Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1465: Humans are species that survived through cooperation

The glimmer of hope just aroused by Bai Cong was quickly dispelled by reality.

"But this method doesn't work. After deducting the expenses of the office and the first-level staff, two hundred minus thirty and seventeen are left ..."

Lin Sanjiu sighed and reminded him: "With the remaining money before him, it is enough to hire two defenses and two attacks. Although he is gone, his defense is enough to stop me for ten minutes. In these ten minutes, he can take over my office 800 times. "

"I haven't forgotten this," Bai Cong said. "I was in a hurry just now, let me explain in detail, and see if there is anything wrong with you."

He not only wore a work suit, but also had an attitude and tone like working at a company meeting. Lin Sanjiu nodded his head, thinking, maybe it has something to do with his ability to "adapt to the environment"?

"First of all, we know that although he has two customers, he cannot get two hundred yuan at a time."

That ’s right; Qiandao is the same as Lin Sanjiu. At present, he has two customers. According to the time when he obtained customers, he will get the first one hundred yuan in about forty to fifty minutes. After ten minutes, he will get a second one hundred dollars.

Unfortunately, because the office was taken away once in the middle, after Qiandao got the second hundred yuan, she had to wait at least two or three minutes before Lin Sanjiu could get her first hundred yuan. Of course Qiandao will not give her the opportunity to establish protection; when his army is under pressure, the only defensive force in her office is probably only herself.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"The first step in my plan is to go outside his office and wait now." Bai Cong explained, "For example, you are Qiandao, you have been waiting in the room until now, and finally got the first hundred Yuan. When you get the money, you choose to hire first, it must be the defensive staff, right? "

He Lily stood at the door, holding her arms, looking at Bai Cong suspiciously. When she heard this, she interjected: "How do you know that he will definitely hire a defensive employee? He may hire an attack, or may not hire anything, keep the money, and finally hire everyone in one breath."

"He will definitely hire a defense, 100%." ​​Bai Cong shook his head, pointed to Lin Sanjiu's office, and said, "Because of the most critical factor, you forgot."

Along his hand, Lin Sanjiu's gaze fell on the door, and she suddenly felt like an electric shock, and understood.

"What Qiandao took away was a small office with a capacity of only four people!" She figured out the joint, and with a slap, she slapped her shoulder on Lily's shoulder and said, "There are already two in his room. Client, a first-level employee, he doesn't count, there is only one place left in the room. He can only choose between defense and attack ... "

Blinking with Lily and began to react.

"Yes," Bai Cong stood up, patted the ashes on his body, and said, "He wants to make sure that he can attack you, and to make sure that the room is defensive, then he must hire at least one attack and one defense. But the room What if he is full? He will either rent an additional office or change to a larger office. "

He continued: "I know very well that there are small offices in the several corridors nearby. You should also find out that there are the most small offices in this game."

At this point, Lin Sanjiu also realized when she was looking for an office: she could run for five or six minutes without seeing a medium-sized office.

"He took his customers and employees with him, and he couldn't stay outside for more than five minutes. Besides, when the customers left the office, although there were guard employees next to them, who knew if they would be taken away by others? This is not mentioned in the game. For safety reasons , He will not take customers to walk outside for too long. In this way, Qiandao is basically impossible to drag his house and move to a medium-sized office, leaving him the option, only to rent an extra room nearby Office 'option. "

Bai Cong changed his breath and moistened his throat before continuing to say, "That's what I mean. He has to rent an additional office before hiring an employee who attacks Lin Sanjiu. When he does this, it is Lin Sanjiu It's time to take advantage. "

"If he wants to rent another office, he has to leave his office," and Lily's eyes light up. "If he wants to leave, he must put a defense in the office ... Well, Lin Sanjiu can quietly offset that defense. . But, after that, she still has to wait another five minutes to get that office? "

Lin Sanjiu smiled slightly and said, "It won't be important then. Bai Cong's plan is so good. In order to win, Qiandao has to rent a second office, but the second office will only drag him down. . "

From the beginning of entering the game, Bai Cong has shown his strengths: he can always transform the seemingly desperate disadvantage into a less bad and even hopeful situation. If he plays chess, he will be a difficult player against his general.

As long as you understand where Qiandao's second office is, in fact Lin Sanjiu's victory is hopeful.

Several people discussed for a while, deduced several possible situations, and determined a lot of action details, such as when the two should follow Qiandao, how to attract his attention, and so on. When the plan was almost finalized, Lin Sanjiu had never been so firm in his victory-although it was still too early to get the first hundred yuan from Qiandao, they were still a little bit restless.

For Heli and Bai Cong, although they have lost, being able to participate in or even decide whether the game ultimately wins or loses is still very attractive to them-not to mention, it is also related to their ending after the game.

"Let's try it," and Lily said, "It's better than doing nothing, waiting to be sent down one floor after another. Who knows what they are going to do to us?"

Bai Cong heard no surprise or objection, but just nodded. He looked at Lin Sanjiu and said to Lily, "You seem to have trusted her."

"Although there are cats and fishes that can hide everyone with no illusions," and Lily replied, "but most people, no, most people, character, attitude, human ... Hidden 100%. From the temperament of a person speaking and acting, you can feel the approximate of that person, right? "

Bai Cong said hesitantly, "I think so ..."

Shrugging with Lily, he didn't go on. She doesn't seem to have the perseverance to persuade others, otherwise she is uncomfortable-rather than being peaceful, she is a kind of evolver born after apocalypse, and often feels alienated from others: you believe Yours, I believe in me; you die yours, I die mine.

Careful comparison, Ming Ming and Lily did not praise her, Lin Sanjiu was a little embarrassed. She coughed and said, "Let's do it separately, how long will it be before he gets his next profit?"

"About twenty minutes left." Bai Cong looked at his watch.

"I don't think he can rent an office before getting the proceeds, but for the sake of insurance, I still have to trouble you to find it nearby." Lin Sanjiu Chong and Lily nodded and pushed away from his office Door. He Lily disappeared around the corner soon. She turned into the office and closed the door. Bai Cong still stood outside the door and waited.

After dozens of seconds, Bai Cong heard the sound and looked up.

On the ceiling not far from the corridor, a figure faintly appeared after the ventilation fan. Lin Sanjiu was lying in the ventilation duct, and whispered to him, "Which way should I go?"

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