Doomsday Wonderland

Vol 9 Chapter 1491: The biggest risk is inaction

[This chapter is fast, only 2500 ... Although I think I'm fine, I started to isolate myself when I got home. Just one thing, you have to make your own meals, which is annoying. 】

The current "Feng Qiqi" is not me.

After coming out of the School of Consciousness and Mechanics, Lin Sanjiu, whose spirit had already been overdrawn, fell into a drowsiness almost immediately. I didn't know how long she had slept. When she woke up, it was time to get up again; only when she opened her eyes, the idea came out of her heart without any hesitation.

"Little wine, are you up?"

She opened the curtain and took a step, just when she met Fang Dan coming out next door. Lin Sanjiu's eyes quickly glanced around her, and as soon as she tried to use the subconscious data, she immediately understood the meaning of the "meaning teacher".

Nearly horrible observation combined with excellent five senses, her eyes, ears, skin ... every moment, she receives a lot of information from the outside world, just like opening up a past she never knew door--

"So don't like people, just say it." When a few paragraphs of unconsciously collected data flowed from Lin Sanjiu's mind, this sentence came out somehow.

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Fang Dan suddenly turned red.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at her: "Even if you go with me, your suitor may still be entangled."

"Oh, oh? For ... why, you know?" Fang Dan froze immediately and asked stuttering.

The answer is actually very simple.

When Lin Sanjiu wasn't awake, there was no movement next door; just as soon as she dropped to the ground, the bed next door suddenly creaked, and Fang Dan's footsteps rushed to the door, indicating that she was waiting for Lin Three wines come out.

At this time, Lin Sanjiu seemed to be a commanding center, a thought went down, and even the information that was remembered by the body during sleep just came up-not to mention the moment the curtain opened, Lin Sanjiu saw the ground Throwing a pink card, judging from the faint writing on the card, it was from a persevering suitor; and she had to go with her, probably indicating that the suitor was waiting for Fang nearby Dan.

Just after a few scenes and enlarged details flashed from his mind, Lin Sanjiu had to stop and slow down the spirit— [Mechanics of Consciousness] has just taken shape, the so-called "consciousness" Poor enough, a little bit of work, there seems to be a danger of "fuel exhaustion".

Fang Dan was almost stupid: "... how do you know I don't like him?"

"I got up late, almost all the people in the building finished eating, and you are still hungry and waiting for me to go with me ... obviously?"

Fang Dan's pants pocket slightly swelled a rectangle, which is her own chopstick box. Chopsticks were still on her body, apparently not eating yet-looking at her stunned, Lin Sanjiu added: "Yes, tonight is your least favorite boiled mushroom in water."

"Ah! Didn't you just get up, how did you know!"

Because ... Oasis' chef skills are not good. The earthy smell of mushrooms boiled in the water can be smelled by people who have eaten. But Lin Sanjiu didn't say anything, because she just called up such a little information again, and she was dizzy in front of her—obviously it was consumed very much.

Just like when a person puts on clothes, the brain will forget the feeling of the skin contacting the clothing. What she has just heard and heard is filtered by the brain long before changing—otherwise, the amount of information can be easily reduced in a few days Explode any supercomputer.

But now, she feels that all the information and materials are under a strong co-ordination, and she can easily run deep in her head. If her consciousness is stronger, she can certainly call and call more.

... if it is not limited by the "fuel" of consciousness, this is really an amazing ability.

Feng Qiqi's two people seemed to go to eat first; when walking towards the door, Lin Sanjiu glanced at Fang Dan who was next to him, and smiled: "Hey, I can help you solve that man You can do me a favor, right? "

Fang Dan was so grateful, and didn't know why he hated the poor suitor so much: "You said, I'm going to do whatever I want to do!"

"While eating, you go to Mather and say you have a headache, and let her take you to the infirmary to prescribe medicine. Simple?" Lin Sanjiu said, narrowing his eyes. "If you ask me, say that I went to Shuijing to fight."

Fang Dan didn't notice anything, and although he was a little confused, he nodded: "No problem!"

Talking, the two have gone out. Sitting on the steps, a man with a split hair met Fang Dan, and immediately ran over with his eyes open—before he walked in front, he was stopped by Lin Sanjiu.

The cold eyes, and the white bandage around her neck, mixed into a breathtaking look, and the man swallowed the words that he had only half-uttered.

"Give me away from her today."

Any animal has a natural instinct for a powerful opponent-Lin Sanjiu is very satisfied, and the mid-range head obviously did not throw away this intuition; he paused, although his complexion was so embarrassing that the blue veins appeared, but Still stopped and didn't keep up.

Fang Dan was taken aback. He didn't delay time when he was surprised, and went quickly to the cafeteria; Lin Sanjiu didn't keep up, but found a quiet place and waited quietly.

Twenty minutes later, Mather came out of the cafeteria with a pained look in her face.

She didn't move, and continued to watch the canteen door patiently.

Before waiting for a while, I saw Feng Qiqi going out while picking his teeth.

If you think about it, this may be the first time Feng Qiqi has placed an order in a few days-he looks very leisurely, wandering around, yawning, dragging his feet, and walking towards the building where he lives. Somehow in the last few days, there have been no team missions anymore, and several of them have almost become idle idlers.

Lin Sanjiu was agile like a black cat in the dark night, and started silently.

The space between the buildings in this factory area is very narrow. Feng Qiqi hummed without any notice. When he just walked through a building, he was suddenly struck by his back, his feet were unstable, and he suddenly fell into two buildings. In the trail between the buildings.

Before he could yell, a cold hand gripped his throat and pressed him against the wall.

"Cough, cough, who is ... who ..." The trail was dark, and he hadn't seen the attacker clearly.

Lin Sanjiu provoked an unsmiling smile, and Bai Sensen's teeth became the only conspicuous thing in the night. She said softly, "Take a picture of your mobile phone if you can't see clearly-Tian Minbo."

The man under his finger remained still for a second, then thumped his legs and said, "Little, little wine? What did you say ... me, I ..."

"Shut up. Do you think you have been changed like this by Feng Qiqi, and I can't help you?" Lin Sanjiu approached, and the words rang like a stream of air between her teeth: "... Why, Just hit you with a stab and see if your body will return to its original shape. "

The man no longer spoke, but struggled desperately—the voles were also natural evolvers with enhanced physical fitness. Lin Sanjiu would not let him resist like this. The silver light of metal flashed, and the chef's knife in her hand had been placed around his neck. He didn't move at once-in the hot air, a slight coolness of the blade penetrated into the skin sharply.

"I'm not intimidating you." Her tone was very calm. "You can't call 110. I have no reason to keep you alive."

Sensen's murderous demeanour finally made him collapse, "Feng Qiqi" suddenly softened, crying with a crying face: "Wait, wait ... it's not my idea to lie to you like this ... "

Even if he begged for mercy, the vole still kept Lu Ze's appearance, and it seemed that he couldn't take the initiative to lift the deformation. Lin Sanjiu was already tired of him, and smiled softly: "It's okay not to kill. Your legs are broken, and I'll give you to Kurosawa."

The vole's face became as dead as white when he was stunned-he had no idea that Lin Sanjiu had already recognized Heize. It would be better to die in the hands of Kurosawa-he was shaking like a sieve, "You can't do this!"

"Oh why?"

He managed to pull out a piece of paper from his pocket and lifted his hands and feet softly. "Because I'm a visa officer!"

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