand, and retracted the large piece of "plastic wrap".

... These two guys really had a dark mind and a fast mind. They couldn't relax at all. Lin Sanjiu had a layer of cold sweat on his back.

Heli is no longer a player, and the rule of "invalid attack" naturally does not work for her; in other words, she is now a living meat target and anyone can play. She didn't want to fight back, because Bai Cong and Qian Dao were both players. Any attack on her would not be more heavy than a breeze.

"As long as you come out of this door," Bai Cong said slowly, "you will die in this corridor. This film will wrap you around in a hurry and tighten the compression until you burst into a pool of mud."

And Lily walked around from the gate of the gate, at this time the heartbeat was so fast that Lin Sanjiu could hear it clearly. She struggled to stand up from Lin Sanjiu's arms, looking pale, glanced at the latter and whispered, "... you really saved me."

"You go to the advanced house." Lin Sanjiu has to protect both the office and Lily, and can't help but ask, "We will have a solution, and don't need you to risk your life."

In theory, Heli can still use defensive methods; only being attacked blindly can only defend, which is too risky for her. You know, there are no defensive employees in Bai Cong's office. In order to prevent Heli from finding his office, he will definitely die ...


Lin Sanjiu thought of it, and suddenly he looked up and looked at Bai Cong. The latter was staring at Yuri at this moment, as if she was afraid that she would stun a shot, and did not notice her look.

Seems something wrong, right?

If you think about it ... why is Bai Cong still in the game now?

"Thousands," she yelled again at the door. The man in the yoga suit retracted his feet, and said "Eh?" Without raising his eyelids.

"What you stole from Bai Cong ... is it a small office that costs 20 yuan for rent?"

Qiandao didn't say anything—the vigilance on that face rose, and it was annoying to watch.

"I don't know if you don't answer, it must be a small office." Yu Guang of Lin Sanjiu hugged Bai Cong, and when he heard that he turned his head away, whispered, "What did you grab from him? You know best. I guess he did n’t wait to hire a first-level employee and the company was taken away by you. So at that time, he still had 80 yuan. After that, he not only set up the company, but also hired him. An employee of fifty dollars ... "

Qiandao heard this, and finally he didn't hold back, showing a stun.

"Did you think about it, too?" Lin Sanjiu said slowly, "Deduct 20 yuan for the first small office. If you set up a company to lease another small office, deduct 20 yuan and deduct employees. Fifty ... He only has ten dollars left. When the second hour arrived, he only had ten dollars, not even paying the rent, and he owed ten dollars ... Why is he still standing here now? "

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