Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1490: Hallucinations and words

Lin Sanjiu had a dream.

She is no longer Lin Sanjiu. She is attached to another very young girl and feels she is sitting in a steamy bathroom. The hot water screamed, and in the thick vapor mist that whitened out her vision, she knew who stepped into the bathtub, knew who was sitting behind her back, knew who reached out and slid over, gently in her ear Called "Sister". The girl tilted her head and closed her eyes.

……where is this place?

Lin Sanjiu's thoughts passed by for a moment, and he forgot again. She heard the voice of a man talking outside the door, and stood up hastily, waiting for them to push the bathroom door open in fear, she found that the girl's husband was sitting in front, with pity on his face-perhaps pity himself- —With despair and a little realization, she said with a smirk: "Thisiswhyyoukidsnevergrowold."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't remember asking who these people were.

She lived in everyone's body almost at the same time, but she only forgot her identity "Lin Sanjiu"; this is somewhere in the universe where she doesn't know how deep, but she doesn't know how Get involved.

"Lin Sanjiu," a voice suddenly called far away.

In a moment, all the white mist had receded.

Just now, the bathroom was still full of steam and white steam. When she felt a shock and opened her eyes, she felt that the distance was like a darkness that could devour people. It was just a dim group to meet her. Lin Sanjiu sat up and felt that someone was avoiding him in front of him.

"What?" She was still awake for a moment, not knowing where her husband had gone, or even who her husband was-he still echoed in his mind. "Are you ... who are you?"

In darkness, the man was silent. He seemed to move a little, "snapped", and a lamp lit in midair.

The light broke through the dim dream just now, and her reason gradually returned to the cage. Lin Sanjiu hesitated for a few seconds before realizing that he was sitting on a hard and cold ground, and was buzzing downward. She raised her head, and the boxy dark well was extending upwards until she swallowed the light; after a while, she finally understood: it turned out that there was a running elevator under her.

Yu Yuan half sat under an oil lamp in the air, the light flickered and the light flickered, reflecting the light and shadow of his facial features, as if he had an emotional look. When he opened his mouth, he still had the calm and calm tone: "Did you remember?"

What do you remember?

Lin Sanjiu only felt a headache, and couldn't even figure out why she would sit on an elevator; she pressed her temple and took a sigh of relief, feeling that her memory had leaked a little. "Yes ... I used the ability to ... travel the world?"

Yu Yuan nodded, a pair of eyes in the dark like a deep pool. "Before you came in with the power of Brahma, you asked me to read you, and I agreed."

"Yeah ... I asked for it that way." Lin Sanjiu whispered, trying to get up, but felt that his limbs were weak and weak. "And ... then what happened to me?"

"After I read you, you used the Fanhe ability to pass through the elevator door, and landed on the elevator where Heli is, which is the one you are sitting at this time. I think you originally wanted to walk directly into the elevator , But because of the position error, you fell above the elevator car. "

Yu Yuan answered calmly in detail: "You had expected me to come to you for your own reasons, and would not let you disappear into this building alone with the elevator, so I wrote for myself as you imagined. Followed by Fan He's ability to walk through, he followed in. "

That's right ... she did have the idea at the time. Lin Sanjiu didn't need to say more. As long as Yu Yuan interpreted her, she would understand the situation and came in with her ... "What happened to me just now?" When she asked, she actually understood a bit.

"You can't afford such frequent space shuttles for a short time, so you are mentally disturbed." Yu Yuan replied, "You let me interpret your meaning here. After discovering your mental disorder, I will restore your data. Before the disorder. "

In other words, were the girls in the bathroom just hallucinations of her disorder?

"My data is restored, why do I still remember the illusion in my head when I was abnormal?" Lin Sanjiu bent down and asked as he felt the top of the elevator. Perhaps the buzzing sound of the elevator blocked the sound inside the elevator, it was quiet inside, as if it didn't exist with Lily.

"I restored the abnormal data set, and the new data set did not move, so it will remain as a memory." Yu Yuan replied, but did not help her to open the top of the elevator together, but asked: "I read Your data, but still do not understand why you think I am not an enemy, dare me to interpret you. You know that I am already a data body. "

Lin Sanjiu bowed his head and fumbled for a long time, but still couldn't find a place to open it. She slammed it twice, feeling that the elevator stopped again-I don't know how many floors it is now. With this movement, she calmed down, and then pretended to calmly answer: "You read my data, still don't know the answer, doesn't it mean I don't know the answer? Maybe because I believe you Deep inside is Yu Yuan, so it won't hurt me. "

She is lying.

Although he knew that the people around him were no longer Yu Yuan, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel that he was lying to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan, or decided to show Yu Yuan's data body, quietly looked at her for a few seconds.

"You know very well that the data body is the data body, there is nothing deep inside," he said flatly.

Lin Sanjiu swallowed. She dared to let Yu Yuan interpret herself, of course, for a reason; just in the face of Yu Yuan, she always lied to her friends. "Can you help me open this elevator?" She asked, shifting the subject.

"Yes." Yu Yuan looked down and said, "But after seeing her, I can't help much in a short time. When you see her, I hope you are not too surprised-you know, humans Emotions are a heavy burden. "

"Are you taking care of me?" Lin Sanjiu watched him push one hand to the elevator and asked with a smile. Because of these few words, she had flashed a lot of misery with Lily in her mind, but she was suppressed by her.

"No, it's in my best interest to stay calm." Yu Yuan said without lifting his head, the lights in the elevator car suddenly jumped from his hands-only the top of the elevator was exposed. The person climbed out of the small hollow that crawled into, and the wave-like white lights swirled around the static elevator. She suddenly felt that it was too quiet, without a sound of lilies.

"Hurry up and go in." Yu Yuan stepped back, looking at Lin Sanjiu in the half-light and half-dark, said, "This elevator is the original one before the end, so it is not difficult to rebuild it."

Lin Sanjiu took a breath and glanced down, but he didn't see Lily or Lily inside, but only a small piece of ground in the elevator. She shouted at Fang Dong, "Hey Lily, it's me!" Then she put her feet into the Fang Dong, supported her with her hands, and jumped into the elevator.

Before her feet landed, she felt wrong.

The elevator car should be empty in the mid-air. Even if there is a lily, the place next to the ceiling should be empty; but when she fell, her back, shoulders, and limbs were constantly getting longer. The long thing passed by, and occasionally it was hit a few times, almost crashing down the gap.

Besides, how big is it in a normal elevator car? She "whispers" in the air for several seconds before finally tipping her feet to the ground.

Standing straight, Lin Sanjiu took a breath, slowly raised his head, and looked around slowly.

Yu Yuan also followed her and jumped down into the elevator. Lin Sanjiu didn't even have to give him the place, because when he fell, he fell at least tens of meters away-in this space where he didn't know how many times it had been expanded, Yu Yuan was now Stand under the right glance end of the word "合".

Lin Sanjiu looked backwards while looking at him—to be precise, looking at the words beside Yu Yuan, and even suspected that his hallucinations had not ended.

… Yes, Yu Yuan is surrounded by a huge “he” which is as tall as several people and stands in the elevator.

On closer inspection, it does not seem to be pure Chinese characters. Just like the shape recognized when reading Japanese, she also recognized that it was a "combination"; but its strokes were more complicated and detailed than the "combination", and if she looked deeper, she even felt that she would fall into This layered, endless flower of "He" goes.

Lin Sanjiu stirred his spirits and gave himself a hand, slowly glanced at the word "and lily" in the elevator.

It glows in silver-white metal color, as if it were a stroke tempered with a knife edge, but with the ingenious lightness of Chun Luo and the three characters of lily, standing quietly in the elevator space that has been expanded many times. .

For the first time in her life, she saw such beautiful text, and it was as cold as Xueshan.

Its strokes are real, like a sculpture made of metal by someone temporarily, Lin Sanjiu can even walk through it-of course, she hasn't been reckless yet, really from the word "and" around her Go through.

"This ... this is?" She looked at Yu Yuan, hoping to hear an answer from the other side.

"This is a decoding method I have never seen before." Yu Yuan also looked upright at the strokes and large characters around him, and whispered, "It can actually make a person present in the form of a text structure ... oh, Yes."

He turned to look at Lin Sanjiu. Under the light of the elevator, the ink tattoos on his face and neck seemed to be faintly flowing with blue smoke and water. "These big characters are the one you know and Lily."

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