Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1486: About standing

... When the operation started, she had to try to keep Qiandao from finding out that the defensive staff in his first office had been offset.

Lin Sanjiu's breathing sounded slightly as if it did not exist.

She has been lying in the ventilation duct for several minutes. For safety's sake, Bai Cong only led her to the Qiandao company headquarters. She fumbled for a while in the ventilation duct, and finally found the correct duct, and slowly climbed to his office— Like all rooms, there is a ventilation fan in his office.

Looking down from here, the black hair that belongs to Qiandao stood up for a while and sat down for a while, turning around the room a few times from time to time, and occasionally opening the door into the corridor to listen to the movement, obviously also full of anxiety.

Everyone is waiting for Qiandao to get his money for the first time, and this moment is getting closer.

When Qiandao opened the door for the fourth time and saw the information on his door, Lin Sanjiu heard him exhale low, as if relieved. Immediately, he whispered, "Hire ... a defensive employee."

Bai Cong really guessed right!

Only then did the words fall, and a standing defensive employee appeared in the room. Lin Sanjiu's heart pounded, and even made her worry that her voice would be too loud to be heard by the people below-Qiandao made another two turns, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally opened the door slowly.

He was also aware of the staff restrictions in the office and was going to rent a second office.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the note in his hand again. This is a special item belonging to Heli, [Hongyan Family Book], which is probably another version of the paper crane. A piece of paper is divided into two halves, and one person holds each of them. If either side has anything to say, write it on the paper, and the written information will emerge from the other half of the paper in real time. Although not as fast as voice communication, it is worse than being quiet and concealed.

"He hasn't rented a second office yet," and Lily wrote a few minutes ago. "I've touched Bai Cong, and we're scattered now, hiding near Qiandao's office. I leave his office. It's about one or two corridors away. As soon as we see him, we'll tell you right away. "

[Book of Hongyan's Family] There are only two halves, and he can't give Bai Cong a piece; he can only hide a little farther. If he finds anything, he will contact Lily with an ordinary voice communicator, and Lily will tell Lin Sanjiu.

Lin Sanjiu put down the paper and took a breath slowly and gently. Qiandao turned away the doorknob and walked into the corridor—when the door panel slammed together, she said quietly, "attack."

While waiting, she thought of countless possibilities, one worse than the other; such as an attack without standing outside the door, or a game that did not allow her to climb into the ventilators of Qiandao Office at all-but this As soon as she spoke, the defensive employee who had just appeared immediately disappeared calmly and quietly, and there was nothing to trouble her.

"Five minutes," the teacher Yi said in her head, "count down from now on."

The first step was completed, Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes.

Within five minutes, she could only lie in the ventilation duct as it was, waiting for the next time to attack. She unrolled the note, de-carded a pen, and wrote gently: "Jiandao just left, and I have offset his first defensive employee."

The handwriting belonging to Heli quickly floated from the space below the line: "Received. I have informed Bai Cong that as soon as he appears, we will stare at him."

In terms of Qiandao's mind, he should not have imagined that there might be Lin Sanjiu nearby-even if he did not expect Bai Cong to join, he knew who Lily was willing to help. He must have taken great care now. The two of them might not be able to detect him smoothly and smoothly for a while.

Just as Lin Sanjiu expected, after two minutes, there was still no news of an update in [Hongyan Family Book]. In the narrow square tube, she slightly moved her neck, maintaining the same posture, and wrote: "How? Is there any trace of him?"

"No," and Lily's handwriting continued after a while, "I didn't hear anything nearby ... I suspect he was using the means of hiding and tracking. But you can rest assured that he did It's okay to use it once. Both Bai Cong and I already know how to deal with it. "

"The more careful you are, the longer it will take," Lin Sanjiu replied. "If he spends more than five minutes outside, we can win even if we don't have a backup plan."

"It would be so easy," and Lily said briefly.

If Qiandao rents a second office, Heli and Bai Cong will immediately pass the address of the second room to Lin Sanjiu and add his movement information: For example, Qiandao is staying in the first Defending in the two rooms, still ready to fight back home.

If he does not return, of course, everyone will be happy, Lin Sanjiu can successfully capture his headquarters; if he returns, Lin Sanjiu will rush to his second office at the same time and put the room The defensive employees also offset-in this way, Qiandao's first hundred yuan was basically gone.

When he received the second hundred yuan, he found that he could not hold two offices at the same time, and attacked Lin Sanjiu with attacking employees-because the money was not enough.

"This plan has a fatal weakness," Bai Cong once said before several people set out: "If he knew our existence early before renting a second office, he might not be able to defend it. ... For example, don't rent a second office at all, just drive out customers who have just contributed once, leaving a blank space. "

"Will he plan to do that?" And Lily was worried.

"Impossible," Lin Sanjiu said in a word to dispel her and Bai Cong's concerns. "When you attacked my office, I tried to drive customers and employees to another empty office, pretending to be there My headquarters. But no matter how I tried, they couldn't move one step. I don't think employees and customers can move once they start working, except to move the office. "

... that is to say, Qiandao has little second way to go except renting an additional office and eventually being dragged down by this office.

After reminding himself of this, Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the hanging heart was slightly relaxed.

Three minutes and forty seconds passed, and there was still silence in the office and on the outside corridor, without a sound.

"Is there any news from him?" She asked on [Hongyan Family Book].

"No," and Lily's reply floated immediately, faintly anxious. "I've been looking here for several times. Where did this man go?"

Bai Cong obviously did not make any progress. Qian Daoyi left the office, just like the bubbles disappeared into the sea, no one could find him. Lin Sanjiu rubbed his temples, resisting the urge to leave the ventilation duct.

When the time passed a little bit, by the fourth minute, she heard a slight sound outside the office door below, and then the door was pushed open by Qiandao. He glanced into the room with a probe, but for a moment he didn't notice that the defensive staff had disappeared, but closed the door behind him; the black-haired man walked slowly into the room, stood in the center, and looked around, "Huh?" With a sound-he found it.

"He's back," Lin Sanjiu hurriedly wrote, "Before five minutes, he's back. If you look for it within five minutes, you must find his second office!"

And Lily didn't reply this time, it should be busy searching all the corridors.

Qiandao does not seem to have the habit of talking to himself. He strode across the trellis, and when the defensive staff disappeared, he remained silent for two seconds, clenched his fists, and sat down in a chair. With him, Lin Sanjiu's attack on this office was also a waste of opportunity; she could only attack the second office of the other party, consuming as much money as possible-but had been waiting for a while, and Lily and Bai Satoshi never found Qiandao's second office location.

"Not yet?" She urged on the stationery.

"No!" And Lily's handwriting this time were big and messy, and seemed to be written while walking.

……impossible. Qiandao left less than five minutes, and the office he rented must be within five minutes; his speed is about the same as that of Lily and Bai Cong, so that he could not reach the two in a short time. The place.

What's more, the two scattered and blocked his office in the middle. As long as he went out, he would surely be traced by at least one person ... How could he escape the eyes of the two and rent the second office silently?

Lin Sanjiu just felt a layer of fire on the vest, burning her mouth dry. The plan of gathering the strength and wisdom of the three of them could not even reach a thousand people. If she were Qiandao, how would she hide the second office?

"It's impossible to think," muttered Yi. "I've checked the plan several times. First, Qiandao wants to attack you, then he must rent a second office; if he really Going to rent a second office, the first two people should have been found long ago. He can't hide the office, and there is no secret passage here ... "

"Last few minutes?" Lin Sanjiu asked anxiously, holding back his anxiety.

"It's been six minutes."

The inexplicable panic hit her chest for a while, and even made her feel that it was very difficult to keep motionless in the ventilation ducts. There are no problems with the plan made by them. If there is no problem with the plan, it is ...

"You stop first," she wrote quickly in [Hongyan Family Book], "I'm going to whistle, tell me if you heard me!"

"What?" Surprised Lily across the paper.

Lin Sanjiu stared tightly at the top of Qiandao below, put his fingers between his lips, and blew a sharp long whistle—Qiandao suddenly trembled, and stood up from the chair.

... just stood up, but did not look up in the direction of the whistle.

When Lin Sanjiu's heart sank suddenly into the abyss, the words Heli appeared on the paper again. "Did you blow?"

This time, she understood everything.

No one but herself was in their right place at the moment.

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